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Rune -13 years old

Rune Haskel

'And here comes the history textbook,' I whispered to myself as I stuffed my bag with school supplies, grabbed my English literature, and walked downstairs. I'm dressed and ready for breakfast at 6:30 a.m., but school doesn't start until 8 a.m., and I have to leave at 7:30. I smiled to myself knowing I have the next hour to read before class.

I love getting up early and usually do so around 5:30 a.m. This provides me more time to read and prepare for the next topic before class.

'Rune, are you awake, honey?' As I walked down the stairs, I heard my mother scream from what sounded to be the kitchen.

'Yes, mom, and good morning,' I said as I entered the kitchen and went to sit at the breakfast table.

'Good morning,' She spun around to face me. 'I see you're fully prepared to go, as usual.' While preparing eggs and avocado toast, my mother responds. I gave her a kind smile.

My mom is aware that I always get ready by this time. She gets up at this hour and prepares me breakfast for which I've told her numerous times that I can make my own breakfast so she doesn't have to get up this early to do it because my Dad doesn't get up until 8:00am as well as she sleeps after making breakfast for me, but she always refuses, stating that it will take away my reading time, and she knows how much I enjoy reading before class to stay ahead.

I sat at the breakfast table reading Macbeth, the literature work that my literature class is studying. We'll start it today, however the nerd in me would like to know more about it beforehand. I read as my mother prepared the toast and orange juice.

Today will be like every other day in my life: wake up, read, go to school, meet Alana and William, attend lectures, go to dance practice, return back home, do my homework, and sleep.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life and how I make the most of each day, but sometimes it feels like I'm on autopilot, with nothing new to look forward to. Even Alana has been spending more time with her new boyfriend, Jake, then William and me.

We are thrilled for Alana. I mean, she's been my best friend for as long as I can remember, even before William, and I adore her, but I'd appreciate it if she spent a bit more time with me.

By the time I finished reading it was already 7: 30 so I decided to leave for the day.

I stood up and walked out of my house. , the walk to my school is a 15-minute walk from my residence, and I was always one of the first students to arrive 15 minutes early along with With that one kid with high cheekbones, Louis, who comes to school early to practise his singing

Louis & Alana are neighbours, plus their mothers are close friends, therefore Louis is naturally Alana's friend. But, from what I've heard, Louis isn't much of a talker around his parents, which is in stark contrast to his natural nature. He is always one of the quirky guys who joke around at school; he emits charisma and always brightens up the atmosphere simply by being present. He has friends from all across the school, but his best friend is Zayn, with whom he spends all of his time at school. They're a trouble-making duo, and only God can save us from their pranks.

Last year, they threw an entire bottle of glue at the new kid's hair, Liam. The poor boy had to have his long curls cut off, and the fools were given a week of detention. As expected, the detention had little impact on them.

Apart from their pranks , they are also extremely good singers, and I mean really good.' They performed as a duo for the new session assembly at the start of the year, and oh my goodness! The entire school was in awe , including teachers and parents. Except for Louis's father, who seemed ashamed? I think I am reading too much into it.

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