Volume 3 Chapter 24: Instamatic

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The return from the mission being somewhat of a failure, Ironwood sighed when the bullhead landed; getting off, as he lathered in defeat.

Ironwood:" You kids did great; we were just too late."

Ruby:" Mr. Ironwood, I have a question"

Ironwood:" Yes?"

Ruby:" What's so wrong with Yn getting Roman?"

Ironwood:" You see Mrs. Rose, we don't know what he would do with Roman; he could kill him, torture him for every piece of information he holds. Due to a plateau of other reasons as well"

Ruby:" Oh"

Jaune:" He wouldn't kill him, though, he's a nice guy and declared to never kill every time he." "

Ironwood:" When did he declare this?"

Jaune:" He whispers it a lot to himself and even mumbles it. I doubt he notices it, though, he is always too interested in one thing."

Nora:" It was kind of creepy, but then we got to know him"

Ren:" His aura color was blue as well"

Ironwood:" It has been proven the aura coloring doesn't factor into someone's actions-"

Ren:" But it does with their intentions"

Yang:" What is Ren talking about?"

Ren:" The manifestation of the aura is an interesting topic which I studied, following my semblance was factored into aura heavily. Allowing me to study it further, and Yn has low amounts of Aura, but the purity of the blue is insanely high."

Ironwood:" So you're telling me Ln has gone insane and has broken through?"

Ren:" Exactly"

Nora;" Wait if Robot Man is insane then-"

Weiss:" He's going to do anything to achieve his purpose and even-"

Pyrrha:" Kill"

Ironwood pulled his right arm to his face mumbling some words they weren't able to hear.

Ironwood:" Ozpin we need to try to find Yn, he has gone AWOL"

The trail of a coat whipped around the room; the window was open, allowing the wind to go inside; it soon flashed quickly before it calmed down. Turning to see that the stacks of paper on Yn's desk are... now gone

???:" I'm sorry, my friend, but you had to suffer for this long. Hold on to your morale a bit longer, soon, it will all pay off."

The man disappeared instantaneously, leaving a piece of paper behind; it was blank, showing some writing.


Sitting on a chair, Noah smirked, looking at Neo on a chair.

Noah:" So he's told you everything, correct?"

She nodded, she tried to use her semblance only for Noah to sit in the same spot unfazed.

Noah:" I already know what your semblance is, and your friend Yn is losing his sanity in a forest. Realizing his whole point was gone, every piece of leverage he had had been destroyed. How does it make you feel?"

Neo seemed unaffected, she used her semblance of writing to mark in the air.

Neo:' Liar, the man is a strong individual'

Noah:" Oh really?"

Noah pushed his scroll forward towards Neo, who looked at the scroll, then back to Noah. Grabbing it and pressing play on a video.

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