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"Lost You"

The survivors have retreated behind the Hilltop's walls, while the fire continues to spread, now engulfing most of the Barrington House

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The survivors have retreated behind the Hilltop's walls, while the fire continues to spread, now engulfing most of the Barrington House. On the walls, Carol shoots several arrows at the herd, to little effect. With the gates down, the herd begins to pour into the Hilltop, while the survivors desperately try to hold them off.

"Ah!" Jane grunts as she swings the axe part of her weapon into a flaming walkers head. Earl and Alden use catapults to rain stones on the herd, as the Whisperers also begin to attack the defenders, camouflaged among the rampaging walkers. Jane swings her weapon at what she thinks is a walker but realizes it's a whisperer when they duck at her swing and slice the side of her arm.

Jane extends her leg, kicking the whisperer in the side before quickly swinging her axe and cutting off the whisperers hand with the knife in it. "Ahhhh!" The whisperer screams as they drop to their knees, looking down at their bloody hand that has been cut off. "Ugh!" Jane grunts swinging her axe once again but this time into the whisperers head showing no signs of mercy.

Jane looks over at Roslyn who has Glenn's hat on and is shooting walkers that come close to her and Jane notices a walker coming up behind her so she rushes to her daughter and kicks the walker to the ground before using the knuckle knife that belonged to Magna and pierced it through the walkers head killing it instantly.

"Jane!" Ezekiel shouts as he runs with a bunch of kids, trying to get them to safety. "Should I take Roslyn?" Ezekiel asks and Jane looks around at her arm that is now being destroyed and knows that there are whisperers disguised as walkers and could hurt Roslyn if they wanted to. "Yes and Roslyn don't argue. It's not safe anymore" Jane orders and Roslyn nods her head as she begins to run along with Ezekiel and the other kids.

"Jane! Jane!" Ashton shouts as he rushes over, sweat beaming down his face. "Are you okay? How's Roslyn?" Ashton asks breathlessly. "She's getting to safety and I'm... okay" Jane says as her and Ashton turn back to back and begin killing walkers that start to surround them.

"Come on you ugly son of a bitch!" Ashton shouts as he kicks one of the walkers onto the ground and stabs its head in while he uses his two knives to stab another walker in the head.

As Jane finished off her last walker she looked back at the Barrington house knowing that she had memorable items still in that house. "I have to go back in" Jane says as she starts walking towards the flaming building. "Jane, what the hell. No" Ashton states pulling Jane away from the house.

"N-No.. I have things in there" Jane calls out, pushing Ashton away but he keeps coming back. "No! I'm not letting you die" Ashton states and Janes breathing picks up as she hears the loud explosions of her home that her and Maggie have worked hard to build. The place that Glenn never got to enjoy was now being destroyed. The place she called home was no longer home...

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