Ch. 1

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"THE HABIT wasn't always a murderous zombie, in fact, he used to be human. THE HABIT was born in [x] on July 21, [x]. It was born to Allison Kane, a good christian housewife, and Judas Kane, the local priest. Its name was Nathan Kane, (if any of you idiots call me that i'll rip you to shreds). On the outside, nobody knew that Nathan existed. He was often left in his family home, locked inside his cramped bedroom. His room was a small storage closet in the basement. His father never let him out of the basement. to Judas, Nathan was the antichrist. in it's parent's eyes, Nathan's naturally black hair and pale skin was a sign of devil worship. How else would the blonde Kane family give birth to a child who looked oh so different. In an attempt to save the family's reputation, Judas locked his child in the basement.

This worked, to the people of the church, the Kanes were a wonderful and traditional christian family. Allison was a model housewife. She taught her two daughters Emma, and Sarah perfect manners, and how to be good wives, while also keeping her large suburban home spotless. Judas was a priest, often spending days at a time either volunteering or at church. At the church, he would often spend hours praying, or listening to confessions. even outside of the church, he would spend hours praying to anyone who would listen. To his peers, he was an amazing priest, always spreading the word of god. to the others however, they saw him as a religious nut who looked at young children just a bit too long. together, the Kanes were a perfect family... except for little Nathan who only got to see sunlight through the small windows in his basement cage. while his family went about their business, Nathan would spend days locked away.

It only began to leave its room when his father decided to take him to his volunteer program. Judas volunteered at a "rehab" center. this center focused on making sure that recently released criminals were able to act like normal people, this made sure that they could hold a job, and even maintain relationships. Nathan used to enjoy going to these meetings. it would talk to the criminals, learning why they got arrested, and hearing stories about the crimes that the criminals had been committed. It was here that the young child met Ezikaiah Yamada. Ezikaiah (or just 'Kai' as he became known) was a criminal who took to Nathan, becoming a father figure to the young child. Kai told it stories about the "work" he used to do. Ezikaiah Yamada was a hitman. young Nathan would sit for hours, entranced by the tales of danger and riches. it was then that the police believe that Nathan Kane began to idolize the act of murder.

On June 9th [x] 8 year old Nathan was introduced to Gordon Palmer, a child predator who was trying to rejoin society. Palmer was left alone with Nathan for a few hours. This was supposed to teach Palmer how to interact with children, but in reality, it only introduced Nathan to a whole new level of abuse. The "rehabilitation" seemed to be going well, so Judas introduced Palmer into his home, telling Allison that he was a family friend. Most of Palmer's time was spend with Nathan. The small room that he had been locked in now became much more of a prison. it would spend hours at a time chained up, unable to escape his tormentor. Nathan began to escape, first through the windows, then sneaking through his house. each time however, he was caught. instead of being able to freely roam his room, Nathan was chained to the radiator in his bathroom. The chain was short, and prevented him from reaching his bed. He spend most nights curled up in the bathtub. He became more withdrawn around everyone, only telling Kai about the abuse he was enduring. This abuse continued until Nathan was 17.

On April 4th, [x] at 1:45 PM, Nathan Kane broke through his chains, and attacked his family. Judas was out of the house at the time, but Palmer wasn't. Palmer had begun to live with the Kane family. Before attacking his abuser, Nathan first took his mother and sisters, and locked them in the basement. They were the survivors of this bloodbath. Nathan then attacked Palmer, using any weapon that he could find to rip Palmer apart. Palmer sustained many wounds, but none were fatal. Gordon Palmer was alive while Nathan Kane tortured him. only dying when Nathan crushed his skull. Judas returned from the store, finding his child hunched over the body of his friend, seemingly eating the flesh of Palmer. Judas snuck behind the two, grabbing a small handgun out of a locked drawer in the kitchen. He crept around, before coming face to face with his child. Nathan ran towards him, but Judas brought the gun up and shot it. Nathan was seemingly dead, the bullet piercing his right eye and blowing his brains out and onto the wall behind him. Nathan Kane died at 2:24 PM. Believing his family to be dead, Judas then turned the gun on himself. Allison, Sarah, and Emma were a mere few feet away, listening to the carnage." the grey fingers slowed to a stop, eyes scanning over the paper, reading and re-reading the typed words.

"Damnit, i have to type the whole page again." his voice growled. The paper was balled up and tossed into a paper filled basket. The soft clicks of the typewriter filled the room again as he began to re-write the sentences.

"It was here that the young child met Ezikaiah Yamada. Ezikaiah (or just 'Kai' as he became known) was a necromancer who adshjfkjshdgsjfk FUCK THIS I DONT CARE" he slammed his fist down on the typewriter, ripping the paper out and balling it up. The man took a breath, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes. A loud sigh escaped his lips. He stood up slowly, looking around its messy room. He walked around for a moment, stretching his legs. He made his way downstairs, pausing to pet the cat.

"Why does Monica want me to write all this? Its stupid. Everyone already knows what ive done." The creature huffed. "Im almost halfway done at least, maybe when i finish it she'll leave me alone and let me work."

He sat down on the floor in front of the couch, picking up the remote and turning on the TV. He payed no attention to the program, instead choosing to lean his head back and close his eyes. The TV provided just enough background noise so that the zombie could think. A crash came from the kitchen and he shot up. It grabbed the box cutter from its pocket as he walked towards the source of the noise. In the kitchen, he saw a few pots and pans on the floor, he put the weapon on the counter and dropped to his knees, picking up the mess.

"Sorry love! I didn't mean to knock anything over!" a soft female voice floated into the kitchen from the dining room.

"You're fine Monica... I needed to wash them anyways." he deposited the pans into the sink before turning around and facing the intruder. Standing before him was a tall woman with bright red skin, and golden horns. She stood quietly, wringing her hands as she looked at him, her eyes covered by her long black hair.

"Are you sure? I still should have been more careful..." she turned her head away.

"Im sure Moni," he gently tilted her face down so that she was facing him again, "you're like 12 feet tall, you can't help it" he chuckled quietly. Monica blushed and leaned into his touch, smiling softly.

"How's your writing going?"

"Not bad..."


"I broke the typewriter."

"Nathan Kane, you're going to be the death of me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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