did it work?

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Hope was sitting in the kitchen feeding on some guy when she passed out


"Hey aunt Freya" said Hope as Freya walked in "I have some upsetting news hope, i know your humanity's off but you need to hear" said Freya as she sat hope down "I went to the hospital today because you got a call but didn't answer so they called me...Josie passed," said Freya

Hope sat there and felt a tear run down her cheek "No- no she can't be dead- she called me this morning " said hope stuttering breaking down in tears "I'm sorry honey " is all Freya could say she had no words. she juts hugged hope wiping her tears

"But she can't be dead she can't Freya! she can't! tell me she's not!" said hope barely able to talk, the room started shaking and glass starting breaking "Hope calm down!" said Freya "I CAN'T!" said hope and a blue wave of magic shot out "SHES NOT DEAD!!" said hope she walked out of the room and let out a scream all the magic coming out, Freya walked out and hugged hope tightly


"HOPE!" said lizzie waking hope up she got up quickly "WHERE THE FUCK IS JOSIE!?" said hope harshly looking around the halls "She's in her room?" said lizzie and hope vamped to josies room "Did it work?" said josie grinning "You think that would!? it just made me want to keep it off more. if that worked everyone would be dead" said hope throwing something with magic

"Calm down, I'm going into town" said josie walking off shutting the door leaving a very pissed off hope


My darkest self - Hosie (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now