I'm also sorry

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Josie started walking into town when a guy approached her "Isn't it a..bit early to be wearing costumes" he says walking closer to Josie "Halloween is in one week, so actually no. Also this isn't a costume..now get out of my site" josie said about to walk off but the guy grabs her hand "But i didnt ask,, do you wanna go on a-"

"She doesn't, now get you're musty hands off her before i make you desert" Hope said flashing her teeth, the guy ran off. "What do you want?" Josie said sitting down on a bench before saying "Look im sorry i did that stunt. Happy?"

"Yes" the other girl said sitting down next to her "im also sorry" Hope apologize bringing josie head into her lap "wanna go back to the school?" Josie asked standing up "Yeah" Hope replied and they walked off

A/N sorry its short ill try to get more done tomorrow and also the writting style changes

My darkest self - Hosie (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now