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Josie and hope walked back to the school. Once they arrived they were greeted with the very angry Lizzie "HOPE ANDREA MIKEALSON AND JOSETTE OLIVIA SALTZMAN" Lizzie yelled very loudly grabbing both if their shirts pulling them into hope's room

"What's wrong Lizzie!? And why the fuck are you yelling? Its hurting my ears like hell" Hope asked lizzie with the same tone sitting down on her bed "Uhm- what the hell do mean 'What lizzie' Ur humanity is off, Josie has extremely dangerous dark magic in her! What isn't wrong!?" She snapped back hitting hope with a pillow aggressively, making her yell

"Get the fuck out, before i throw you out my self Elizabeth!" Hope yelled, lizzie scoffed and said "I'm coming back with dad and you better not be fucking when i come back!!!!" Lizzie yelled slamming the door

"I get a headache from her" Josie said arching her head back groaning. Hope raised an eyebrow "Oh my god your like hormonal teen wolf who can't stop cursing" Lizzie said with red oak arrows

Hope's eyes widened and she shot an arrow in hope's arm "BITCH!' Hope screamed trying to use a spell on lizzie but failed "Now for you..Ad sommun!" Lizzie said making Josie drop on the ground

A/N short but its just a filler cause i dont have the motivation to write a full chapter rn

My darkest self - Hosie (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now