𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: "𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐳?"

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Location: Southern, California.

Leeka Monroe.

That Same day

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That Same day..
"Why are you calling me while out i'm with vinah?!" Leeka asked as she sat down on the toilet lid in the hair store bathroom "Cause i can, fuck you mean why?" The deep manly voice said on the other line of the phone as leeka sighed.

"Now what if she would've answered my phone? If you would've said something she would've instantly known who you were" Leeka said as she stood in the corner of the bathroom pacing back and fourth "And that's my problem why? Get yo shit together and stop being dumb" The man replied.

"Yeah ok..but anyways can you uber me to your house? i don't feel like being out with anybody right now except you" Leeka said as heard someone else walk inside of the bathroom that she was in, while she stayed in her stall.

"Buy one yourself, if you're trying to come to my crib you should be able to uber yourself over here" The man huffed "Fine whatever, I'll text you once i'm there" Leeka said as she hung up the phone as she walked back out into the store, seeing vinah paying for her items that she bought.

"Girl what took you so long? Did you have to shit or something?" Vinah whispered as she thanked the cashier, as he started walking out of the hair store "Girl, no i just had to take this phone call that's all" Leeka replied while she awkwardly laughed as she got back inside of the car.

"But anywho i'm about to call me an uber so that i can go somewhere" Leeka said as she looked up uber's near her online "Oh you must be going to Mr.Baby daddy house?" Vinah asked as she rolled her eyes back.

"Maybe, Something like that" Leeka said as she laughed "Well why can't i just drop you off when we're literally in the car together?" Vinah asked as she showed her a curious look "It's fine ill just get a Uber Vi, it's cause he got in trouble with the law and stuff so he's very hesitant and strict " Leeka lied.

Friends shouldn't lie to each other..right?

"Alright, whatever you say girl" Vinah said as Leeka got out of the car while the girls waved goodbye as Vinah drove home to her two story apartment as she turned up the radio and played r&b as she listened to her favorite radio station.


"So are you going tell me or keep stalling?" Nemo asked as she sat their while looking at Paco then glancing over at Kanen as both of the boys had a stale facial expression "Grandma rose passed, she's gone" Paco said as he rubbed his forehead while he sat his head.

"Are you fucking serious right now?! how did this happen? who did it?" Nemo said as her adrenaline started rushing as warm tears rolled down her face while kanen comforted her by rubbing her back softly.

"Listen all i know is that the doctors said she died by three shots to the leg and one through the brain nemo, shit is crucial" Paco replied as nemo walked over to the counter while she laid her head in her arms as she sobbed back to back.

"The funeral is in two weeks, we're going to figure out who did this and when we do? It's over with for em, you already know how we handling business" Paco said carelessly as he sat back down on the middle of the sofa.

For a couple of minutes the room had went quiet as everyone mourned in silence as paco all of a sudden got a message from a unknown number "Heads or Talez?" The text message read as paco's face scrunched up in confused and anger, paco didn't like for people to play on his phone..especially not in this predicament.

"What's wrong pac? who is that?" Kanen asked curiously as Kanen and Nemo both looked up at Paco then looked down at the phone as paco showed them the confusing text that had no context within it.

"The fuck does that even mean? Who the hell is that?!" Nemo asked as the room was quiet, Paco studied the number in silence and still couldn't figure out who it was "You think that's one of von's folks?" Kanen asked as he rubbed his chin while he thought.

"Ain't no telling, ya know we got enemies all 'round this city kanen" Paco said as he stood up while he tucked his phone in his pocket as he got up and started to look in the high cabinets, for some odd reason.

"What are we going to do about this?" Nemo asked as her phone all of a sudden rung from a notification "Who is we? This shit ain't got nothing to do with you nemo, so stay out of it cause i don't need you getting hurt" Paco added as he sat down and started to spark a wood.

As Nemo looked down she saw that she got a text from a random number as it showed "1 attachment: say cheese :)" The message read as nemo's heart raced "Kanen, Paco, look now!" Nemo yelled as she motioned them quickly to come over to the phone as she showed them the message thread.

"What the fuck" Kanen yelled as he quickly grabbed the phone from Nemo's hands as he got ready to open the message "Wait don't do it yet" Nemo said as her heart beated fast "We ain't got all the time in the world, Kan open the message now" Paco said as Kanen clicked the message as it opened.

As soon as they seen the message all three of their mouths dropped wide open. All of them were in disbelief except for paco, the two of them were in so much shock that they couldn't even speak for a couple of minute's..It felt like the world stopped and so did there bodies right along with it.

What they saw was Paco and Nemo's grandma laying on the cold, hard wooded floor in cold blooded death "Nemo go home, Lay low, Don't leave the house" Paco said sternly as kanen agreed with him.

Payback's a Bitch..isn't it?

"But-" Nemo said as paco interrupted her "Go home and do what i say, If niggas wanna play this game then let's play, i love a killing spree" Paco said as he grabbed his gun, as he left the house "Go home and stay quiet, we're going to handle this shit" Kanen said as he opened the door for her.


"Keep going" Quinton said as he rolled his eyes and head back as he kept pushing the girl's head down "Aight get up" Quinton said as he seen nemo was calling him "Don't answer" The girl replied as she tried to get him to sit back down "Man get back, this my real girl" Quinton said in a annoyed.

"Wassup ma" Quinton said as he answered the phone call "Quinton i'm scared, and i need to talk to you about something serious that is about to go down" Nemo said as she just made her way back inside of the house, as she locked her doors.

"I'm kind of busy right now, Can it wait?" Quinton asked as he stared down at the girl gulping down on his dick "No Quinton it can't fucking wait-you know what you're never there for me when i need you so it doesn't even matter, bye" Nemo said as she hung up the phone.

"Man anyways" Quinton said as he sat his phone back down "Did i do good?" The girl asked "You did aight, did way better last time" Quinton said as he looked down at her, watching his nut drool from her bottom lip "You should just break up with her and stay with me" The girl said as she shrugged her shoulders:

"You sure are some kind of friend to be saying that" Quinton said as he laughed while shaking his head "And you sure are some kind of boyfriend to be letting your girlfriend's friend, suck your dick" The girl replied as she rolled her eyes and laughe.

"Whatever matter of fact- Leeka get outta my crib" Quinton said as he walked towards the door, pushing her outside then locking it "Let me back in quinton!what the fuck!" Leeka yelled as she banged on the door "Get off of my property and don't text my phone either, lame ass hoe" Quinton yelled as he walked away from the door.

Being unloyal gets you hurt, but being loyal? gets you scarred with a golden scratch.

To be continued..excuse spelling mistakes.

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