Chapter 15

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I woke up to a weigh on my legs.   I remembered that Monty basically "kidnapped" me and "stashed" me away in his "Gator lair",  come to think of it I kinda like that analogy.    I took a good long glance at my lap and saw the Alligator himself, passed out with a smile.   I ran my fingers through his Mohawk, I surprised that his hair didn't get caught in the metallic joints.

I checked the clock and found that it was 7am, we probably have enough time to get a quick charge in if he wakes up soon enough. If he doesn't?   I,ll just have to wake him up. 

I gave him a few more minutes of rest, I guess night mode took a toll on him.   But, I gave to wake him up now so we can charge in time to be able to last the whole day.  

What I didn't know was that he secretly stayed up while I was asleep,  keeping me to himself.

"Monty." I carefully shook him, "Monty, it's time to get up.  We don't have much time to charge." 

He groaned as his eyes opened to stare at me right in my pastel red irises.   "What time is it?"   His head hadn't left my thighs yet,   "It's 7:15."   He grunted as he stood from his kneeling/sitting position,  "I remember everything from last night,  I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.  I don't think I'm supposed to be flirtatious  when I am in night mode."   I giggled at his bashful attitude,  "It's fine, I found it cute.  So, peaches and roses, huh?"   I heard his overheating fans kick in and giggled again.
"I guess it makes sense that I smell like Peaches and roses.  My mom always made peach desserts and had rose bushes.  Enough about that, we need to charge."    "Right."   He blinked the tiredness from his eyes and opened his room door for me,  "Thank you Monty, I'll see you later."    He nodded and yawn,   "See you later my little star."  He said as he winked after lowering his star shaped shades.    If my cheek were made of flesh I'd be blushing at the simple action.

I made sure to check on Mardelle before I went into my charging station, she was still asleep.  I hope she doesn't wake up before I am done charging.

Mardelle was just waking up as I left my charging station.

"Good morning Mardelle."
"Good morning Y/n."

I folded the blanket and put it in the draw I originally found it in. 

"Alright little one,  I have someone I want you to meet.  Let's find the women's locker room first so that we can freshen you up, ok?"

She sleepily nodded as she rubbed her eyes. I picked her up and set her on my hip as I walked through the building to the women's locker room.

When we got there I was able to find Shampoo, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a comb and clean towels. 

"Mardelle, have you been taught how to take a shower?"   The girl smiled and nodded,  "Yes,  I can shower myself."  She's such a big girl already!  "Well then, go ahead and take a shower, ok? I'll wait just over there." I said as I handed her the essentials.  

She sang as she showered, for such a young girl she has a beautiful voice.

"Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said: no more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 
She sang the doctor part with a puckered voice that was absolutely adorable.

When she came out she was clean and still dripping wet, with the towel around her body. 

"Silly goose, you're not dry yet."  She laughed as I dried her hair with another towel.  When she was all dry,  I helped her put her clothes, socks, and shoes back on.  Her clothes weren't that dirty anyways, I combed her hair before we left to find Jodi.


"I've been what?!"
"You've requested to host a birthday party in your Arts and Crafts room today."  Jodi told me.   He already absolutely loved the little angel in my arms and thought he would get to know her better,  after all she already like the man in a friendly sense.
"I hope it's no problem, the room is fully furnished and has working heating and AC. I even made sure the supplies was fully stocked, so everything should be ready for you."  He said as I finally let him hold Mardelle.   "I guess, I just hope I don't blank out."    He chuckled,  "Don't worry,  you'll be  fine, I just know it!

I nodded.

" You will so an amazing job Y/n!" Mardelle encouraged me,  she's such a sweet girl.  "Thank you little one, I'll do my best."


I sat there, laying in front of Music Man, who was playing soft music for me, exhausted from the birthday part.   The kids were older, not quite teens, but still chaotic.   I have no idea how I managed to keep them in line, it was amazing though.

"You look absolutely drained."   I opened my eyes and saw all the animatronics, even Sundrop.   "Yeah."  I responded to Freddy.
"We heard you had your first birthday party request."   Sundrop clapped as he jumped with joy.   "Yeah,  it was beautiful, exhausting chaos."  I smiled and closed my eyes again, enjoying the soft music.

I listened as everyone started lay down on the floor with me.  I sigh in content with how the day went.

Sundrop giggled,  "This is nice, I should really get out of the daycare at night more often."    We all quietly laughed at what Sundrop said.

"These moments,  I treasure them with everything I have.  I didn't have many friends when I was human.  It was just my mom and I,  my dad was always on business trips.   I can't imagine what his thoughts on my disappearance were."  

I felt both my hands being held.  Monty on my right and Chica on my left. 

We all lay there, holding hands.

Just us.

All of us, broken children.

We have each other.

And that's all we need right now.

(I have it so that Sundrop is a passed child too, just for the story)

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