Who do You Think You Are?

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I checked the time as I finished up the stuffed bear I had been working on. I was supposed to meet up with Kaitlynn soon. She'd been nice so far. Not bratty, not just trying to use me, overall a good choice for a friend I'd say. 

"Well Licorice, I think it's time to go. Wouldn't want to keep our friend waiting, would we?" I grabbed the now finished toy, placing my hand on the table to allow Licorice to climb onto my shoulder. I smiled, patting their head. "Alright let's get going."


"Jason you're here!" Kaitlynn cheered, running over to me from where she sat. 

I knelt down to her level. 

"Hey there Kate, I take it you've been well?" 

She nodded, gleefully taking Licorice off my shoulder. 

"Mhm! How have you and Licorice been?" she asked, petting the mouse toy's head. Unlike Glutton and Red Mouse, Licorice was better at getting along with kids. Now I can't say I blame them, most kids are annoying little shits, but I trusted I'd finally found one that was different. "Oh! I forgot to tell you! I made a new friend!" She smiled, placing Licorice down on the little table she'd set up. She walked over to her bed where a little wooden jack-in-a-box was. She picked it up, setting it on the ground. "Here he is!" 

She turned the crank on the box. Alright- No reason for worry. Just a new toy friend of hers. I sat down on one of the small chairs she had set up, quietly humming along to the tune the box was playing. 

"Well hello there Kaitlynn! Is it tea time already?" a raspy, British voice called. 

I froze, looking back over to where Kaitlynn had been with the music box. Standing in front of her was an 8 foot tall black and white clown. His skin was a ghostly white, black claws as his hands, and a toothy grin filled with sharp teeth. I tried not to be too obvious with my glare as him and Kaitlynn sat down. Now I usually didn't like those who befriend my chosen, but something about this cone-nosed clown wasn't sitting right with me. 

"So! Who's this lovely little red-head?" the clown asked, casting a curious glance over to me. 

I hid my hands under the table, trying to calm myself down. 

"I am Jason, Jason the Toymaker. Now who are you?" 

He seemed a bit surprised at me speaking up. He tilted his head, giving an amused smile. 

"Well, I am Laughing Jack. It's a pleasure to meet you." 

"Yay now you know each other! Now let's play!"


"Thanks for playing with me! Mommy's taking me to the store today!" 

Kaitlynn stood up from the table rushing out her room door. 

I felt L.J staring at me. 


I cut him off. Screw being polite. 

"Don't play nice." I told him, turning to glare at him, "You have ill-intent written all over you." 

His eyes widened in shock. We stared at each other for a moment before he gave me a sly smile. 

"Well, well, well, aren't you a smart one?" 

I stood up, keeping my now black hands in view. 

"Say what you want, but I will not let you hurt Kaitlynn." I snapped, taking a step towards him. 

He laughed,  stepping up to me, lifting my head to look up at him. 

"Awww, that's cute. You think you can stop me." He grabbed me by the neck, lifting me up off the ground. "Let me make one thing very clear, Doll, you can't stop me. I don't know what other powers you have, but you will not be able to beat me." he warned, tightening his grip. 

I started clawing at his hand, trying to get free. I was struggling to breath. I couldn't let him beat me so easily. He laughed at my attempt, finally letting go, dropping me to the ground. He knelt down, lifting my head again. 

"Don't make me mess up that pretty face of yours." He walked back over to where Kaitlynn had left the box, picking it up and placing it back on the window sill. "I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun together!" 

With that, he disappeared. 

I let out an annoyed growl, slamming my fist on the ground. Damnit... I couldn't let him hurt her... I pulled the puzzle piece out of my pocket. I had always kept it with me weather I believed my soulmate was still around or not. It gave me a sense of calm, made me feel less alone. I took a deep breath, watching my hands turn back to normal. It would be alright. I could handle this. He wouldn't win, I wouldn't let him. I glanced over where Kaitlynn had placed the bear I had given to her. I pocketed the puzzle piece, walking over to it. I touched it's head, trying to focus my power. 

"It's your job to protect her. Alert me if that damned clown tries anything funny."

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