A Ghost

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Vi's POV *10 Mins ago*

I was walking back to the school from the fishing shack today was actually a good day with are fishing if the guys hunting got as much food as we did then we will be set for a month. Me and Ruby are walking back to the school when we hear a stick break making us both look around and I grab my meat cleaver and hold it up in a defensive manner and that's when this women who looks to be in her mid twenties standing there holding her hands out showing she dosent want to hurt us she has long blond hair with green highlights, pretty ocean blue eyes, has a bullet necklace on, a tank top with a skull on it and a leather jacket.

Violet: who are you?
Chloe: my name is Chloe.
Violet: and what are you doing here Chloe?
Chloe: I'm looking for someone.
Ruby: oh yeah and who might that be?
Chloe: a girl around your age her name is Julie.
Violet: *whisper* Ruby what should we do.
Ruby: *whisper* we should take her back but only after searching her and tieing her hands.
Violet: ok we will take you on two condition's we search you and we at least tie up your hands so you don't try anything.
Chloe: as long as I get to see Julie that's fine with me.

With that she started giving us her weopons willingly then let us search her and she didn't have anything else ruby went back to the shack to get some rope.

Chloe: so how do you know Julie?
Violet: she was brought in a few days ago.
Chloe: brought in?
Violet: yea she was brought in she had a gunshot wound in her left leg and a fractured shin on her right leg right now she has been walking with a crutch.
Chloe: shit I can't wait to see her again.
Violet: how do you know her?
Chloe: long story short me and my girlfriend found her at the start of this shit and we raised her till she was 13 and that's when Rachel died and me and her got split up I have been trying to find her ever sence.
Violet: wow I got to ask as well why the died hair?
Chloe: *Chuckles* kind of a staple with me I always have died hair.
Ruby: here Vi.

Ruby gave me the rope and we tied Chloe's hands and started to walk back in silence for about 10 minutes till we got to the gate.

Chloe: do you think you can untie me it looks like there is plenty of people here to take me on if need be.
Violet: sure but don't try anything.

After saying that I untie her and I start to show her to Julie's room when I hear a loud thud from one of the bathrooms me and Chloe being curious went to check it out and the sight I saw was not a pretty one.

Violet: holy shit!
Chloe: NO!!!
Violet: hold on I'll go get Ruby!

After saying that I ran out of the doorm building and ran to the admin building and searched for ruby and finally found her in the nurses office.

Violet: *out of breath* we... Need... Your..... Help.
Ruby: hold on take a breath.
Violet: *takes deep breath* me and Chloe need help Julie cut herself bad!
Ruby: WHAT!

with that Ruby grabbed her first aid kit and ran out the room with me right behind her and I guided her to Julie and she almost cried when she saw Chloe holding Julie in her arms crying as Julie was bleeding.

Chloe: *sobbing* Please I can't lose you.
Ruby: hey Chloe help me patch her up.
Violet: what do you want me to do?
Ruby: make sure no one sees this and then we all can clean up the blood.
Violet: ok if you need me I'll be at the door.

With that I walked up to the bathroom doorway and stood there watching. I could hear Chloe still crying and Ruby started to cry as well and I almost broke down right there too no matter if you know someone there whole life or if you just met them or you don't know them at all off always hurts you to see someone cut themselves cause you have no idea what pain they went through or you knew and didn't help like you thought you did.

Anything For You (Violet X Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now