The Earring

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Julie's POV

I woke up the next Morning and got up and grabbed my bag looking for new cloths to wear and I pulled out Rachel's blackwell hoodie and some black jeans. I walked to the bathroom and changed out of Max's jacket and my blue jeans into the hoodie and black jeans. When I got back to the room Chloe was putting back her sweats and white tee and she was now wearing her blue ripped jeans, a black tee shirt, her signature leather jacket and her beanie.

Chloe: so you went and changed as well?
Julie: yea I did.
Chloe: good casue I have an idea of what we are doing today.
Julie: oh yeah what's that?
Chloe: we are finally going to pierce your ear.
Julie: how do we do that?
Chloe: easy we go to the nearest town and try to find a ear piercing kit.
Julie: isn't that against are rules to go past the safe zone?
Chloe: who cares as long as we get back safe and unfollowed.
Julie: your right but we have to fill Vi in.
Chloe: you go do that.
Julie: hold on let me get the earring.

Saying that I grabbed my bag and looked through it till I found Rachel's earring.

Chloe: so you kept it all this time?
Julie: yep. Now I'm going to go get Vi.
Chloe: ok.

I was walking to Violet's room when I bumped into Ruby.

Ruby: sorry Julie I didn't see you there.
Julie: no harm no foul right.
Ruby: yeah but I got to ask did Asim ask any questions yesterday after the kiss.
Julie: yea actually he asked if we were a thing and I told him we weren't. I am pretty sure he has a crush on you.
Ruby: to be honest I have a crush on him as well I just want him to ask me out you know?
Julie: yea I know what you mean. Well I got to get going bye Ruby.
Ruby: bye Julie.

After saying bye to Ruby I walked to Violet's room and knocked on the door.

Violet: who is it.
Julie: it's me.
Violet: come in.

I walked into her room and saw her just sitting in her bed probably thinking so I took a seat right next to her.

Julie: so me and Chloe are going outside if the safe zone today.
Violet: what no what if you get hurt.
Julie: that's why I was going to ask you to come with.
Violet: what about Marlon?
Julie: who cares as long as we don't take too long to get back.
Violet: fuck it let's go.

When she said that she shot up from the bed and went to the door with me following her. We started walking towards mine and Chloe's room and when we got there we walked in.

Julie: hey Che were ready.
Chloe: ok you still got the earring?
Julie: yep. *Holds up earring*
Violet: that's a beautiful earring.
Chloe: it was Rachel's.

When Chloe said that we all stood there in silence for a little bit then Chloe started walking out the door so me and Violet followed. When we got to the gate Mitch was on the sentry.

Mitch: where are you guys going?
Chloe: out.
Mitch: that dosent tell me where your going.
Violet: that's none of your business Mitch.
Mitch: fine but don't get in trouble.

After talking to Mitch he let us go and we started the 3 hour walk to the nearest town.

*Time Skip 3 hours*

We are finally entering the town and it's nothing to big but nothing small either it was just the perfect town to loot and it would be easy to lose dead heads. We walked over to a billboard right by a gas station and Chloe started to climb it.

Julie: be careful Che.
Chloe: always.

After she said that she started to climb again.

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