chapter two.

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Blue Eyes

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Blue Eyes.

When I walked out of the Grille the town square was bustling with people. Caroline would be out of the hospital tomorrow. I decided to join in on the town's little event. I walked around the square, booths with games and food booths. It wasn't all that bad.

The whole night the hairs on the back of neck raised. I don't know what it was, I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched or being followed. I quickly turn my head left and right, spinning in a circle becoming dizzy. I stood still, I couldn't see anyone watching or following. Just normal townspeople enjoying the festival. I took a deep breath and continued walking deciding I should probably call it a night.

As I walked to my car I got the chills. I looked around. I was alone under a street lamp, it was quiet but not completely quiet. You could still here the people and music from the festival but you could also here the buzzing of the street lamp. I sighed and opened my car door.

In the speed of light and a sound of a swoosh, I quickly turned around to come face to face with the guy from the bar. I screamed being startled.

"You aren't going to scream or move." he said looking deep into my eyes.

My heart was beating rapidly. Ideas rushed through my mind trying to comprehend the situation.

"Was he a serial killer?"

"Was he a creepy stalker?"

"Did he want to kill me?"

"All three?!"

"Or was he a rapist?"

"A serial rapist who stalks women?!"

My mind was rushing to come up with a solution. He then reached his hand up brushing a small lock of hair behind my ear. Then he fingers grazed and moved my hair from my neck. He looked me up and down. I wanted to scream, I wanted to swat his hand away, I wanted to run. But I couldn't physically move or scream.

"You know I never got your name." he said. Then his bright blue eyes finally looked into mine.

His eyes turned dark, no longer the charming blue. Veins protruded under his eyes and then he bit into my neck. I couldn't move nor scream. My mouth hung open, gasping. My arms were to my side as I was attacked. Tears were streaming down my face. This wasn't how I wanted to die. He bit down harder making me gasp and a little squeak came out.

My body was betraying me and my mind was haunting me.

I was trapped.

My eyes began to get heavy. My vision went in and out. I was hit with a wave of dizziness.

Then he released me. He tilted his head up, gasping as if he ran a mile. He licked his lips. He lowered his head. The veins disappeared. His once dark eyes returned back to a bright blue. My legs were practically shaking. Then they buckled. I almost collapsed but was caught. My eyes were just opened a little bit.

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