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Hi, welcome to this mess of a story! 

I had this story posted previously but took it down to rewrite and tweak around. This is a smut, so kiddies turn away now. 

This story does loosely follow the storyline, but not completely accurately, so beware of spoilers!

Please leave comments and vote so I know you enjoyed! 


How did you end up in this position, you wondered?

The sound of rain echoed harshly through the barely lit cave: you sat there soaked, leaning against the wall of the cave with your knees to your chest. Looking over you saw the body a few feet away from you no longer moving. Your breath hitched, your hands grabbing at your knees tightly.

"Captain," you broke the silence, said man grunted in response as he fumbled to try to arrange partially soaked wood into a pile for a fire with chilled hands.

"Captain, I-I think Olou is dead," the next whisper came from you just loud enough for him to hear. He turned to you: his cold eyes looked you over, then Oluo. The man sat slumped over, he had bled out in his unconscious state. He grimaced at the thought of needing to remove his body from the cave.

"Stay here," he ordered as he walked past you, giving you the barely lit torch. Your cold hands accepted it graciously, the hold on it reflecting your fear of it going out. You looked away as Levi began to carry the dead man out. Leading you to once again wonder,

How did we end up here?


You briefly remembered the start of the 57th expedition, but where had it all gone wrong?

With Annie, you thought bitterly. She'd shocked you by turning into a titan before your eyes, and you couldn't help but tear up when recalling the fate of Petra and your other squad members. Your mind then shifted to your close friends: Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, and even Hange- how were they doing? You hoped better than you, stuck in a cave waiting out the storm, and titans.

You felt a dull ache resume in the lower part of your stomach and groan, reminded of the very, very unfortunate circumstances you were in. Of all times to get your period, it had to be when you were on an expedition. You shifted, the cloth pad Hange made for you feeling uncomfortably full and you were painfully aware of it. You thought of Hange briefly, they were a saint, they'd essentially taken you under their wing. Remembering the extra piece of cloth in your pack, you decided with Levi gone this is the perfect time to change.

But how do you clean up after yourself?

You blush at the thought, definitely not wanting to be caught by Levi. You decide to move swiftly, pulling out the pad and trying your best to remain hidden from the entrance of the cave, your belt unbuckled and dropped to the ground quietly, your pants and underwear shoved down to the top of your boots. You frowned staring at the pad, quickly removing it and replacing it with the dry, clean one. With that, you pull your pants up, satisfied for now. You grab the dirty pad on the ground and the torch, moving to the front of the cave.

How were you supposed to wash this out? This was so embarrassing!!!

You didn't know how long you'd be stuck here, how many times you'd have to change and you couldn't leave it like this. You sigh, decided on finishing the task. With the torch propped up the best you could at the entrance, you stepped back into the pouring rain. The once dull ache was now an agonizing stabbing pain in your abdomen. Stepping as far away as you could without losing sight of the cave, you quietly let the rain soak through the pad, rinsing it clean. You awkwardly wring it out and when you were happy with the cleanliness of it you start back for the cave. Levi stood waiting angrily in the entrance when you arrived.

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