Todoroki & Momo

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Heyo so like I said before I'm doing this a bit differently and so the look of everything will be a bit different

The work wife's has chosen... 😂



This one needs a warning ⚠️ so here it is Death blood sad shit


Momo POV

Leaning in close I tried to grab his attention, I've had my eyes set on him for a while but he never seems to notice me. I don't see why not, I'm smart and beautiful unlike anyone else in this damn school.

He moves away from me, ticking me off. He should be grateful I want him, not even his own damn father thinks he's good enough. Always telling him he needs to train harder and whatnot.

I scoot closer once again only for him to glance at me, eyes showing irritation "Momo I've asked you many time to not get close to me like this, I don't need Bakugo taking this the wrong way" he scolded before getting up from the dingy green couch in the common room.

He'll regret ever denying me, feeling my anger boil until I got up myself going to my bedroom. Taking the stairs two at a time until I reached my door, unlocking it I stepped in slamming it shut.

I grabbed my pillow screaming into it letting out my anger "He will pay" I let myself go. Ever since Bakugo got back from being captured he's all Todoroki has thought about. Never me.

Smiling when I realized I had a thought to keep him to myself. It's risky but it should work, peaking out my door I looked left and right before sneaking out.

Sliding down the hall I made sure everyone was asleep before heading for the big oak doors, using my quirk to create a invisibility cloak I quickly put it on.

I made sure to be quite while opening the doors and closing them, I ran as fast as I could through the gates of the school thankfully going undetected.

Zig zaging through the city I was looking for only one person, it had to be him. He's the only other person who would gain anything from this. Soon I ran into a lizard looking thing "Watch where your going girly" he commented but he was someone who could help me.

"Listen here you slimy bitch your gonna take me to Shigiraki" I demanded, he only looked at me crazy. "Demanding is not going to get you anywhere I suggest you move along"

"I have something he wants... if he's willing to help me he will get it" I had his attention, a little bitch wanting to please his boss he couldn't deny my demand. Sighing he motioned for me to follow, trailing behind him he took me to an abandoned three story building opening the steel door and letting me in.

Following him we ended up in a room with a bar and a few beat up chairs "And who is this? A hero?" Shigiraki said clearly not pleased, broken glass and blood now staining his hand and table.

"I've come with a proposal... I have something I want and you can help me with it" Standing tall I wasn't going to waiver, I will get my way in the end.

He raised a brow, I took this as a sign to continue "I want someone and I'm willing to give you another for him... Bakugo escaped once before what if I say I'll find a way for you to keep him?" His eyes widened at my proposition. Looking at me with disbelief written all over his face "Your willing to give us another hero?" I nodded.

He hummed but didn't respond. Talking with everyone else they came to an agreement I assumed, he turned to me "Deal"

Smiling I gave him the instructions and went over the plan. After I left going back to the school pretending like I never left.

Todoroki POV

Sighing in annoyance I leaned against my boyfriend "Whats wrong" I looked at him "It's Momo.. she's been trying again"

He kissed my forehead, bringing me closer his lips ran across mine. Soothing my worries with tender kisses and whispering sweet nothing to me. Taking a deep breath once I pulled away, grabbing my ass he squeezed. I gripped his shoulders as he teased me, biting my neck until I bleed licking it clean as a silent apology.

My blonde haired boyfriend starts to remove my pants, laying me back he wasted no time engulfing me whole, helping me forget her once again. She's been scaring my lately, never know what she's going to do.

I let my hand rest on his head, huffing so I wasn't too loud. Were not out yet, Momo is the only one who knows but only because she walked in on us.

Hearing beeping he gave me one last harsh suck before pulling off, seeing his eyes widened I know it's work.

"Yes... ok...yes sir I'll be there right away" he looked at me "I'm sorry but he called me in" I nodded, he's under work study. Over course he'd get called in, kissing me he put on his costume and left.

Once the door closed I laid there trying to go to sleep, maybe when I wake up he will be back. After some time the door door opened, someone was shaking me trying hard to wake me.

To my annoyance I woke up seeing Mr. Aizawa "Hey we need to talk ok" his voice was gentle and quite, I nodded confused as hell. He was the only one that knew we were together at all "Bakugo is dead... I'm sorry Todoroki"

The six words I didn't want to hear I heard, my heart shattered as my love was taken away from me.

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