Tamaki x Reader x Kirishima

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We all know I am not very creative and have been struggling as this book is the 3rd time I'm writing these I'm losing steam fast....

If you have a request please let me know



Your POV

"Your sure that's enou- shit I'm so sorry" I cut myself off apologizing to the person I walked into. The male looked at me, a glint in his golden eyes. He held out a hand towards me, once I took it he kissed the back of my hand.

Dazzling smile with white teeth on display, I scanned his face. Handsome and gentle, how nice. "No need Mrs. Hero, I should've been paying attention as well. I don't want to hold up too much of your time but how about as a apology I take you our for some lunch one day?"

The thought of going out with someone random made me nervous, and so did the boys behind me. Side eying them I could tell something was off, they seemed iritated and loose as if the boy in front of me will pick me up and carry me off somewhere.

Turning back my focus completely I smiled at the male "That's thoughtful of you however I will have to decline, have a nice day" he nodded accepting my answer. Knowing even if he didn't he'd be a fool to try something rash.

He walked away leaving me with my partners, fully facing them I was confused. Faces turned in distaste and anger "Guy's what's wrong?" I questioned. Touching Tamakis arm he was glaring at me "Whats wrong?" He repeated, somehow I felt as though he was mocking me.

Deciding I wasn't going to push further nor deal with their little tantrums I walked away, for the rest of the day they sulked and huffed following me around.

I felt so drained along with being iritated that the boys are acting like children. We're fucking adults for God sakes.

Once we arrived at the agency I put in the code opening the door and leaving them behind, I need to relax. I'll take a nice hot shower then throw on some comfy cloths before doing some paperwork.

More times then not I'll end up sleeping in my office, it's probably going to be one of those nights. Rounding the corner I found the locker room, going in and grabbing my clothes and shower bag.

I shut the door to my locker and there stood Kirishima, red eyes glowing with anger. I've had it, slamming my locker door I raised my voice "What the fuck is wrong with you guys today? Ever since this morning when I ran into that guy you both have been asking like spoiled little brats throwing a damn tantrum?"

"Oh is that so? You here that Kirishima we've been throwing a tantrum" the voice came from behind me, turning a hand grabbed my cheeks squishing them keeping my face towards the red head.

Kirishimas mouth was twisted into a smirk, eyes still glowing but not with just anger; they were clouded with something I couldn't put my finger on.

A hand wrapped around my waist startling me, laughing in my ear Tamaki licked the shell of it making me shiver. His hands moved across my stomach inching towards my chest, cupping me he pinched my nipples between his fingers rolling them.

"Do you understand why as you say we threw a tantrum bunny?" His voice was cocky, enjoying toying with me. His words only half registered in my brain, pleasure starting to over take my senses.

Lips touched mine, roughly shoving his tongue in leaving nothing unexplored. Another pair on my neck leaving marks I'm sure will be there tomorrow, feeling more sensitive I whimpered into Kirishimas mouth.

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