He made you cry

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You came home after a long day from work. You were really tired and all you wanted to do right now was going to bed and wishing you could lay there forever, wich you sadly can't.

You walked into your and Niall's shared house and you saw that the house was a mess.

"Niall? Niall, where are you?" You got no anwser so you searched throuh the house when you finally saw him in your shared room. He was laying on bed watching some TV.

"Hey babe, how are you?" you asked him. He just sat there and ignored you completely.  "Babe you're okay."

"GEEZ, Y/N CAN'T YOU SEE I'M FUCKING TIRED?! Why do you always have to be an anoying bitch." he said the last part under his breath.

"Well if I'm so annoying, why are you even with me?" you said before walking out the door walking to your car and you rode off to the park. You always go there to clear your mind.

You sat there for a long time. It felt like hours but it were maybe 30 minutes. The most of the time you have been crying while you sat on the bench in the park with your arms wrapped around your knees.

"Y/n!" You heard someone suddenly scream. You looked up and you saw Niall running up to you.

"Thank God, you're okay. Are you... Are you crying?" "Why do you care? I though I was annoying." You snapped back.

"Oh my God, I made you cry didn't I? Shit man, I'm so sorry for making you cry. I just had a shitty day at work. I'm such a bad boyfriend. I'm so sorry." he said with tears in his own eyes.

"Niall you aren't a bad boyfriend at all. You're the best boyfriend I ever had. It just hurted me that you said that."

"I know and I'm very sorry." "I know." you said before pulling him into a hug.

"Am I forgiven?" "Yes, on one condition. No 2." "And those are." "1 never hurt me like that again," "okay and the second one is?" "Give me a kiss." "As you wish." he said before kissing you soft while holding you tight.


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