Chapter 5

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Aneira's head spun as she flew back to the Ledian stronghold on Claer's back. The sun had just begun to stretch over the tops of the tall pines; it was hard to believe that the battle had only lasted a few hours in total. The blonde woman was still shaken by her encounter with the enemy captain. What's her name again? Devyn, I think. While she realized that it might have sounded teasing on the field, Aneira really hadn't bothered to memorize the captain's name. She had happened to remember it by chance, just enough to give her a bit of leeway. It did get her off her guard, I suppose... Aneira was still just bewildered -- and mildly amused -- that Devyn had gotten distracted so easily. You'd think a Dregian soldier would have more focus than her... The only reason I was able to take her down was because her thoughts scattered. I guess I got lucky.

The wind tore her hair from its meticulously crafted ponytail, and Aneira sighed and didn't bother to fix it. Her hair would only get tangled again anyway. It was a good thing that Aneira didn't care too much about her appearance. Besides formal cabinet events, she never bothered to dress to impress. Usually her somewhat commanding and orderly appearance sufficed on its own.

"Claer, I don't know how we were able to win this battle," Aneira admitted softly. Claer responded with a low rumble; the dragon could be surprisingly gentle around her rider. It was always rather funny when she acted the complete opposite around others who annoyed her. "Devyn is clearly a well-trained swordsman. She would have struck me if not for the problems she had focusing."

Claer wriggled her head, sending Aneira clutching for one of her blunt neck spikes -- which only served as a rather unhelpful handhold. She squeezed the dragon's barrel of an abdomen and pressed her feet further into the stirrups at either side to keep her balance through the dragon's maneuver. While Aneira couldn't understand exactly what Claer was trying to tell her, she could figure it out easily enough. They had been paired as rider and dragon ever since Aneira had first joined the lower ranks; they knew each other better than anyone. And what Claer was trying to tell her... was that she was overthinking things again.

"I know, I know," Aneira muttered with a soft chuckle. She leaned forward on her perch to rub the dragon below the chin. Claer let out an affectionate warble before falling silent to focus on the decline ahead. The captain tightened her grip as they glided down to the stronghold's dragon keep. She heard the echo of a hundred wings doing the same behind her as her soldiers drifted down to land in the rich soil.

Ledah was -- and always had been -- the most successful agriculture nation in the world. Its rich soil and endless rivers provided the perfect nutrients for just about any kind of plant. Ledah provided most of the food supply; Dreg was already low on rations because of the war, and they were having to depend on other nations for their necessary food items. That was why it was so important to block off Dregian trade routes. With no more steady food imports, Dreg would have to surrender. To continue the war just for pride's sake was a stubborn and immature move.

"Aneira!" A voice cried, and the blonde woman smiled up at Carys as she slid from Claer's back. Her friend darted up with a smile, a blush tugging at her pale cheeks.

Aneira chuckled and clasped the girl's hand. "Don't worry, we won the battle. I live to see another day."

"Pfft. I wasn't worried about you," Carys replied with a playful roll of her eyes. She held out a hand towards Claer, and the dragon leaned forwards to touch the flat of her nose gently to Carys's palm. "I was worried about this baby." The dragon let out a low rumble and rested some of her weight against the girl's hand, as if to play off of her pity. Aneira snorted in amusement.

"I'm pretty sure Claer can take care of herself."

Carys turned to face Aneira, a small smile resting on her lips. Her blue eyes were sharp in the early morning light; her dark brown hair cast a worried shadow over her features. "Okay, fine... Maybe I was worried about you. But just a little bit." She muttered with a chuckle, and Aneira pulled her friend into a half hug.

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