Chapter 14

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Devyn could feel all eyes upon her as she strolled, shoulders back, down the long main hall of the stronghold. After she had knocked out the Ledian captain, several of her soldiers had taken care of transporting Aneira to the dungeons. Word of the capture had spread as soon as the group was seen filing through the crowd with the limp young woman in their arms. Most of the Ledian soldiers had fled from sheer shock and fear that their leader had been captured, flailing around in a panicked state as they questioned what to do next without their captain. Devyn couldn't help but swell with pride as she heard the impressed murmurs of some of her comrades.

"Wow, did you hear? She managed to take that horrible captain down, all on her own!"

"I heard she didn't even use her sword!"

"Can you imagine the skill? She'll be rewarded so immensely for the capture!"

"I sure wish I was in her boots right now..."

Devyn chuckled softly to herself, shaking her head at the absurdity of the words. Only an hour or so before, she'd been some scared pup quivering in front of Chancellor Kemble, begging him to keep her employed here. And now she was top dog, holding a position everyone seemed to believe her worthy of keeping. Kemble can't do anything to threaten me now, not without making everyone suspicious. She held hope in that thought as she walked to the throne room.

As the large wooden door slid open before her and Devyn stepped inside, she laid eyes on Kemble standing beside his throne, dumping a large lump of meat into a dish. Chysgod watched impatiently from his shoulder. As soon as Kemble stepped away from the full bowl, the raven darted forth and began to snap hungrily at the meaty morsels. Devyn fought the urge to gag; the raven really was a scavenger, just like all of the worn vultures that circled the battlefields, hungrily awaiting the opportunity to swoop down and gorge themselves on the corpses of fallen soldiers. The image sent a shudder through her body, so she forced the thoughts aside and returned her focus to Kemble as she walked closer to the throne.

The man turned part of the way so only the side of his face was directly facing her. He slowly made his way back to his throne, taking some time in running a gnarled hand over its smooth surface before sitting down. He inclined his head, finally turning his attention fully to Devyn.

"Is there... something you wish to tell me?" Kemble asked. There was an emotion in his voice that Devyn couldn't quite place, a mixture of anger and curiosity and some other indecipherable expression.

Devyn shoved down her impatience and stepped closer, bending at the waist into a half bow. "My liege, I'm sure you've heard word of the battle already. As you know, Ledian warriors took us by surprise in acting out an offensive attack. At their helm was their leading captain, who I assume was the one to plot out the attack in the first place. I managed to single her out after a while, and I was able to knock her unconscious. In doing so, I was able to have her transported to the dungeons, where she is now locked in a cell." She tilted her chin up, expecting praise for a job well done.

Instead, a hint of a smirk touched Kemble's lips. "I have to agree, captain, that this sounds... promising." He ran a hand through his dark hair, slicking it back so it clung to his head, making his widow's peak even more recognizable. "You have proven yourself this time. However, you would do better to understand the idea that you are on, say, very thin ice, captain. Your hold on your position in our ranks is still shaky at best, and it is good for you to remember that."

Dread tickled down Devyn's spine; she felt as if a cold metal rod had been shoved down her back as the words sank in. This wasn't enough. I thought this would have been enough for him. "Of course, chancellor. I understand." She narrowed her eyes, providing a silent challenge for the man, but his hard gaze remained fixed on her, offering her no opportunity to argue.

Kemble raised a hand, as if to dismiss her, but Devyn opened her mouth, a new idea on her lips. "Chancellor, I know that capturing this captain is not enough to prove myself to you. But I'm sure there are countless ways in which she could be of use to us. If I assist you in using her to our benefit, will I be redeemed in your eyes?" She hated the desperation in her tone, but she had to admit that her current situation did require more than a bit of desperation.

The man tilted his head. He seemed a bit surprised by her suggestion, and he considered the idea with a thoughtful air. "I suppose so. I'll leave her initial interrogation to you, then. Try to convince her of our true means. Here's how you'll sway her to our side..." And so the chancellor explained exactly what Devyn was to do. As she stalked out of the throne room, the captain finally felt as if she was back in control.

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