Chapter One

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"Alessandra, are you sure about this?" Alessandra's mother asked with uncertainity and worry filling her face whilst her father does the same. Alessandra's younger sister, Alessia looks at her sister saddened. She dashes towards her pulling her into a tight hug. Alessandra does the same. Alessia is only 12 years old seeing her sister leaving for who knows how long is difficult, very difficult. Her father came and joined in on the hug same with their mother. "Stay safe, Alessandra." Her mother said holding back tears. Nodding she took her bags of luggage and entered the limo.

"Did I really agree to this?" She thought whilst thinking about yesterday.

"She's the True Eve. She must come to the Sakamaki mansion and choose one of my sons to be the heir. No other girl has ever met all such requirements for this. Please she must go!"

That's where it all started. Alessandra only agreed because of how frequent his requests were getting and it was starting to slowly stress the family out. Looking out from the window she slowly started to doze off to sleep.

What only seemed like for a minute was an hour. Waking up the chauffeur unloades her luggage and gave it to her. Alessandra's drowsy eyes soon adjusted to the sunlight. Taking her luggage towards her the huge mansion peered. "Well, clearly they weren't lying about this mansion."

Walking towards it she soon knocked on the door revealing a slim girl around her age. The girl had blonde hair and cherry pink-red eyes and was pale. "So this must've been the replacement that they were talking about." Alessandra thought to herself. "Oh you must be the bride. Welcome! I'm Yui Komori." Yui beamed at Alessandra. "Nice to meet you, Yui. I'm Alessandra." Yui led Alessandra inside and took her to the living room in which she sees six boys.

One was lying on the couch with earbuds. He had orange-ish hair and his deep ocean blue eyes stared into her forest green ones. He wore a sweater and  some pants. The next guy had dark purple hair and rectangular glasses. His eyes were a light shade of maroon and wore formal attire. The third one wore a fedora and a casual hoodie. He had a huge smirk framing his face along with a beauty mark. The boy next to him had a teddy bear in his hands. Both his eyes and hair were a shade of lavender. He has very noticeable eyebags which did not help at all with the way he stares at her. A cocky smile was paired with the next guy. His attire was comfortable yet fashionable. The final boy is wearing a ripped up shirt with a pair of black pants and white shoes. "Oh lord...." Was all she thought as each of them kept their eyes on her.

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