Chapter Fifteen

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Ruki looked at Kou wishing he hadn't said anything. "You might as well accept little maso-kitty's help." Kou continued. Alessandra stayed quiet and looked around the area for what could've happened. A sharp object laid on the floor from what looked to have been one of Reiji's successful experiments. It wasn't broken except it did show a trail of blood on the sharp end of it. "Wonder how he'll feel about this," she thought while examining Ruki's frame again from where she was. She looked at his side seeing a dark red stain on his jacket. "You're bleeding. You need to get that checked," Alessandra said her voice filled with concern. "It's only minor. Not too much blood is being lost," he reassured again. "Take her help," Kou said losing his patience leaving to get some supplies in Ruki's room. Ayato left because of how dull it was.

They entered Ruki's room. He sat down while removing the jacket and dress shirt. Alessandra got flustered and went to the bathroom. Kou was still looking for the ointment and bandages. "Allow me," Alessandra said opening a cabinet with a kit. Kou noticed the slight shade of red on her cheeks and teased her. "What's got you so flustered?~" Alessandra blushed harder and replied saying "Nothing." Kou laughed and left. Alessandra calmed down and went to take care of it. She took out the ointment and a piece of cotton. She took notice of the scars on his chest and thought to herself  "What caused them?" Dabbing it in ointment she placed it on the wound. It was a somewhat big cut, however, it wasn't deep. The bleeding was the main problem. After, disinfecting the cut she wrapped the bandages around him. Alessandra took note of more scars on his back and got even more concerned for him.

"How did you get so many scars?" She asked putting everything away in the kit. His face froze, mouth agape for a second before closing it. "Sorry. I shouldn't have asked. It must've been personal," Alessandra apologized. Ruki ordered to never bring that up. She nodded as she was about to enter the bathroom to put away the kit. A hand grabbed onto her wrist causing a small "huh" to be heard. Ruki took the kit from out of her other hand and placed it on the side table. He pulled her into him leaving a shade of crimson to spread on her face. He stands up and holds both of her wrists and leans her onto the wall. He moved the stray locks of hair away from her face and bit down onto her neck. He did his best to make it not so painful for her and gently drank her blood.

He lifted his head up and wiped the remaining blood dripping from his chin off. "Sorry for this," he apologized muttering it. "It's fine," she said softly. They stayed quiet, none of them dared to utter a word or do anything. Alessandra looked down thinking about what happened. Ruki noticed how deep in thought she was. "What's on your mind, Livestock?" "Nothing." Ruki whispered in her ear asking "What is it that you're thinking about?"  and pulled her close to him causing a slight blush to dust her cheeks. She hugged him back and grew even more flustered than she already was. "Trust me it isn't anything important." Ruki wished she had told him what she really was thinking about, but didn't pry for information. Then, a comfortable silence was greeted. It was comforting in a sense as there were only them two together.

The moment came to an end with Kou walking in. They immediately let go of each other and Kou laughed at this. "Awww~" He cooed at them. "What do you need?" Ruki asked dismissing his brother's reaction. "Oh I brought you soup." Kou answered giving the tray to his brother. It was already 1:00 p.m. Ruki ate and continued talking to Alessandra. Mainly, about books they recommended each other a few, before, Alessandra left. Her mind kept going back to their little moment. It was already 2 p.m and she felt herself dose off.

Shu came to see her asleep upright on the couch. He felt something off about her. Taking note of the mark on her neck he became curious yet angered. He pulled her close to his chest and started playing with her hair. "Hm?" Alessandra hummed and Shu teleported them to his room. Shu cuddled her and shortly fell asleep too.

A couple hours passed and it was already 5:00 p.m. Alessandra woke up to see herself inches away from Shu's face. She didn't want to wake him up except she needed to check what time it is and get ready if it even is time. Shu awakened and looked in to her drowsy eyes. "You slept well?" An "mhm" was all she said as he smiled softly. They both sat up. Shu held her hand and caressed it. A moment passed and he placed her hand close to his lips he gazed into her eyes in which she nodded allowing him to bite into her finger. He finished drinking her blood and layed back down. "It's 5:13. Shouldn't you get ready?" He said. "I still have plenty of time," she answered. Shu held her hand once more and tugged her gently to him. "Tell me more about it."  talked a little about the date since all she knew was it's at a new fancy Italian restaurant. Shu remained interested and they endulged in the conversation.

Shortly, he started to fall asleep and Rina put a blanket over him. Alessandra went to get ready. It was already 6:43. She put on the long and dark purple dress on. She styled her hair in a low bun and applied a little bit of make up. Alessandra grabbed her small bag and putted her glasses on as she heard a knock on the door. Opening it she saw Reiji in a black suit. He held his hand out to her and complimented her. Returning one back to him they walked out together; arms linked together.

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