Chapter Fourteen

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Everyone looked shocked. Kanato yanked his arm away releasing himself. Laito and Ayato held Kanato knowing what he was about to do. Yui took Alessandra far away from them and went inside one of the doors. "Are you all right?" Yui asked caressing Alessandra's cheek. She flinched. A few tears spilled out of her eyes. "I'm fine," Alessandra whispered. "What will happen now? He won't let it go," Alessandra thought thinking back on what she did to protect herself. It wasn't anything serious just Kanato will treat her horribly for doing what she did. They could still hear the faint screams from Kanato.

Yui removed Alessandra's circular shaped glasses and placed them on the side table. She wiped off Alessandra's tears with her thumbs and wiped off the lenses. "It's going to be all right." Yui said with a reassuring smile. She nodded. They hugged each other for what felt like years. Pulling away they allowed the peacefulness of the room to remain as it is while drowning out the shouts  Kanato made. It soon stopped. Yui went out and closed the door. Alessandra stayed in the corner of the room feeling tired. Azusa came and found the room she was in. "I'm..... Sorry, Eve." The faint sound of his voice was heard. Alessandra let out a "hm" sound and said "For what? It's not your fault for letting that happen and knowing him it could've been worse." She smiled standing up.  "Let's get going," Alessandra added on and walked with Azusa.

Entering the dining room Kanato stared at her and bursted into tears. He went up to her and hugged her. "What have I done?!" Kanato asked himself aloud. He touched her cheek which no longer hurts. "It's fine. Don't cry. I'm well. See?" Alessandra comforted. He sniffled as he looked up at her. Kanato pulled away and went back to eat. "It's getting late. We should call it a night," Alessandra said. Yui nodded in agreement. They all left to their rooms except for Alessandra and Reiji to clean off the table. Neither of them said a word as they did it. The simple quiet moment was enough for the both of them and after they were done they said "good night." Entering her room she saw Subaru waiting in there. "I thought you would have been asleep by now. What's up?" Alessandra wondered asking him.

"I wanted to check up on you," he answered thoughtfully. "So how are you feeling?" He added. "I'm well. You don't have to worry," Alessandra answered. They talked for what felt like hours before both of them fell asleep.

Sunlight hit both of their faces. Subaru had woken up to find Alessandra still peacefully asleep and her face inches apart from his which caused his pale face to have a tint of scarlet dust his cheeks. A few strands of hair covered Alessandra's face. He moved them away and stared at her relaxed expression. He can't deny she looked adorable. She woke up and Subaru sat up quickly turning a darker shade of red. Alessandra yawned and said "good morning" to him. He stuttered out a "good morning" and was about to walk out. She giggled at his reaction. He turned around letting out a "tch" sound his face practically as red as Ayato's hair.

"All right sorry about that," Alessandra apologized yawning again. "It's fine. Just get ready." Subaru said leaving. Alessandra changed out of the clothes she fell asleep in and did her usual routine. She walked out of the room to see Subaru waiting for her. He also changed out of the clothes he slept in and the two walked together. The entire morning was spent with them chatting before Subaru went to tend to his own matters.

Alessandra walked around the mansion thinking about the dinner night with Reiji. She would be lying right now if she said she wasn't nervous. Reiji has high standards and is a perfectionist. It can be terrifying to be in his prescence if you aren't close with him. Even though Alessandra's close with him it's difficult to sometimes be around him. Especially, if she left after she and Shu talked.

Alessandra sat on the counch going through her phone since she was bored. After, a few minutes she put the phone away and heaved a sigh. She closed her eyes day dreaming. Ayato came into the room and saw her doing this. He didn't think much of it and stared at her. Not noticing his prescence he snuck up on her and whispered "What are you doing?" Alessandra opened her eyes and her face filled with surprise. "Nothing," she said hastily. Ayato smirked and sat down next to her. "What were you thinking of?" Ayato asked. "It was nothing important. You'd be causing chaos to Reiji or Ruki. What happened?" Alessandra inquired. Ayato laughed and replied "Don't have the time for Reiji nagging me."

"That's unlike you. You usually start arguments with Ruki or you mess with Reiji's experiments." Ayato shrugged and the pair chatted. Ayato was about to say something when a loud "thud" sound. "You sure you didn't do anything?" Alessandra asked getting out of her seat to leave. "No, I didn't do anything." Ayato replied following Alessandra. She looked down the halls and found Ruki.

Seeing him on the floor she kneeled down and attempted to help him up. "Does anything hurt or feel out of place?" She asked concerned examining Ruki while Ayato stood awkwardly. "I'm fine. I slipped it's nothing too serious." He said holding his side before finally composing himself. Alessandra noticed the slight discomfort on it and asked what happened. He didn't answer the question and continued to reassure that he is all right. Kou came in the room seeing the mess and said "You aren't."

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