The Entrance Exam

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"Ok everyone time to choose your future career. Oh who am i kind your all going to be heroes." While everyone exclaimed in joy of the potential to get into one of the most prestigious hero schools in all of Japan. (Its a shame if i haven't of moved here, i would already be in the hero course by now.  Man Japan is a very different place then America.) "Katsuki, you are one of three of this schools students to apply to U.A. You and Midoriya and James." As soon as she said Midoriya was trying to get into U.A. Everyone lost their minds laughing. "Midoriya in U.A now thats a riot." One student said. Others kept adding onto the constant torment even Bakugo.

After a while class let out to let the students go home

"I'll see you in ten months Midoriya. I'm gonna start training for the entrance exam as soon as possible. And I suggest you do the same." "Yeah I should Thank you Karlo." James was honestly worried about Midoriya, without a quirk he could get hurt in the exam.  He didn't know what to think. 

Few weeks later.

James started to exercise and workout daily for preperation of Entrance Exam.  "James honey can you come down here for a second." James got up from the push up mat and went downstairs like his mother asked. "Yeah Mom." "If, your going to ace the exam your going to need to get into shape fast. And what better way to get into shape then to have help from a fitness guru like your mother." James' was dumbfounded. "Are you sure, cause i'm not going to muscle my way through. I have to study too, for the written exam." "Oh don't worry after were done, you'll be stronger and smarter then before. Maybe you'll even get a girlfriend." James just rolled his eyes in content.  

A few days later. "Come on James, just a few more reps." Siobhan was encouraging James to push himself on weights. "47, 48, 49...50. You did it Jimmy, now lets go for a jog. After getting ready then went on their jog, they stopped at a park to take a rest. That's when James saw Midoriya with ALL MIGHT! "Mom, I'll be right back." James ran over to Midoriya.

"Yo Midoriya, have seen you in weeks." "Oh hey, Karlo. I've just been training for the exam." Thats when All Might spoke up. "Hello young man." James was filled with joy in seeing All Might in person. "WOAH, ALL MIGHT. It's such a honor to meet you sir." "No need to be formal, i see you are friends with young Midoriya. Does that mean you will be part taking in the entrance exam." James had a new surge of confidence. "Yes i am." "Well then i wish you the best of luck. Sorry but me and Young Midoriya have to continue our training." They waved and went their seperate ways. Siobhan came over. "Alright Jimmy time to head home." 

Just like Siobhan said the past 10 months flew bye.  James was eager to get to the exam he woke up bright and early. "Can't be late to the entrance exam, gotta get in the school of my dreams." He rushed down stair, ate breakfast before his mother could even sit down. "Sorry mom got to go the Exam is in thirty minutes." Siobhan was at a lost for words.

"Bye my going to ace that exam." "Sweetie wait." James stopped alittle annoyed. "What is it mo.." His mom gave a hug of encouragement. "Good luck, Jimmy." James hugged her back, nodded and ran out the door.

"Wow U.A is more impressive in person." "Excuse me, can you help me shroomie." James turned around was met by a short girl with a brown hair resembling a mushroom.  He was taken back by her apperance and demeanor, to James she was pretty. "Uhhh...sssure. What do you need help with." "They ran out of maps of the facility. Can you show me to the exam room. " James suddenly got a boost of confidence. "Oh sure. Just follow me." James held out his hand for her to shake." I'm James, James Karlo, but just call me James." "Kinoko Komori shroom." she giggled alittle after saying shroom. James didn't question it.

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