First Day

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The first day of U.A is all ready here. James still couldn't process it.

He got sent the schools uniform to wear and a letter saying he was in Class 1A. (I do like costumes, but to wear this every school day going to have to do laundry every day now.) (James will be transfered to 1B in the future.)

"JIMMY YOUR GONNA BE LATE." James ran downstairs almost out the door. "James, one more thing." "Yes Mom." "Do great I know you can do it. Love you sweetie." "Love you too Mom, Bye."

(My first day of U.A high, i can't believe im actually a offical student.)

James arrived at school and was now outside Class 1A's door.

"Wow big door." He braced himself he didn't know who was gonna be in his class.

James opened the door to see the new faces of his class. "Oh good another student, Welcome I'm Tenya Iida. Welcome to Class 1A." "Hello, thank you and names James Karlo." As James and Iida were talking. James didn't know the some girls were talking about him.

"Hey whose the cute guy with red hair." A pinked haired girl asked another girl with purple hair and weird looking earlobes. "No idea." They finished talking when Midoriya stepped in the class. He saw James and Bakugo in the class with him. "Karlo, Kacchan. You passed." (Midoriya, he's alive after the exam. Wait if he's here then that means he passed? But how he doesn't have a quirk. Does he.) Midoriya was met with a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks. They began taking until they heard a voice. "If your here to make friends then i suggest you leave. I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa, call me Mr. Aizawa. Now put on these P.E Uniforms and head to the training grounds. We will meet with class 1B, so get ready and hurry up."

James changed into his P.E Uniform."Not really my colors, but i dig the clothes." 

The class was outside in the training area waiting for Class 1B, they finally arrive to which James noticed Kinoko was in the other class. He waved to her she shyly waved back.

"Enough, were both going to do A Quirk Apprehension Test."

"A QUIRK APPREHENSION TEST"  "Shouldn't we get to orientation." The brown haired girl whose name was Ochaco Uraraka, said in a worried tone. 

"Forget that if you want to be heroes then you shouldn't waste time with orientation. This will be a test of your abilities. Also whoever comes in last will be expelled." 

"WHAT." "Yeah, thats not fair." A girl with pink hair and skin, who was know as Mina Ashido protested this information.

"This is a school of being a hero if you cannot keep up with the best then you will be left in the dust. Your best will not be enought you will have to push yourself to limits beyond yourself." 

50 meter Dash

James was up against Mina. "This is going to be easy.  No offense but i got this in the bag." James, was confident trained for months, but could he out run this girl. Speed was never his strong suit, but that won't stop him from trying his best.

"Ready." The training robot announced.

James was ready to run like the wind.  "Go!" James dashed forward, he used his quirk to narrow the density of his body to allow less wind resistance to apply for speed.  He crossed the finish line in 4.28 seconds. "Not bad, man i hate running.  Looks like i won." "Yeah you did, Mina." "James." They shook had will Mina thought. (Wow, he's so handsome. That Red hair.) "Excuse me, i love your red hair." "It's Mahogany, but thanks."

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