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Pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head, Stevie swung open the door to the bar downtown.

It was packed, the music loud and the sound of conversation overbearing. But through it all- her eyes fell right on her oldest, who was slouched down at the end of the high rise bar with Kara on one side and her older sister on the other side.

"There she is!" Crosby used one hand to lazily motion towards his mother, who was heading their way. "You said that you'd give me one more shot when my ride got here..." he reminded the bartender, who had cut him off a little while earlier.

"He doesn't need anymore." Stevie protested as she held out a hand to stop the man on the other side.

Creasing a brow, Crosby scoffed. "We had a deal, man." He rolled his eyes in the older woman's direction.

"And I said, no." Stevie was not afraid to stand up to him, even in a room full of people.

After all, he would have been the one to be embarrassed in the end, not her... Who would want to be yelled at by their mother in public, especially at his age?

"We're going home." She reached out, pushing his empty glass back. "Pay your bill and let's go."
She nudged her son harshly, not at all in the mood for any of this.

"I want my last drink..." he wasn't going to give up on it- she could tell by the look in his eyes.

Raising a brow, she leaned in slowly. "Get up, or we're leaving you here." By we, she meant Kara and her sister too... He would have to find his own way home and not to her home, either.

He had the coldest set of blue eyes as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. "You've always been a real stick in the mud." He announced as he tossed his card down on the wood top.

"Someone has to be the one with common sense." She mumbled as her eyes traveled to Kara, who had been awfully quiet. "You shouldn't have brought him here." Stevie rolled her eyes lightly, almost a little annoyed with her as well.

They weren't good together- not if she couldn't help him and be supportive in that rough, uncomfortable transition into recovery.

"I'm really sorry, mom." The younger woman felt terrible... really bad that Stevie had to put up with that.

She nodded softly as she pushed some of her bangs back. "Come on." She tugged on the sleeve of Crosby's jacket right after he'd slipped his wallet back in his pocket.

He let his feet hit the hardwood floor as he slipped off the barstool. "You don't have to be so mean all the time, Steve's." His eyes were so glossed over, it was almost scary.

"Hush," she had him my the arm, leading him through the crowded room as they headed for the door.

Kara wasn't far behind, slipping off the chair with her purse in hand. "I'm really-" she was getting ready to apologize again, but the look in Stevie's eyes silenced her.

"You get to come home with us and take care of him tonight." She announced with a very mundane tone of voice.

She wasn't going to deal with him all night long... it wasn't her responsibility. She always took care of Lindsey when he had his moments, but she simply drew a line after that.

She couldn't be everyone's saving grace all the time- it wasn't fair for her.

"I don't need anyone to take care of me!" He protested in a loud, overpowering voice.

With a pounding heart, Stevie kept her arm in his as she gave the couple walking by a gentle smile. "Stop yelling." She was so embarrassed.  "Get in the car," she added as she pulled the car keys out of her sweater pocket with her free hand.

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