Twenty- Seven

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The next day, just shortly after nine in the morning, their plane touched down in California, where the sunny skies welcomed them in their finest form.

It was a huge relief to be back home, even if they had the inkling that chaos was waiting for them there... But whatever it was, it couldn't have been nearly as bad as Chicago, that's for sure.

"Want anything special before we get home?" Lindsey glanced over at his wife, who had been giving him the silent treatment since the day before.

He hadn't made her feel that way in a long time... Not since he had gotten super drunk on the road a million years earlier and told her that he could marry anyone else in a split second... she was replaceable.

That was the worse, of course, but she was still a little offended.

She raised a brow, shaking her head as she stared out the window at the traffic coming from LAX.

"No, thanks." Everleigh piped in from the backseat.

She could read the room pretty well and the tension that filled the car spoke high volumes... It was really loud, actually.

"Is everything okay?" The teenager hardly ever saw her parents that distant... Even at the airport, they sat five chairs away from one another.

"Everything's just fine, sweet girl." Stevie assured, looking back at her daughter with a soft smile. "We're just happy to be home." She shrugged as she leaned back in her seat once more.

They didn't talk much the rest of the drive, instead they just listened to some light music and silently worried about what they were getting ready to walk into... Stevie and Lindsey imagined the absolute worst.

"The outside looks the same." Evee announced as they pulled up the driveway towards the house.

"That's good, huh?" The older blonde let out a sigh, unbuckling her seatbelt as soon as the car was in park.

"Is it okay if I go over to Lauren's?" She asked before they even opened the car doors.

Lindsey let out a chuckle as he stepped out onto the concrete.

Creasing a brow, Stevie turned in her seat to look back completely. "We just got home." She wasn't even over exaggerating- they had literally just pulled in and Ev was already trying to get away.

Pushing open the car door, Everleigh jumped out of the backseat. "I know, but can I go after I put my bag away?" She gave off these little puppy dog eyes that always worked... always.

Sighing heavily, Stevie did the same thing, letting her heels hit the ground before she trailed towards the back of their SUV. "It's a school night." She mumbled, looking over at her husband for a little bit of backup.

The look in her eyes is what caused him to speak up. "Yeah, maybe not today, Ev." He shook his head, pulling open the hatch to reveal their suitcases.

"But I haven't seen them in a couple of days," she knew that rambling on didn't usually get her anywhere, but it was worth a try. "And Lauren is really worried that her parents are getting a divorce." She added in a really mundane tone of voice.

Slouching to one side, Stevie held up a hand, silently assuring Lindsey that she could get her own bag... "That doesn't sound like a place you should be hanging out at, if her parents are fighting."

They didn't argue in front of Everleigh and she wouldn't allow anyone else to either- it was toxic.

With her bag in hand, Ev led the way up the sidewalk. "Her dad packed some of his stuff up and left two days ago..." she lingered, pushing open the unlocked front door.

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