ii: see yourself out

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"Is it just me or was that one guy flirting with me?" I ask, scrunching up my face as I sit back down.

Gangin sits too. "Huh?"

"The one with the tattoos and piercings." I wave my hand around in the direction of Yoongi's table. "Jungkook. Was he flirting with me?" I grab my glass of water but I don't actually pick it up. I just want to feel the sensation of the glass and have something to touch as my mind twists.

"Jungkook?" Gangin glances at their table, straining his neck to zone in on Jungkook. "Well, maybe. I don't know."

I hum. "Then maybe I'm just making stuff up." I look around, unsure of what to do with myself before I lean back and grab my phone from my pocket. Chinsun still hasn't answered. She's probably fine, I just wish she would have let me know so by now. Then I wouldn't have to worry and keep telling myself to stop worrying.

I take a sip of my water and place my phone down on the table top. "So. Yoongi seems nice."

Gangin nods, smiling. "He's a nice guy. Studying music theory and production. He wants to become a big time producer some day. He's really ambitious, so I think he can do it."

I like the way that Gangin talks about his friends—like they're his world. He makes them seem like they're great people. I hope that he talks about me like that. But I also hope that I deserve to be talked about like that. Otherwise, it wouldn't matter what he said because I'd never be what he was describing.

"Taehyung seems alright too."

Gangin shrugs. "I don't really know anything about him. Just that he's also into music. But more orchestra-y type music."

I nod. "And Jungkook seems to be interesting. Just another rich guy studying business?"

Gangin takes a sharp breath and cocks his head. "You really think he was flirting with you?"

"Well- I- I don't know. Probably not. He knows that I'm a man, right?" I stumble over my words, touching my fingers to my ears and fiddling with my earring.

I've had plenty of girls flirt with me before, but rarely a guy, and certainly not a guy like Jungkook who looks like he'd be repulsed by the thought of walking by a gay bar. He probably doesn't even know who Lady Gaga is or what the LGBTQ pride flag looks like.  If you asked him for a famous queer celebrity, he'd probably have to think about it for a while and then eventually say Ellen DeGeneres.

Gangin laughs, resting his cheek in his palm and peering at me slyly. "Yeah, I'm sure he knows you're a guy." He takes a sip of his lemonade and runs his fingers through his hair. "What if he was? I mean, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but seriously—what would you do if he was flirting with you?"

I shrug and glance at Jungkook. He sits slouched at their table, holding himself up by his elbow, scrolling through his phone. He has a nice face, and I do actually like his style—a black-scale sleeve of tattoos, an eyebrow piercing and a lip piercing, and dark clothing.

"I don't know if I would be opposed to trying things out with a guy... I just... I just wouldn't ever try anything with him." I knock my knuckles against my chin as I think it over. I've never really considered it in depth before. Would I be willing to have sex with a guy? Maybe. I just think it would depend on the guy. And maybe that means I'm just making all this questioning up. If I were really bisexual or pansexual or something, would it really matter who the guy was? Shouldn't I be attracted to men at large?

REVENGE (jungkook x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now