Facts about Eevee!

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1. Eevee Has the Most Evolutions

Getting obvious out of the way, Eevee has by far the most potential evolutions, each altering its element from Normal to a different attribute. It originally began with three upgrades in Generation 1 but has since expanded to (as of this writing) eight, listed above. These guys, but remain popular for their sleek designs even if they don't possess the best stats in the games.

2. The Term Eeveelution Was Made By a Strategy Guide

Today, "Eeveelution" is a widely-used term referencing Eevee's multiple evolutionary paths, but it wasn't created in video games or anime. Rather, the term first arose in a strategy guide for Pokemon Stadium 2 and was later used in a TCG theme deck. Goes to show just how popular Eevee is, with this now-renowned term originating in two somewhat-obscure supplementary materials.

3. Nicknaming Eevee Changes its Evolution in Pokemon Go

That's right, once per nickname per game, you can guarantee what your Eevee in the original Pokemon Go will develop into by giving it the following nicknames:

Rainer: VaporeonSparky: JolteonPyro: FlareonSakura: EspeonTamao: Umbreon4. Gary's Eevee Beat Ash's Pikachu in the Anime

4. Gary's Eevee Beat Ash's Pikachu in the Anime

Ash's Pikachu has had its share of losses, but at his peak, he's one of, even taking down legendaries like Regice and Latios. However, in the original Indigo League season, Gary's Eevee trounced Pikachu in a surprisingly one-sided fight.

This Eevee (which later evolved into Umbreon) was notably absent during Ash and Gary's full 6-vs-6 battle in the Johto Silver Conference (where Ash finally beat his rival), though to be fair, Ash also abstained from using Pikachu. Umbreon rivals even Gary's Blastoise in power, avoiding damage in all of its shown battles until its final appearance against Saturn's Toxicroak; perhaps the Johto League would have ended differently if he had used it.

5. Eevee's Original Name Was Eon

Early promotional material suggests Eevee's English name was initially going to be Eon, the suffix found at the ends of its evolutionary forms. Makes sense, but for whatever reason (perhaps to more closely connect with the word "evolution"), this idea was scrapped.

Eevee wasn't the only original monster whose English name was altered; dozens of others were adjusted. Can you imagine Jigglypuff being called Pudding or Cubone called Orphon? Maybe these changes were for the best.

Espeon and Umbreon

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Eevee's been our original companion in many adventures even before Let's Go Eevee. For instance, he appeared in the GameCube's Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, and its prequel Pokemon Colosseum had you start with Umbreon and Espeon, two Eevee evolutions.

Then there's the Nintendo DS's spin-off strategy game Pokemon Conquest, which also pairs you with Eevee. Finally, in Pokemon Yellow, while you end up with Pikachu, Professor Oak originally planned to give you Eevee, who still serves as your rival's starter. Speaking of which...

. Yellow's Rival Changes His Eeveelution Depending on Your Battles

Only the most astute Yellow players would realize this tidbit, as it requires multiple playthroughs to discover. Depending on the results of your early battles with your rival, he'll evolve his Eevee in different ways, listed below:

Jolteon: Defeat your rival at both the lab and Route 22Flareon: Defeat your rival at the lab, but lose or skip the Route 22 battleVaporeon: Lose at the lab

Losing causes your foe to eventually become a Water-type Vaporeon, giving Pikachu an edge in future encounters, while only two victories will lead to a true rivalry between fellow Electric Pokemon. Here's some bonus trivia: before Generation 5, Pikachu and Eevee were the only Pokemon to evolve with Thunder Stones, further connecting the pair.

8. Partner Eevee Is Much Stronger Than Regular Eevee

As cute as Pikachu and Eevee are, they each only get to evolve once, meaning other starters usually end up with higher stats. However, you might be surprised at just how fierce the special "partner" Pikachu and Eevee of the Let's Go! games are. Normal Eevees bear a stat total of 325 at max level, but partner Eevee jumps to 435. He can also learn the unique Veevee Volley technique, which never misses and adjusts its power based on your friendship, maxing at a fierce 102 power (plus the same-type attack bonus).

That said, note that partner Eevee and Pikachu can't evolve, so your eventual stat totals are comparable to standard Eeveelutions.

9. Eevee Is Extremely Rare

Despite doting fans, Eevees are noted to be incredibly rare in several Pokedex entries, implied to be a result of their unstable DNA (which could make breeding difficult). The last thing I want to think about is endangered Eevees, but it makes it all the more touching that Oak was willing to give us his rare companion in Yellow (before Gary swiped it, anyway).

This is further supported by Eevee's scarcity in the early games, as it wouldn't appear in the wild, and you could only obtain a single one from certain NPCs. Interesting, but not the only Pokedex tidbit surrounding Eevee...

10. Eevee Begins to Look Like Its Trainer

And you thought Ditto was the only transforming Pokemon around. According to the Pokedex in Pokemon Ultra Moon, "Its genes are easily influenced by its surroundings. Even its face starts to look like that of its Trainer."

Remember, Ultra Moon didn't come until Generation 7, and no prior Eevee entries mention adopting its Trainer's appearance. Thus, this is a surprisingly recent revelation that adds a whole new layer to Eevee's mutant powers. Sorry. little fellas looks like you'll be stuck with features from our ugly mugs.

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