Chapter 5 Home? For now.

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Tawny entered Tony's home in Stark tower met by raucous laughter. She cowered back at the sight of so many new people.

"Stark where ya been?" A tall blond man in a blue tshirt questioned.

The others seated around the couches turned to stare at the newcomers causing the small girl to press herself further back against Tony.

"Who have you brought with you man of iron?!" Thor questioned in his booming voice.

"This is Tawny she's a friend of nanna's." Tony said patting her shoulder reassuringly, "nanna slipped and hurt herself last night she asked us to look out for Tawny for her."

Tawny flinched as one by one the group advanced at her to introduce themselves.

"Good day little one" thor thundered thrusting his hand towards her. "I am Thor of Asgard!" Tawny immediately flinched away from him.

"Hush Thor can you not see you frighten the child?" A man with shoulder length black hair said in a silky voice. He nodded at the girl, "Hello child I am Loki also of Asgard."

"Hey" a man with dirty blonde hair and a red headed woman said in unison waving.

Standing behind the others a man with dark messy hair smiled slightly and mumbled a hello.

"H-h-hi" tawny stammered staring hesitantly at the two men nearest her.

"Alright everyone back up give the kid some room" Tony said with a laugh.

"Follow me Tawny I'll show you where you'll be staying." Pepper said gently as she lead the girl from the room.

The group of heroes watching he girl shuffle quietly out of the room behind Pepper. Their attire a stark contrast Pepper's slightly rumpled business suit and heals against Tawny's hole riddled clothes who's original color was no longer discernible.

"Where did nanna find the kid?" Hawkeye asked, "she looks like she's been on the street for at least a year." Natasha elbowed him in the ribs. "What she does!" He defended himself.

"Be nice Barton!" Natasha hissed knowing all too well what being on your own as a child was like.

"Well I don't know for how long but she was on the streets." Tony admitted. "Nanna found her half frozen in the alley yesterday."

"Poor child!" Thor boomed, "will she stay here now iron one?"

"Until nanna is better, yeah" Tony nodded.

Loki looked towards the hall thoughtfully. The girl needed someone to care for her that much was clear. He couldn't help but wonder if Stark had it in him to care for another life.


"Thor is very b-b-big I-isnt he?" Tawny stammered nervously to Pepper. "I-is he here a-all the time?"

Pepper chuckled "yes I suppose he is rather large. He's a sweetheart really you don't need to be scared of him Tawny."

Tawny looked at her skeptically but said nothing.

"Ah here we are." Pepper said with a smile as she opened a door. "This will be your room, your shower's through those doors to the right and Tony and I are three doors down the hall if you need us. If you want to change into pjs I can have those cleaned for you" pepper indicated Tawny's current attire.

Tawny hung her head embarrassed, "I d-don't ha-have any other c-clothes." she whispered.

"Well we'll have to do something about that won't we?" Pepper replied gently. "For now I'll go get one of Tony's t-shirts that should be about nightgown size on you and I believe I have some shorts with drawstrings somewhere that might work I'll be right back."

Tawny walked around the room as she waited for Pepper's return. She opened the door Pepper had said lead to the bathroom and peaked in. She's never seen a bathroom that large, of course she hadn't seen a proper bathroom since she'd run away, even so this one impressed her.

"I think these should do for the night" Pepper said as she entered the room.

Tawny jumped and slammed the door catching her finger in the process. She yelped and jerked her finger back quickly placing it in her mouth ,her eyes watering in pain.

"Oh hey let me see." pepper said soothingly walking towards Tawny swiftly.

"I-im s-sorry!" Tawny yelped throwing her arms up defensively.

Pepper knelt in front of her and pulled her arms down. "Sweetie it's ok to be curious. We will NEVER hurt you EVER I promise you. ok?" Tawny fought to hold the tears in but lost when Pepper tugged her gently into her lap. "Shhhhhh shhhh sweetheart it's ok, it's ok you're safe. Shhhh" pepper cooed stroking the sobbing girls hair. "You wanna tell me about it?"

Tawny shook her head no and continued sobbing. Twenty minutes later Pepper tucked an exhausted and sleeping Tawny into bed and headed back to the others.

"How is she?" Bruce asked in his quiet voice.

Pepper shrugged, "tired, scared, she's sleeping now."

"You know Tony," Bruce began smirking, "when you walked in with that little girl I thought for a moment there you'd gone out and found a long lost daughter."

Everyone laughed along with bruce as Tony rolled his eyes. "Oh ha ha guys very funny." Tony said sarcastically, "imagine me as a father ha!"


Ha ha ha I love when one of the characters says exactly what's happening as a joke completely cluelessness to what's really going on I loved writing that. Once again I'm not sure how this is going please please please someone say something?

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