Chapter 20 Reunion

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Andrew's eyes were blazing furiously. "If he thinks your so important then where is he?!" He shouted raising his fist to strike again.

"Right here," Tony growled angrily from behind him, "and if you touch my kid again I'll make sure you regret it."

"You're kid? Huh?"Andrew questioned confused before seeming to realize his predicament. "Gonna sick the hulk on me?" He taunted with false bravado.

"I won't need him." Tony said simply the fury evident in his words.

"Oh yeah gonna fight me in an iron man suit that takes a real man." Tawny's stepdad said desperate to weaken his opponent any way he could.

"Yeah sort of like beating a child!" Tony shouted angrily. "But you know what you're right I'm more of a man than you." Tony stepped out of his suit fists raised ready to fight. "Make you're move."

Andrew reached beside him grabbing a monkey wrench and swung it at Tony's head. Tony ducked and sent a right hook into Andrew's ribs. The tussle continued around the basement. Tony threw an uppercut catching Andrew in the jaw. Andrew retaliated with a left jab to Tony's abs.

As the fight wore on Andrew began to lag behind. His punches got messy he'd never been one for finesse it was all brute strength with him and now he was learning what a disadvantage that was. In a last desperate attempt he pulled Tawny between them placing the nearest sharp object, a box cutter, against her throat. "One more step and I'll kill her." he wheezed out exhausted from the fight.

Tony froze, "let her go!"

"Not gonna happen stark." the man said dragging a wincing Tawny back towards the stairs with him. The further they got from Tony the more the girl struggled. As her heels brushed against the bottom step panic lit in her tired eyes.

"Don't let him take me again don't let him take me!!!" She screamed desperately.

"Shut up brat!" Her stepfather shouted at her shaking her roughly.

"Daddy pleeeease!?" Tawny sobbed her eyes locked with Tony's.

Tony watched helplessly as the man dragged his child further away from him. Tears escaped despite his best efforts from the corner of his eyes.

"Daddy!!" She screamed as she was pulled from his sight shattering his heart into tiny pieces.

The moment they were out of sight Tony called his suit to him and shot through the ceiling appearing mere feet behind Andrew. The large man whirled around in surprise to be met with a metal fist to the face.

Tony lost count of the hits in his furious state and only became aware of his surroundings when Thor stepped in.

"He is sufficiently beaten iron one." Thor reassured him, "we will handle him now. Go to her."

Tony rushed to the limp form laying a few feet away. He shed his suit and cradled her against him. "Hey kiddo" he whispered gently brushing strands of hair out of her bruised face. "He'll never touch you again." Tony promised as he carried her to the waiting jet. "Bruce?" He shouted searching for his friend.

"Here put her here." Bruce instructed indicating a stretcher.

Tony lay her gently on the stretcher holding her hand in his. "Is she ok?"

Bruce began checking her vitals concentrating deeply. "Her pulse is strong. I'll have to run some tests when we get back. It looks like she may have a couple broken ribs at least. Probably a concussion." Bruce paused breathing heavily angry at the condition the little girl was in.

"Easy there big guy." Natasha said gently patting Dr Banner on the shoulder, "we got him he'll pay."

The trip back to stark tower was silent everyone either glaring at a now broken and bloody Andrew, or glancing worriedly towards Tawny's still form. Both bruce and Tony had to be calmed down multiple times along the way.

Tony wanted nothing more than to hold his little girl close and never let her go but he held back for fear of harming her further. He decided then and there that there is nothing harder than seeing your child in pain and being unable to fix it or even hold them.

Pepper met them at the door tears streaming down her cheeks. "Is, is she?.." She trailed off unable to voice her greatest fear.

"She's alive," Tony grunted pulling Pepper comfortingly into his arms. "Bruce thinks she's probably got a concussion among other things."

Pepper sighed relieved she was living and worried for her condition. "Is she going to be ok?"

"Of course she will," Tony claimed trying to reassure himself as much as Pepper, "she's my kid takes more than that to take down a stark." he looked worriedly at his child, 'please be ok kid.'

Bruce was thankful she wasn't awake while he set broken bones and relocated her shoulder. He quickly added an IV to replace her fluids and hooked her to monitoring machines. The small girl lay still dwarfed by the large bed. She looked so fragile there hooked to the machines. All the while
Tony sat quietly, which was strange for the smart mouthed billionaire.

As the days passed and Tawny hadn't awakened Tony became more and more agitated. "What's wrong with her Bruce why hasn't she woken up!?" He asked exasperated and worried. "When will she wake?"

"I don't know Tony." The Dr told him honestly, "she was in pretty rough shape when we got her you know that. She's completely drained physically at this point it's just a matter of when she's recouped enough. She'll wake up Tony and should be the same little girl we all know and love but you just have to give her time."

Tony groaned and went back to his place next to her bed. "I wish I'd always known you kid." he whispered to her rubbing her hair gently. "If only Id known. I wasn't always very responsible, heck I'm still not responsible, but I'd have been there for you; you'd never have gone through this. You gotta get better for me ok? You gotta wake up kiddo, it's just not the same without you anymore."


Hello peoples here's the update yay she finally safe again 😄 as always I absolutely love hearing from you guys and im so thrilled you love the story it makes me keep trying even when it's not going how I want and I erase and begin again repeatedly (like with this chapter) anyway hope you like it see us soon

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