Chapter 18 Nightmares

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"Please let me go." Tawny pleaded already certain he wouldn't.

Andrew simply laughed as he pushed her towards a cage in the basement. "As dumb as you are I'm sure even you have realized that's not how this is gonna go," he growled as he smacked the cage near her head.

Tawny curled up as small as she could trying to stay away from the walls of the cage. "What did I ever do to you?" She whispered not really expecting him to hear or answer.

"You existed!" He spat whirling around towards her.

Tawny knew she'd made a grave mistake when he picked up a bat as he approached. " I'm sorry." she cried desperately.

"Not good enough," he growled, "you don't know what sorry is...not yet anyway..."


Tony ran his fingers through his hair agitated. "Uuuuuugh!!" He shouted frustrated, "a week it's been a week my kid with that monster for a week!"

"I know, I know," Pepper tried to soothe, "we'll get her back."

"How Pepper!? How!?" Tony snapped, "I've got nothing! I can't find anything, he hasn't called, I can't..." He trailed off brokenly.

"Jarvis have you checked for a trace recently?" Pepper questioned the AI

"I have been programmed to check every thirty minutes ma'am."

"Yeah there's nothing there either she lost it, he took it, or she simply has it in her pocket or something." Tony sighed exasperated, "I should have just told her! If she only knew! She'd have it on we'd have had her home within hours!"

"Tony blaming yourself won't help anything," Bruce told him quietly, "besides if anything it's my fault I left her down there."

"Yes and I stood feet away oblivious while she was taken." Pepper snapped uncharacteristicly.

"Sir," Jarvis interrupted their pointless squabbling, "you have an incoming call."

"Jarvis try to trace it." Tony snapped before turning towards the projected call.

"Well hello there I trust you've got my money together by now." Andrew said with an evil grin.

"I want to see Tawny." Tony replied trying to hide the desperation in his voice.

Andrew disappeared from the screen before a small body was thrown into the shot. She was filthy from blood or dirt they couldn't tell. Pepper turned away with a gasp tears streaming down her cheeks.

Tawny looked up her eyes filled with exhaustion and pain. "Tony?" She whispered her voice croaking from the screams it had suffered through with her most recent beating. "Tony help..." She was shaking whether from cold or fear Tony couldn't know.

"Hey kid," Tony choked through the tears he held at bay, "I'm gonna get you back its gonna be ok..."

"Alright times up!" Andrew snapped grabbing the trembling girl by the hair and dragging her off the screen.

"Get your hands off her!" Tony shouted, he wanted nothing more than to jump through the screen throttle the man who'd hurt his girl and hold her close until it quit hurting.

"Tut tut Stark," Andrew reprimanded, "until I get my money she's mine to do what I want with."

With that the screen blanked an exhausted Tony knelt to the ground, his hands covering his face, totally spent. "Anything Jarvis?" He questioned hopefully.

"I'm sorry sir I only pinpointed as far as the east coast before losing him." Jarvis replied a tone of regret almost sneaking through his voice.

Tony growled and threw the nearest object across the room a metallic clatter resounding throughout.

"Back to work then," Bruce stated as he went back to his computer searching for anything pointing to the girl's location.

"I'm going out." Tony stated as he stood and headed for his suit.

"Tony now really isn't the time..." Pepper began in a scolding tone.

"Pep I've done all I can in the lab! Jarvis is continuously checking for her signal to pop up, I'm gonna go search I can't just sit here anymore! I can't eat I can't sleep I have to find her I have to have her home and safe."

Pepper nodded in understanding, be safe."

Tony shot out of the tower, thrusters at full capacity. "we have to find her Jarvis!"

He'd been flying up and down the coast for hours when Pepper's face appeared in his screen.

"Tony?" She paused nervously, "we just got a letter for a drop off location. And Jarvis says her trace popped up for a minute, not enough to trace yet but hopefully she'll pick it back up. At least we know she has it now."

Tony sighed happy to have any point of encouragement, "well hopefully she'll pick it up soon."

Tony raced back to the tower to find out where the meeting was meant to occur. He didn't hold out hope that Andrew would keep his word. No any 'man' that would beat a child like that was not to be trusted. At this point their only hope was if Tawny held the necklace long enough for them to trace her. 'Please put it on baby girl, please.' Tony thought in despair. He'd not expected to be a father but now that he'd met Tawny, now that he'd come to love her, he couldn't bare the thought of losing her.


I found this chapter rather hard to write, first one the whole book actually, to be honest I think I felt bad about what I was writing happening to Tawny poor kid. I'm sorry little one I love you it will get better.

Ok anyway how's it going? As always. Love to hear from you. Well on to the next chapter see you soon 😄

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