Chapter 1 part 2

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Bucky said "hello everyone, I'm Sergeant white wolf and this beside me is captain America, you may know us from the Smithsonian, we were in WW2, anyways if you would follow us we will give you a tour and you can meet the other avengers, unfortunately Thor is not here, he is on Asgard preparing for his wedding and the Hulk is not here either as he is, on a mission and also Spider-Man and iron queen are not here because they are busy helping someone they know in Tennessee as their actual selves" Steve said "now follow us" they gave everyone a tour, they showed us all the labs, then the suit room and the kitchen and basically everything except the bedrooms. After they finished they took us to the living room where the other avengers were, my dad, Nat, Sam, Clint and Loki (Loki never attacked New York), so Steve said "this is Hawkeye, black widow, iron man, the falcon and Loki" while pointing at everyone, the avengers all said "hello" then dad said "well I'm sure Sarge has mentioned that Spider-Man and iron queen aren't here, but if they were here, I'm sure they would have been very excited to meet you guys" then Nat said "alright, do any of you want to watch us fight?" Everyone put their hands up, so they led us to the training room, which has mats and all kinds of fighting things, like guns for Nat, we also have a shooting arena, then there are extra shields for cap, in case the one he has when we fight someone gets dirty, it's pretty heavy, him, Bucky and Sam are the only ones that can actually hold it, anyways Nat said "alright well I'm gonna fight with Captain America and then with Sarge after that, so all of you just sit on the floor" then dad said "F.R.I.D.A.Y, can you tell the Hulk where we are, after he comes back but tell him not to come down and go to sleep, since he will be tired" the AI said "will do, sir" everyone except me, Ned and Peter jumped, since we're used to it, oh Pietro and Wanda aren't here because we didn't want them to be here and meet a bunch of teenagers that will most likely ask them a lot of questions and make fun of their accents and also because vision and I would've gotten angry, because I know for a fact that both girls and boys would've flirted with them. Morgan and Pepper are with the twins, also vision isn't officially a part of the avengers yet, we're still trying to get that done, but it's kind of hard because he's an android, anyways we watched Nat fight both Steve then Bucky.

Then dad said "alright, well that's all we have time for, but first, Peter Parker and Elizabeth Stark, come say hi" so Peter and I got up and we walked up to him and I hugged Nat, Steve, Bucky and Clint, then my dad in his suit, it was kind of weird and Peter hugged them too, everyone was shocked, they were just sitting their with looks of surprise on their faces, I said "in your faces, we know the avengers" while pointing between me and Peter, flash said "this can't be real, this has to be a joke" my dad said "oh it isn't a joke, her full name is Elizabeth Cassiopeia Stark and his is Peter Benjamin Parker and I wouldn't know that if I didn't know them" then Nat said "yeah they come here almost everyday, mostly because they stumbled upon the gates one day and we wanted to know why 2 kids were outside our gates" all the avengers nodded along to what Nat said, then flash scoffed and said "as if" I said "eh whatever it's your opinion and besides who gives a crap about what you think, if you don't believe me and Peter, then I'll tell my dad to get you out of school with just a phone call, if you don't leave Peter and Ned alone, especially when I've graduated" he said "alright alright, I'll leave them alone but I wanna get into MIT" I said "oh well too bad, can't help you there, my dad may have connections at MIT but what makes you think I'll tell him to get you into a very smart school, you are not my friend and we will never be friends ever" he had a scowl on his face then F.R.I.D.A.Y said "miss Stark, Mr. Parker?" Peter and I said "yes, F.R.I.D.A.Y" she said "shall I tell the hulk to call Mr. Stark and connect him to me then I'll tell him everything" I said "no, don't, we don't wanna disturb my dad, he's a very busy man, he runs the company along with mom and we wouldn't want to disturb them if they are in a meeting" then she said "alright" then said "sir, Spider-Man and iron queen are back from Tennessee" so dad said very quietly to me and Peter "go suit up" so Peter said "can I please go to the bathroom?" Both teachers nodded then I said "can I go too? I have my um, girl thing" both their eyes widen and then they wave me off, so I go, I meet Peter in the suit room and put on my jacket and then pull the strings and press my arc reactor, then I meet Peter in the hall with his suit on and his mask on his face, then we go back into the training room and I said "hello everyone, I'm iron queen" then Peter said "and I'm Spider-Man" our voices change when we talk, it's a thing dad put in for us, so no one from school will be able to tell who we are by our voices, I have F.R.I.D.A.Y connected to my suit and Peter has an AI that he called Karen, anyways flash said "who are you?" I said "I'm afraid we can't tell you, but unfortunately we have to go, Spider-Man and I have a mission that we need to go on, we won't be back before you all leave so say hello to Elizabeth and Peter for us, I'm talking to you Ned" then Ned gasped and said "omg, iron queen knows my name" Peter and I laughed and I said "of course I know your name, we all do, Elizabeth and Peter talk about you all the time, your their best friend and they love you" he said "oh, I'll tell them, thank you miss iron queen" then Peter and I walked back to the suit room and I pressed my arc reactor which retracted my suit but I didn't bother to put it back on the mannequin, I just walked out of the room with it still on, my arc reactor is hidden under my shirt and a singlet that I have under the shirt and then the jacket is on top of them and I know for a fact Peter put his clothes on top of his suit and his mask is in a pocket hidden inside his shirt.

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