Chapter 4

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*flashback back to 1944*

Steve's POV *train*

I have my Bucky back and I'm so glad he's alright, when Peggy told me that most of the 107th was captured, I was terrified I lost him, I mean he's not just my best friend, he's my boyfriend, the love of my life, my one and only. He has been there for me through basically everything, he always showed up when I got into a fight, then somewhere along the way I fell in love with him but never said anything because same sex relationships are illegal, I remember before I went to save Bucky and the others, some agent tried to kiss me but I pulled away from her just before she could since I am 100% gay, anyways we are on the train and we are going after Zola, Bucky almost fell off but I managed to pull him back inside the train (I know, he fell off of it but I couldn't do that to our baby), we got Dr. Zola and Colonel Philips interrogated him , Zola said that Schmidt/red skull had the power to destroy the world, since he had a new weapon that was the Tesseract and he was planning to destroy the United States.

So we made a plan to invade the last hydra base, once we attacked it we basically killed most of the agents, Schmidt got on a plane and started it and he was rolling down the runway to take off, so Bucky and I were trying to catch up when Colonel Philips came driving on the side of us in a hydra car with Peggy in the back and the Colonel took off, he noticed a button so he pressed it and it was a turbo booster once we were near the plane we went under it, so we all ducked and then we made a move to get on the wheels, but Peggy stopped us by saying "wait" I noticed just in time that she was going to kiss me, so I turned my head and she ended up kissing my cheek, she frowned, then Bucky and I jumped, (skip the fight, between Steve and Red Skull), after the Red Skull dissolved.

Bucky kissed me and said "I love you, but you know what we have to do right?" I said "yes I do and I love you too" so we went up to the radio and played with it a bit then I said "this is Captain Rogers" (this part is not going to be anything like in the movie), I heard Peggy say "Steve, are you boys alright?" I said "yes Peggy we are fine but this plane is headed straight for New York, I have to put her in the water, I'm sorry" she said "there has to be another way" then Bucky said "there isn't, the plane is going very very fast, I'm sorry Peggy, I know how much you love Steve, but he's terrible when it comes to girls" then I said "hey!!, wait ok, yeah that's true, anyways we have to crash, I really am sorry Peggy" then she said "why did you not let me kiss you?" I said "is anyone else there" (Peggy looked around on the other side, in the base), then said "no there isn't anyone else here" I said "I didn't let you kiss me because I'm gay and in love with Bucky" she said "ohhhh, that makes so much sense, I wish you both the best of luck even tho you only have like 2 minutes left together, but goodbye" I said "goodbye Peggy and you always will be my best girl, I do love you just not in the way you want me to". Then we crashed into the ice and froze and woke up 70 odd years later, but we didn't know that yet.

*flashback over*

Ellie's POV

When Steve and Bucky first told me, I literally thought that Bucky was going to fall off that train but then Steve said "I managed to pull him up, I don't know how, because he was kind of far away from the hole but I did" then Bucky said "I'm so glad he did, because if it wasn't for him, I would've been either dead or with hydra and I would be their "asset" or whatever, since I have the serum, if I actually fell there was like a 50/50% chance I could've survived". They told me everything that happened, so I know Bucky has a type of version of the serum and was captured by hydra and experimented on.

Anyways, once they finished telling me everything, I went to the training room and trained a bit with Wanda and Pietro too, since Peter isn't here right now, we trained for an hour and a half, then once that was finished, we went to the theatre room, that also has an Xbox, PlayStation and WII, connected to it, we told Harley on the way, we all played Mario kart and I kept winning, I'm a pro at it, anyways once everyone got tired of losing, we all decided to go for a swim and played Marco Polo and chicken. After that we decided to play basketball on the inside court, then we went and ate some food, then went to our rooms, Wanda went to hers, Harley went to his but Pietro came to mine.

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