''I never said I choosed you,now haven't I?''

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The Enchated Forest is a very dangerous place,and not bc of animals or people...but for one and only King-Robin Locksley. He is ruthless and insensate ruler. Somebody says that he's born in that way while other says that he's like this bc he lost a woman he loved. His wife-Marian died while she was giving birth to Roland. Roland is a one cute dimpled prince,and he's just as handsome as his father but just that,he's not evil like Robin . Yeah,maybe Robin is a little bit evil but...that's his thing and he doesn't want anybody to know anything about him. He doesn't have friends just lover and hookers who keeps him company at nights but he doesn't love any of them. Ofc they are attractive women but they doesn't have that something that can intrigue him. So he uses them for one night stand and that's all. Until one day his counsellor came to him and said ''Your Majesty'' Robin looked at him very calmly and then counsellor continued with frightened tone ''I can see how sad you are sometimes and I'm the only one who knows the reason...'' Robin asked with rough tone ''What's this suppose to mean?'' counsellor inhaled deeply and answered ''It's means that you will never be truly happy if you don't have some one on your side.'' Robin gave him impatient look ''And what do you suggest?'' and then counsellor continued with shaky voice while he was looking at the ground ''You know there are so many beautiful women in this kingdom,thank Heavens for that...and well if you found a lady that would make you happy you will be better in no time!'' Robin,surprisingly,smiled and said ''but which woman would be perfect match for me? Huh? Which woman would like marry me?'' counsellor coughed at said ''You tell me,you're the King! You can have any woman you like,but not only for one night stand...for your whole life! The one who would accept you for who you are, who would love you no matter what,and Your Majesty,to be honest your family tree has to be expanded for the sake of the kingdom ...'' Robin interrupted him and said ''Alright! I will find a perfect match,I will be happy.'' Robin really wanted to be happy after such long time. His wife died before four years. And in those four years his been terrorizing,killing and torturing his people. People are very afraid of him,even sorceress named Regina. She's very powerful and she was born in that way. Although her beauty is something that world haven't seen. So beautiful,sassy,with rouhg and sometimes arrogant behaviour and yes,she is very honest and that's her biggest flaw. She's pushing,even people she loves away from her bc of her pure honesty. Her mother is the most manipulated person in the whole world. She says that Regina is her biggest mistake and why the hell did she ever gave her birth. She always complains and yells ''Regina,get married yet! Every girl of your age have a husband...'' and ofc Regina says everything right into her mothers face ''I don't love anyone! And true to be told no one deserves me! And no one has right to control me! You know that every single girl here is constantly complaining how her marriage is falling apart bc her husband is to bossy . '' Regina said in a sassy tone with smirk and continued ''Do you think that some one like me deserves that kind of life? I wanna be free without man telling me what to do!'' Regina smiled bc she always wanted freedom. Cora came closer to her and slaps her while she was shouting ''You ungrateful stupid girl! The man is the one who says woman what to do! And some day the one will show up and take you from me. And I'm going to pray for that! I can't stand your arrogant behavior!'' Regina was hurted knowing that her own mother doesn't want her so she just turned away and walk out of her house. She was practicing magic,she really loved that. And she loved horses too,they were her passion bc they were free,free like the wind. So little people knows her real behaviour;kind and gentle. She doesn't have much friends,just two actually and both of them are far away from her so now...her only friends are horses. She's talking to them when she has time...telling them stories about what she would do if she only had freedom. The week has passed by. And on the last day of the week,Sunday,Cora went to church where she heared women talking how the King is travelling through whole kingdom to find a new wife. Coras heart started beating faster with every second. Just a thought that Regina may be the Kings wife is...wonderful. She would have daughter that would be a Queen and she'll be rich like no one in this Kingdom. Her plan was brilliant and now she only has hope that the King chooses her daughter,her Regina. Meanwhile,there was no women that seemed to intrigue Robin. He wanted a perfect woman. The one with beautiful body,great personality and if it is possible,a virgin. He wanted a woman who would be his,for the first time in her life. He wanted the best for himself and the best he shall has. He didn't want a woman who will just fill his pleasures at nights he wanted some one who will fill his heart and soul although his heart was so corrupted with evilness and wickedness hes done in his life. But women wanted him so badly,he was so damn hot...from bottom to top. Muscular body,with such strong chest and arms,blue eyes and messy brown hair with slightly blonde here and there. And his smile...ohh,his smile was something that would kill. And as he was leaving house by house he made his way to property of the Mills family. Before he came Cora called Regina in and said with happy voice ''Regina,prepare yourself! Put a wide smile on your face! King is coming to our
house!'' Regina smiled and asked ''Why is he coming here?'' she was a bit scared and she didn't even know why he's coming,yeah Cora didn't tell her anything bc she knew that in that case Regina would run away...to be free! Hell with freedom when Cora wanted something she gets that. Regina got ready. Her long,black hair was released from bun. Now she was wearing dark red dress without decolletage,but her arms were fully exposed just like her right leg. Oh and her face was pure perfection. She has silken porcelain skin,and that bright complexion was even more expressing her dark eyes and her lips...men are losing their minds bc of them;they are thicker,soft, and even more beautiful when she smiles. Then Cora gave her a bracelet. Regina felt weird after putting it on her wrist but she just ignored it,she was just so excited bc the King will visit her house. After a few moments they've heard knocking. It's Robin. Cora jumped and opened the doors ''Good evening Your Majesty! I'am honored that you visited this humble home! What do I owe the pleasure?'' Robin chuckeled and looked at Reginas worried and concerned face ''Good evening ,Your Majesty!'' she bowed and said. Robin was looking at her,her beauty and,and everything. Her body,eyes,lips...he didn't know what happend to him. He just wanted taste those lips that were so perfect with that red seductive lipstick. He wanted to pull his body to hers and feel her breasts next to his chest. Regina smiled to him and he was done. He was lost in those lips with such bright smile and not to mention wonderful dark eyes...so stunning under thick eyelashes. He was looking her with hunger and he knew that that was no suitable behaviour of one King but...God,Regina was making him crazy already. ''I'm honored too.'' she said and when he heard her her voice. Her voice was rugged and he must say sexy. ''Regina,dear,the King came here to look for a wife!'' and then Regina removed her smile of off her face and said ''What?!'' Regina looked at Cora who was smiling with all her heart and Regina shouted at her ''You wanted this,haven't you?! You wanted me to be married to get rid of me!'' while she was shouting Robin was looking at her,that innocent girl that he saw a few moments ago is gone now. Now and here is one pissed of woman who doesn't want to get married with him ''I can't believe you've done this to me!'' Regina lowered her voice and continued ''You will just sell me?!'' Cora gave her angry look and said ''Regina,behave! Your Majesty...'' Cora was interrupted with Robins words as he was walking closer to Regina not moving eyes from her eyes ''Regina,why do you think I said I want to marry you?'' Reginas jaw dropped as she was looking at him. God,he was hot like hell,Regina admitted to herself while he was smirking ''I never said I choosed you,now haven't I?'' Regina was relieved as she put her entrancing smile on her face while she was looking at Cora. But then Robin put his hands around her and Regina looked at him,a bit scared bc she knows what kind of man he was;evil and ruthless. She didn't want anything with him and yet that was not possible bc of his words ''But now...now I'm having a second thought.'' Regina started shaking and he felt that,his arms were all around her waist,gather in a fist fight down her ass. ''Get the hell away from me...'' She way trying to get out of his grasp. But it was impossible,his arms and body were way to strong for her. Robins guards were about to calm Regina down bc she was hitting Robin all the time but then Robin smirked and said ''Wait,don't do anything! Let her shout...'' Robin leaned to her ear and whisper so only she can hear ''I kinda enjoy her being like this...so shaky under my touch,so wild.'' he said that in seductive tone, shamelessly biting her earlobe. Regina was frustrated and she was still trying to get away from him while she was hitting his chest and yelling ''You freaking pervert!'' Robin smirked and asked Cora ''It's important to know...Is she a virgin?'' Regina looked at him very seriously and with surprise in her eyes and she said ''Mother,don't! Don't tell him!'' Cora smiled at Robin and said ''As far as I know she is.'' Regina heart broke in two. She stopped with fighting. She was tired,so she relaxed in his embrace and started crying telling her mother with look full of hate ''congratulations mother,you succeeded,you won't have to stand my behaviour any longer.'' Regina bowed her head so that no one can see her crying but then Robin wiped away her tears and said to Cora ''She's coming with me,right now.'' He let her out of his embrace and at that right moment she slapped his cheek so hard that she left a red bruise on his cheek. Then one of the guards hit Regina and she fell on the floor. Now she was even more miserable and then Robin shouted so loud at his guard ''Did I tell you to do that!?!?'' Regina was still crying on the floor with her hands on her face touching a spot where the guard hit her. It hurts her she wasn't denying that. Robin stretched his arm to help her to get up ''Milady'' then she got up from the floor by herself and said ''It's Regina to you.'' now she wiped her tears but eyes were still red bc of fury that was growing inside of her. She was about to get married to a ruthless King...Goodbye my precious freedom she said to herself as she felt his arms around her once more. ''It was nice meeting you Cora.'' Robin said and then Regina,Robin and his guards went out of Cora's house and Cora shouted ''Regina,behave!'' Regina didn't even pay attention to her mother she was just walking to the carriage and when she was step to enter into it Regina turned around to see her stables and then she started running. She was running to say goodbye to her horse-Rocinante. ''Regina!'' Cora shouted with angry voice but Regina didn't listen she just ran to say her final goodbyes to her friend. Robin can see how much Regina is suffering bc of this marriage but he was about to marry this woman no matter what. She'll be his. After a few moments Regina got from the stables. Now shes standing in front of Robin and she said ''Alright,lets go.'' Robin smiled as she was entering the carriage. He entered right after her and that was it. They were going to his castle,to their castle to get marry.

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