''Because I'm yours.''

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Regina,Robin and Roland were in garden now. Little one was running all around the garden yelling ''Glad I'm home papa!'' oh he was way to adorable with those sweet dimples and puppy eyes. Regina and Robin were watching Roland,but then Regina broke the silence ''I...uhm...would never thought that you have a son.'' Robin looked at her with sad eyes and said ''I know. You actually never thought that I have a nice side,right?'' she moved her gaze from from him and sighed,he put a small smile upon his face and said ''You look beautiful in that dress.'' he looked at her. She smiled and her cheeks got a beautiful red color when she said ''Thank you.'' she unexpectedly put her arms around him and put her head on his shoulder and said ''I think...you didn't think that I can be capable of doing such a things like...''she laughed and he interrupted her ''like?'' he hugged her too and she laughed this time a bit louder and answered ''like what I've done to those men and...last night...'' he shake head and said ''Ooh,that! I'm glad you're capable of doing that.'' he grabbed her cheeks with both of his hands and said ''I'm so happy bc I found you.'' their gazes were going all around each other faces. First in eyes,then lips,then eyes again,but then Robin continued '' I know that things weren't going...nicely,between us...'' she came closer to him interrupting him with her soft lips and she said after a kiss ''It's alright now. I getting to know you better and Robin...you are a wonderful man.'' they smiled at each other and Robin kissed her slowly but with so much passion. His arms were going down her back and on lower part of her back,she gasped and asked ''I think that this Saturday is perfect for one... lovely wedding. Don't you?'' he shakes his head and said ''yes it is. Thank you for being with me,for standing by my side...'' she gave him tender look and said ''I can't wait to look at those man poor faces when they started crumble in front of us. Oh,that will be fun.'' he put his head on her neck and started giving her soft kisses while he was touching her breasts and then she said ''Um,Robin...I know you want this but...your son...'' she felt a smile on his face while he was kissing her neck and then he said ''What? He has to learn how to give affection to a woman. How to love and cherish her...'' he started biting her earlobe and whispering ''like she is the most treasured part of you...'' after that she put a serious face,and he felt like something was not right but before he asked her what it is she asked him ''Robin...you-you love me?'' he put his nose in her hair inhaled deeply through nose and felt her apple scent that was doing incredible wonderful things to him. He felt like he was in another world,without sins and evilness,he felt her perfectly spread scent of apples all around her neck and hair and then he answered her ''more then anything.'' and then she hugged him tightly and she felt safe,loved,his and like she is the happiest woman in the world ''I love you too Robin.'' he looked at her with confusion and scared face and she continued ''I really do. No man has ever showed me this kind of affection like you...you made me feel yours with just one touch''she touched his cheek '',with just one look. My knees are trembling like crazy when I feel your eyes on me,now you can just''she laughed lovely and continued ''imagine what your kisses are doing to me. I'm dying and resurrecting at the same time.'' he kissed her forehead and said ''I can't wait to make you mine in front of the whole Kingdom.'' she caressed her cheek along his and said through whisper when she felt his arms hugged her tighter along his strong figure ''I want to make every single woman jealous,I want them to see how much I love you,they will forget everything what they were talking about you.'' now they were way to relaxed and he said ''God woman,you'll be my undoing I swear.'' she kissed him hardly and passionately and said ''And you'll be my reason to live.'' after that Roland came to them and said ''Papa,what are doing with this lady?'' Robin laughed and put Roland in his lap and said while he was watching Reginas red cheeks ''I'm cherishing her son.'' Roland looked at Regina and asked innocently ''and do you Gina,do you cherish my papa?'' she was looking deeply in Robins eyes and said with confidence ''I do...so very much.'' even after words she was looking at him and licked her lips bc they went dry way to fast,and all she wanted is to kiss him again and again,just put her tongue deep in his mouth and feel alive, but then Roland said loudly and she shake her head ''Papa I wanna go riding...like in old times!'' Robin smiled and said ''alright,let's go for horses.'' Regina grabbed Robins wrist and said ''Maybe we could go at my place. I wanna visit my mother and...defy her. And ofc I wanna see my horses,if thats fine by you?'' Regina smirked and he said ''Of course it is...my love.'' They all get up from bench and went to the castle to get ready. Now they were in the castle. Robin was with Roland and Regina with Tink. ''So, where are you going?'' Tink asked her happily,and Regina answered in the same way ''I'm going to visit my mother with Robin and Roland.'' Tink became serious and said to her anxiously ''Regina,please,listen to me. He's a fraud. He will hurt you when you'll least expect it. And all you will have is a broken heart and questions in your head: -why did he do this to me...-'' Regina turned around to see Tink,and now she didn't have a friendly look on her face,but angry with ray of fury ''Why the hell are you talking about all of this?'' Tink inhaled deeply and answered while her eyes were watering like crazy ''Because that's true. You haven't been here for so long, but I have. Every night,screams of pleasure and dirty talking,hope speeches...and at the end he just leave them,make them worthless bc all they've done is spread legs for him. And all of these women are left with nothing not even proper goodbye from him...'' Regina gave her small,weak smile ''I don't believe you. He can't be that cruel...he already told me that he loves me...'' Tink interrupted her with higher and stronger voice ''God Regina,just tell me you didn't say the same to him?!'' Regina answered with shaky voice ''I did,so spit it out. Why is that such a big deal? He loves me and I love him...'' Regina laugh mockingly and continued ''what are you too one of his whores?!'' her words hit Tink like thunder,straight to the heart,and Tink couldn't keep her tears any longer and she said ''You are becoming just like him. And I thought that you'll be different,not letting him to do what he wants with you. He's making you his monster,his pet...and you're buying it. It's sad.'' Reginas fury was unbearable and she screamed at her ''Get out! Get out and don't come back,Tinkerbell!'' Tink was about to leave but before she did she said ''I've told all of this bc you were my friend and I take care of my friends Regina.'' and then Tink went out of Reginas room. Regina was confused and her head was full of suspicions. Maybe Robin is using her,maybe he will do the same to her like he's done to all those women,maybe he will hurt her the way she would never thought about. Regina collapsed on her bed and said aloud,with scared voice ''Oh,I am weak.So damn weak. I could never say no to his eyes and voice. I'm crazy. Crazy woman acting like a teenager. But I can't do anything,his arms around me feels like heaven and his touches and kisses...oh my,but what can I do? Maybe prey that he really feels what he said to me...'' the knocking interrupted her. That was him. His smile and sexy accent voice calling for her the moment he entered the room ''Regina,we are ready...'' Regina turned on the other side so he couldn't see her and he asked her again,approaching her slowly ''What is it,my love?'' Does he really means it, that love word that was going through his mouth so perfectly. Her eyes were full of tears and she didn't dare to say anything bc she was afraid that she'll break. ''Say something Regina,what is it?'' he sat on the bed and continued ''You were fine 15 minutes ago. Did somebody say something to you?'' oh she felt his eyes on her,and that was making her heart beating go even faster. She loves this man,and she loves hearing his voice and word love from his mouth,but that also scares her and she answered with weak voice which break just as she thought ''yes.'' Robin took her shoulder and turned her around so now he was looking at her perfect illuminating face bc of tears on her cheeks and dark orbs and she continued ''you go with Roland to my farm...'' she lowered her head and continued as tears were streaming down her face ''I'll stay here for the rest of the day.'' he put his forefinger under her chin and lifted it up and said looking at her eyes ''I'm not going anywhere without you.'' Regina looked at him too and literally jumped into his embrace,crying onto his chest talking ''I'm so weak,I'm sorry Robin...'' he hugged her and put his head in her hair and asked softly ''heavens,what happened to you?'' he caressed her hair and she answered ''you,you happened Robin. I know what you've done to all those women before me...and-and I'm so scared bc I think you're going to do the same to me and that I'm going to be hurt...'' she wiped her tears although new were constantly coming over and over again and she continued ''Tinkerbell said that you hurt her too,that you used her for...your own pleasure...and that I'm your newest victim. Robin...'' she hugged him as firmest as she can ''please don't do that to me,you don't even have to force me...you know how easily I'm going to be with you,just bc I feel so safe in your arms...and bc your lips feel so right on mine...'' he kissed her head, hug her too and said firmly with so much love in his voice ''I will never hurt you,I already told you that. I,indeed love you Regina. I wanna make you mine,I wanna take care of you,trust me. Everyone are going to say the worst about me,especially to you,but if you love me the way you said, you won't listen to them. You will stay by my side...and love me just like I love you. I love you Regina Mills. Don't you...'' Regina exhaled loudly and with ray of happiness said ''All I wanted to hear you just said...don't say anything else.'' she looked at him and he kissed her gently she she can feel in his kiss how he feels,how he loves her with his whole soul. She laid on bed with him on her while he was still kissing her passionately telling her how shes his and how he'll never hurt her,bc he loves her more then he loves himself. ''Robin...I need to get ready. We have to go,right?'' she smiled and he said tenderly ''That's the smile I wanted to see...'' he moved his thumb across her lips and kissed her again and said ''alright,Roland and I will wait outside for you.'' Robin got up from the bed and started walking towards the doors but then Regina said ''Robin,will you help me with dressing?'' she got up from the bed too and he asked her considerately ''Are you sure you want that?'' he started walking towards her,she's done the same and she answered taking his arm in hers ''I want to feel your touches all around my body...So yes,I'm sure.'' she turned around,lifted her hair so he could have access to zip of her dress and she said '' go ahead,unzip it.'' and he did. The moment he saw her silky and soft back he started giving her open mouthed kisses and telling her ''you're so warm,so perfect,so...mine'' with arms he removed the rest of her dress and when she was fully naked he cupped her breasts and started massaging them easily. She moaned while she was enjoying his kisses. He was kissing all of her;shoulders,back,lower back,ass,legs as he was touching the belly and caressing her legs,she didn't want that to stop but Roland was probably waiting for them''and now...go and find me a dress...'' she looked at him over a shoulder with sincere smile. And he did,he found one blue tight dress and put on her. After she got ready he said,admiring her ''your so beautiful Regina...'' he kissed her cheek and after that her half parted lips. ''Thank you'' she said and after that both of them went to find Roland. When they did they all went to Reginas farm. The three of them were in carriage now. ''Gina,you have a nice dress...'' said Roland very sweetly,Regina smiled and said ''thank you little one...just wait and see my horses.'' Regina touched little ones nose. Roland tickled and said ''I bet they are pretty,just like you.'' Regina nodded and added ''Well I'm sure you are going to love them.'' after that Roland said something that no one could believe that boy at his age could say ''like you love my papa?'' Regina looked shocked and she looked at Robin who was laughing and waiting for her answer ''well it's a bit different...your papa is not an animal,right Roland?'' that was not an answer that Robin wanted to hear and he asked her ''sure I'm not Regina,but that's not what my son asked...right Roland?'' Robin looked at Regina and Roland answered ''right. You love my papa?'' Regina inhaled and said ''yes I do.'' and after her Robin added ''And I love you Regina.'' he said that in front of his child so it must be really true. He really loves her. God,thank you. After a few minutes the three of them were on Reginas farm. ''You go to the stables,I have to talk with my mother.'' Robin nodded and said ''Alright.'' and in that moment Reginas two best friends called her name. Regina turned around to see them and she yelled ''Emma! Snow!'' Girls started running to Regina and they hugged each other. ''My God,girls I've missed you so much.'' Emma smiled and said ''You too...now,tell us,what are you doing with him?'' Regina stayed quiet and Snow asked her again ''Regina,what is it?'' And then Regina answered,a bit uncertainly ''I'm going to marry him...'' she coughed and watched her friends terrified faces ''Regina,honey,you do know who he is right?'' asked Snow with confused face and voice,and then Regina remembered Robins words how people are going to tell her the worst about him,and now she has to stay by his side,and she did and said ''I know who he is. He's my future husband. And,I don't care what you,or anyone else have to say.'' Emma turned around and she was about to go but Regina yelled ''Emma,where are you going?'' after that Emma yelled at her ''we were away for a week and now you are going to get married to the worst person in the whole world...Regina he's a monster. You deserve so much more and better.'' Snow looked at Emma and said ''but Emma,Regina loves him...'' Emma shouted again ''She's blind! He doesn't love her. He only sees her body. I am your friend Regina and I'm telling you,he's going to make fun of you.'' Regina screamed ''That's enough Emma! I am getting enough with this kind of shit! I am hearing the same craps every single day!'' Snow was about to put her arm on Reginas shoulder but Regina moved aside and said ''you too,both of you,go to hell. I really thought that some one is going to support me...but I was wrong. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and visit my mommy dearest. '' Regina turned around and Emma shouted ''He will destroy you Regina!'' and this time Regina wasn't crying,she turned to face Emma and Regina said ''You underestimate me Emma,and him!'' after a moment Regina knocked on her Coras doors,but no one was there it seems Cora was somewhere in Kingdom. In that case Regina went to the stables where Roland was already on horse. Happy and satisfied ''Oh you look like knight Roland!'' Regina said to him while she was smiling happily ''I know Gina! It's great. You have such pretty horses.'' while Regina and Roland were talking Robin was looking at them,he was,is, happy too. To have his son and such beautiful woman is wonderful. Regina smiled at him and he hugged her tightly and she said through whisper ''I saw my friends from here and...they didn't support me either. About you and me,our wedding and all of that. By the way my mother is not home.'' Robin kissed her head and said ''That's alright,and what did you tell them?'' Regina smiled and said ''I said ''go to hell'' '' After that he kissed her,her lips never felt more alive but that moment when he kissed her strongly. ''And if someone ever say something about you I will kill them.'' Robin and Regina went out of the sables with Roland on his horse and Robin said ''I would do the same for you, my love. And do you know what else?'' Regina smiled and looked in his eyes ''what?'' He looked in front of them with Roland on their right side,happy riding his horse ''I feel like God has sent his most beautiful angel and put it right into my arms. You.'' Regina smirked and said ''Well,I am surely not an angel. Remember,you called me 'devil'. '' Robin grinned and said ''Well,devil used to be Gods favorite,but he's just a fallen angel,right? And when he fell he needed someone to catch him...And I did,I catch you Regina. You are in my safe arms and I will never,ever let you go. Do you why?'' Regina laughed and answered proudly ''Because I'm yours.'' he nodded and kissed her strongly. And now she trusts him more then ever,she relaxed in his loving embrace,cupping his face with her hands to deepen the kiss to make it even more stronger and even more desirable.


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