''I will never hurt you''

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Regina was dragged to the main square. There were many,many people just waiting to see what will happen next. What kind of cruel destiny does the King has for this woman,for Regina. Regina was too weak,too weak to fight and to resist those guards. Robin was behind her,very seriously looking at her with thoughts ''she must be terrified,God Robin,why are you torturing her like this? Just look at her small figure under those guards rough touch...poor,beautiful thing.'' People were scared. Scared of horror that will happen right in front of their eyes. Regina was ashamed,they were treated her like garbage. Like she was nothing,and after all they thought that she doesn't deserve to live bc she insulted their King. But Robin was the most surprised by Reginas behaviour. She wasn't struggling and yelling,screaming and cursing. She just relaxed under guards touch and she was just waiting for them to put her against the pole and to burn her like she was some kind of a witch. I mean,she was,but...she was never going to hurt anyone. And as she was waiting them to put her against the pole they stopped. Her eyes went wide as she asked in whisper ''what's happening?'' she was confused and she looked at Robin who was looking back at her. He has that look. He was looking at her tired but yet so stunning face and little figure in well fitting dress that he gave her. She was,at this point,the most innocent creature in the whole word. So weak,and he,the villain was taking advantage of that. After those thoughts he came closer to her. She was about to tell him something but then one of the guards violently hit her back. She gasped in pain and looked at ground while guard was yelling at her ''How dare you turn to the king after all the humiliation that you caused to him?!'' Robin blood started boiling. He was about to kill that son of a bitch who hit her. He was about to stab his sword right in the bastards belly but then Robin caught her chin and lifted her gaze to him. She was looking right into his eyes and he was looking at her too. God,her eyes were the most precious thing for his tainted soul. They were like dark paradise to him,he enjoyed drown himself in them,it feels like home and then she said ''Tell me,did I deserve this? You know I was telling the truth'' the tear just rolled down her cheek'' that I'm the next Queen...and yet you still let them to torture me.'' he wiped away her tears and said ''Regina,if theres anybody in this world that will ever hurt you that will only be me. No one will ever hurt you without bearing the consequences,except me.'' she put a small smile and said ''and what? You will hurt me?'' another tear rolled down her cheek and he said ''Regina the thing is that no one will ever put hand on you,just me...you're mine now. And,you can choose: death or me.'' she was terrified and scared,she was breathing heavily ''I don't want to die...'' she said with sad and low voice then he said ''so you're choosing me?'' she gave him deadly look and said with hatred ''just because the other option was not acceptable,not bc I want to be with you or bc I have feelings for such insensitive person like you.'' After that Robin smirked and turned around to tell his people ''My people,I would like you to meet your new Queen! Regina Locksley!'' People started clapping and smiling. They were all so happy bc now they will have new ruler,a better one. Not so evil like Robin. Now they'll have someone who will care about them and their needs. Regina was looking at them,still sadly bc she will have to live with such terrible person as Robin,she will have to give birth to his children and all others awful things. ''Long live the Queen!'' Regina heard some of the people yelling happily. Regina smiled and in that moment the whole world was opened for Robin. He was looking at her while she was smiling and she yelled to those people ''Thank you! I'm glad I'll be your Queen.'' people bowed down and Robin whispered to her ear ''Just continue,continue smiling...you have a stunning smile,Regina.'' she looked at him with a little smile at the end of her soft lips and continued with listening his words ''Now,as a Queen you can punish those who tortured you...Right here,right now. You can light this pyre and punish whomever you want.'' she shakes her head and said with worry in her voice ''I won't kill anybody! I just wanna go to sleep and forget that this ever happen.'' he smirked and said ''As my Queen wishes.'' After that both of them went to the castle. While they were walking Regina said ''I think It will be the best for us to sleep in separate rooms...for now,'' she was interrupted with his jokingly words ''I can't believe that woman like you doesn't want to be with man like me.'' she rolled her eyes and said ''You have such big opinion about yourself right?'' he nodded and said ''Of course I have. I satisfied every single lover I had...And I will you too.'' Regina smiled and said sarcastically ''I doubt. We will be husband and wife...but nothing else. Just signature on the paper!'' then they entered the castle when one blonde girl came to them and Robin said ''From now on,you'll be Regina's personal maid. Regina is a new Queen...'' Regina was serious but then Robin whispered into her ear ''my Queen...'' and God,she wasn't denying he was hot like hell. After that they were left alone in front on his room. He was talking other things too. His breath on her ear sent shivers down her spine. She moaned and then Robin smirked and looked at her while she was blushing and he put his arms around her. His arms were on her ass,slightly squeezing and he said ''You can't deny that you're not enjoying this...'' he squeezed her ass one more and she said in sigh ''Stop it...'' she closed her eyes and said ''just stop...it...ahh...'' and now she was even more embarrassed and her cheeks were red as blood. He was looking at her and said ''What is it?Innocent Regina feels things while I'm touching her like this? Does Regina has indecent thoughts?'' She didn't know what to tell him so now she was just trying to get out of his embrace and she said with higher voice ''you pathetic idiot!'' she hit him and said ''let me go!'' and ,fuck it all,now she was yelling,again. ''You fool! What king of a woman do you think I am?! Rude bastard!'' he was laughing at her and said in mockingly voice ''someones pissed off. I suggest you to go to sleep...'' he opened the doors of his room and said ''in here.'' she looked at him angrily and said ''but this is your room...we said...'' he interrupted her ''no,no,we didn't say anything...you said...but I say to you now. Go inside and take a nap,beauty.'' she gave him frustrating inhale and exhale,rolled her eyes,entered the room and slammed the doors right in front of his face. Then he smiled and said to himself ''you're impossible Regina...bitter and sweet at the same time. Strong and fragile...oh so perfect.'' on the other side of the doors Regina was pissed of bc of a feeling that she has bc of his touch. She didn't want to have that kinds of thoughts. Dirty and naughty. She was telling to herself ''you fool,just forget about his touch and...and...just sleep!'' she fell,exhausted on the bed and said to hefself once more ''he's an ass,murdered, pervert...hot,handsome...Ugh,Regina stop it! Stop,stop,stop with those kind of thoughts!'' she put her hands all over her face and said ''calm down...get off his smile out of your head and just sleep.'' and after that she fell into one,peaceful dream. Now,was she falling for him? For a villain? No it's no possible...not so soon. But...when they're alone,he is a pervert but a gentle one. His touches are soft like silk,his smile is so fucking contagious and his eyes...Regina could jump into them and get lost,for ever. And even now...she doesn't want him to touch her just over the clothes. She wants him to touch her bare skin,but ofc she won't admit that and especially not to him. Sometimes she has those animal urges...like a moment ago. She was literally moaning and collapsing under his touch. But she doesn't love him,God no. And he doesn't love her...she is just another sex slave to him,although now he wants to spent the rest of his life with her. He has never wanted anything more then sex with any other woman. Just a pleasure,not love,not feelings, not gentleness and warmness. And with Regina,well he does want that. He wants to meet her but,after all,he's a villain and he doesn't know which way is the best to approach Regina so he's flirting all the time. He's trying to get to her in his own way,hoping that she'll fall for him bc of him...bc of what he is. And apparently it's working. Regina is falling for him,but she won't admit it. She won't, even though she's calling his name through whisper while she's sleeping. Oh,God,just don't let Robin enter the room,don't let him see her while shes desperately calling his name is sleep. She'll be even more embarrassed but it seems that God didn't hear that prayer. Robin did enter the room and he heard Regina while she was invoking his name in slow motion with gentle voice. She was dreaming about him and he was looking at her while she was dreaming. She was so beautiful. While she's sleeping she's such an angel and everytime when she's so calm he is overwhelmed with wonderful feeling,but he won't admit that that feel is one and only-love. She,truly isn't one of his sex toys...shes unique,perfect,shameless sometimes,sassy,fragile,stunning...He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Her chest were going up and down as she was sleeping and he was enjoying looking at her while she's sleeping and breathing with her full lungs. She's so alive,young,untouched and his. ''My beauty'' he said while he was caressing her cheek and dark curls ''you're so beautiful...'' his thumbs went over her lips and scar on her upper lip ''I will never hurt you. May I die If I hurt you...but try to understand me,I'm a villain and I have my way of loving and feeling. Just give me a chance Regina and I will love and cherish you more then anything and anyone in this whole world.'' then he left the room. She was still in a deep sleep,in a sleep where she could hear him telling her ''Just give me a chance Regina and I will love and cherish you more then anything and anyone in this whole world...'' then she just opened her eyes and asked herself in confused and calm voice ''was this just a dream?'' she closed her eyes and continued ''It must be,it is,Regina stop with hope...It won't lead you anywhere.''


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