×the mission×

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The three favorite child doing what they do

Dokja reading book at he private library

Han Yoojin play with he pet at the garden

meanwhile Cale just sleeping under a trees after practice he power

Then they hear someone voice in they head

- Where are you guys right now

The voice come from Azhar assistant Risha and Rishan he voice sounds very serious that make the three of them become tense

Dokja - I'm at library

Han Yoojin - i play with peace at the garden

Cale - i practice my power at dark forest

Cale doesn't want tell them that he actually sleeping after practice since he want to show them how good he is

- Alright get ready i will teleport you guys to Risha and Rishan

After that bright light cover there body and brought them to the black room that look like galaxy and have so many star in it

{Hello my little student!! How you guys?} The black hair woman run to there with cheerful voice

"Hallo goddess of galaxy how are you?"

{I'm good Han Yoojin thank you for ask me}

"Teacher can you tell we why you call us right now?"

{Hoo~ straight forward as always huh Dokja}

"Risha can you stop playing right now we doesn't have time to play right now"

{Cale!! Why you so cold to me!! at least respect me a little!!}

Cale only rolling he eyes

[Risha stop it]
[You know if we don't get this done something gonna happen right?]

The black hair man that look like goddess of the galaxy come forward with a little star that going around him

{I know that but they rarely come to find me and i miss them!!}
{And you miss them to!!} said Risha while hug han yoojin

[Of course they my students after all]
[But we doesn't have time for sweet reunions] While try to take risha away from han yoojin

{You mean 'we' student right?}Said risha while look at rishan eyes full of bright star

[Of course]
Said rishan while grinned


And then they fighting each other meanwhile with the trio

"How the hell we become they student!?"said Cale annoyed after seems they fighting

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