1S TH1S R34L1TY?

23 1 0

W3LC0M3 B4CK T0 H1S BR41N.

H3 B3L1V3S 4LL HUM4NS 3X1ST 1N 4 S1MUL4T10N.

D0 Y0U 4GR33?


H3 1SNT R34L.

WH4T Y0U S33 1S 4 H4LLUC1N4TI0N.

H3 H4S 4LR34DY P4SS3D.


H3 1S SP34K1NG T0 Y0U N0W



It's me..

I'm not real..

I never deserved a life..

So i wasted it..

My wrists were cut and bloody before I died..

I thought they looked pretty.. but my parents didn't.. i tied a cloth around my neck and pulled.

I saw pretty things before i couldn't see anymore.

What you are reading doesn't exist.

I don't exist.

Not anymore..

The last thing I saw was my mother running towards me.

And everything went black..

I felt at rest..

I felt peaceful..

I could finally breathe again..

I fell into a deep sleep, so deep i wouldn't wake up for a long time.. have you ever felt like that?

Of course you haven't. You aren't dead. Not yet..

My thoughts are getting too loud..

Why are you talking?! You don't fucking exist! Why are you talking to the living?!

I'm sorry..

You're worthless. Can't even follow simple directions.

He's gone now..

He is speaking, speaking for me..

If i was alive I'd need an exorcism..

I'm a worthless apparition..

Can't follow simple directions..

Sometimes i wish I was alive again..

I wish to see my family again..

Stop talking 404. I won't be afraid to get an exorcist.

I apologize..i must leave now.. it is not safe for me here..goodbye..0Ld fR31nD..

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