Chapter 14

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The next few months were difficult for Ali. The more she wanted to forget about Leo, the more she thought about him. She decided to focus on her studies and preparation for college. She was sure that she wanted to study either painting or art history. Although Joe urged her to become an architect, Ali knew that architecture was definitely not what interested her.

Ali didn't see Joe often, but they called each other frequently. He had a lot of studying to do and couldn't afford to come home every week. Ali thought more and more about giving him a second chance. She believed he'd learned something from the situation with Ana. She just wondered if it was unfair to Joe that she sometimes thought about Leo and their kiss. She decided that if she went back to her ex-boyfriend, she'd tell him what had happened between her and Leo.

Ali spoke sporadically with Mia on the phone. Mia was getting better every day. Everything seemed to point to her spending Christmas at home with her family. Mia sometimes mentioned Leo in conversation. She said that her brother wasn't currently dating anyone and that he was living and working in Los Angeles. The only thing Ali could say in reply was that it was good that her brother was back in America because that way he could see Mia more often.

Vicki came to terms with her love disappointment much more quickly than Ali. She fell in love with a guy from San Francisco and had already forgotten about Jimmy. She decided to create her portfolio to apply for the best makeup courses that were held in America. Ali, as the main model, patiently endured transformations into various creatures, princesses, and old ladies. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Ali knew that her friend had found a profession that would be more than just a job for her.

Leo also tried to forget about Ali. He thought it would be easy, but the opposite was true. Since he met Ali, no other girl seemed interesting to him. The sight of Victor and his fiancee happily in love was hard for him to bear. Songs about love played on the radio drove him crazy. Talking to people irritated him, and every girl in his sketches looked like Ali.

One day at the live music club where Leo was painting a mural, Aiden's father watched him for a while. The man noticed that something was bothering him. He poured good whiskey into two glasses and handed one to Leo.

"Girl problems?"

Leo was just thinking about how to politely let Bryan know that he didn't feel like listening to his advice when he spoke up again.

"If you screwed up, keep apologizing until you're forgiven. Sooner or later, every girl who loves will soften."

Aiden's father took a sip of his drink, lit a cigarette, and continued.

"And if she is with someone else, you either try to forget her. You have to endure your own suffering, but chances are you'll get over it one day. Unless you go crazy before then.

"Or?" asked Leo, sipping his whiskey.

"Or, you tell her how you feel–talk to her, write to her. You've got nothing to lose, and maybe that's what she's waiting for," Bryan replied. 

"Take an afternoon off." He added after a moment.

Leo shook his head.

"In that case, the rest of the whiskey will have to wait for another occasion," Aiden's father said with a laugh. After a moment he moved away,  leaving Leo alone with his thoughts.

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