The B in DSM

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"Besides your blade, even your skills have noticably sharpened, f/n.  However, as you always had, your strength still pales in comparison to mine....i guess this concludes our battle. You've lost. I win our little bet."

"Yeah, yeah, i got it. W-well then, let's get back to your place before i give you your reward for your victory."

"Perfect, that's where I'll be receiving it anyway."

" receiving, you meant something else, d-didn't you?"

"Oh, no, not at all, f/n.  I merely want to test out something that would be enjoyable for the both of us!"

"Uh huh, and th-that is?"

"BDSM. Found a book all about it, and it has me obsessed so I'd really like to try it out! And specifically; with you."

"With me?! BDSM?! I- are you fucking alright in the head right now, Childe? I-i'd rather fuck Rex Lapis' deadass dragon body than you!"

"Ruthless...c'mon now, f/n. I'd never hurt least too bad. But just trust me, if you'd like, we could use these signals called safe words."

"O-okay then...'flower' is good, and 'wilting' is bad."

"Perfect. So, f/n. Do you trust me?"

"Y'think this is some sort of fairytale? I decided to give you my final sliver of hope with that mission, you kind of screwed up on it and the Fair Lady had to take matters into her own hands. So, do you think I'd risk it again?"

"Oh c'mon now, f/n! You promised me that the bet's loser has to do whatever the victor wants! And i know you'd never turn back on your word-"

"Ugh, fine! Fine then! But you better not leave a single mark. So, what...what exactly do you want?"

"Just rather simple. We'll take off your clothes and stay on the bed. But of course, i need to get some things before we get started on anything.."

"What things?"

"Oh, you'll see! Have a little patience, if you'd be so kind."

"...I'm getting worried right now.."

A short amount of time passes, and Childe comes back with an open box.

"'Kay, here we go!"
A box full of...S-SEX TOYS?! AND ROPE?!

"...wilting, wilting, WILTING WILTING!"

"I haven't even touched you nor got started on anything, for the love of the Tsaritsa. Just- just calm down, okay? I only brought the ones that don't really hurt since the only thing i truly like about BDSM is the initial, B.

Bondage~....ain't that bad, isn't it-"

"I FUCKING HATE IT! I'm done. I'm done."

"Come on, just give it a go! What are you so afraid of anyway? Do you think I'd hurt you more than how much you want?"

"It's just...i don't want to be beneath you. I feel even more pathetic than how i already think of myself!"


"Ugh, don't say it like that! It's just that i don't want to have that sort of dynamic!"

"Sorry, but i don't think of it the same way as you do. Don't you think it's hot? You're my boss yet you'll be getting your brains fucked out by your subordin-"


"I did win our little bet though, which was transpired by you yourself. So I'll be tying you up now.."

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