Chapter 5: A World Shattered

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Weiss' POV:

Great, just great. First, Father asks me to perform for those snobs, then Vermillion vanishes as things got crazy, and now Father is screaming his head off at me. I just want out of here!

Jacques: Do you have any idea what your stunt cost us?


Jacques: And don't think I'm just talking about Lien here! Our reputation! Our... our... (sigh).

"I want to leave."

Jacques: I beg your pardon?

"I said I want to leave. I don't want to stay here anymore. I don't want to stay in Atlas anymore!"

Jacques: Young lady, I don't give a damn about what you want! This isn't about you. This is about the Schnee family name and your apparent insistence on dragging it through the mud!

I finally stand up from my bed. I'm not going to let him talk down to me!

"I have done nothing but fight to uphold the honor of my family name, a name that you married into!"

Without hesitation, he slaps me across the face. All I can do is move my hand to my left cheek, astonished by what he just did. He stares at me, then resumes speaking. Though, he seems oddly calm, but still intimidating.

Jacques: This behavior of yours is incredibly disappointing. You couldn't possibly understand the lengths I've gone to in order to keep this family where it is. You think running off like your sister is going to make the Schnee name stronger? You're wrong. Siding with her only divides us.

"I'm not siding with anyone. I'm doing what I feel is right, and that does not include wasting my time up here..."

He starts walking away, but I still continue.

"...with these clueless people in Atlas. The Schnee family legacy isn't yours to leave. It's mine, and I'll do it as a Huntress."

Father stops and slowly turns to me. As he speaks, he's walking towards me.

Jacques: No... you won't. You're not leaving Atlas. You're not to leave the manor grounds unless I specifically allow it. You are going to remain here, out of sight and out of trouble, until you and I come to an agreement on your future.


Jacques: Your presupposition that you can simply have whatever it is you want is a clear sign of our failure as parents. But from now on, I'll be giving you the full attention you require, starting by keeping you where I can see you.

He turns and walks away again.

"You can't just keep me from leaving!"

He stops again, and looks at me.

Jacques: I can, and the staff here will make sure of it.

"So now I'm just your prisoner?!"

Jacques: You are my daughter. You're a child, and children are grounded when they misbehave.

He starts walking away again and he doesn't turn back as I spoke.

"This is only going to make things worse, Father. People will ask questions! They'll want to know why the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company is suddenly nowhere to be found!"

He stops in the doorway and speaks.

Jacques: Which is why you are no longer the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.

"Excuse me?"

Jacques: Clearly, the trauma you endured at the fall of Beacon was too much for you. Which is why you've generously revoked your claim to the company and its earnings and passed it on to your brother Whitley.

What?! I stare at Father, breathing heavily.

Jacques: It's time to wake up and face reality.

He finally left, and I saw Whitley standing in the doorway. He must have been eavesdropping. I try calming myself while I was chasing Whitley as he went the opposite direction Father had gone.


Whitley: Yes, sister?

"Did you know about this?"

Whitley: About what?

"You never liked Winter. You never liked me. But you've been nothing but supportive since the moment I came back."

Whitley: If being kind to my big sister is some sort of crime, then I suppose I'm guilty.

Oh my God... He wasn't doing this because he wanted to. He did it because Father asked him to.

"You wanted this to happen."

Whitley: It's foolish not to do as Father asks. And before you say anything, don't even think Vermillion is gonna save you. After that little stunt he pulled at the party, Father ordered the guards to remain on high alert.


Whitley: Face it, sister. You're never gonna see him again.

He switches from a grin to a threatening glare.

"I... I can't believe you..."

Whitley: Don't worry, Weiss. The Schnee family name is in good hands.

He walked away and I just watched him. After he had gone, I ran back to my room and collapsed on my bed. I started crying. I would never get to see Vermillion ever again. I kept crying until I felt some paper in my pockets. I take it from my pockets, and I can't believe it. It's from Vermillion!

(My Dear Snow Angel,

Chances are if you're reading this, that means that something went wrong at the party, your father has grounded you and passed the inheritance to Whitley, and Whitley has told you that you'd never see me ever again.)

(sniff) Wha, how did he know?

(Do not worry, my dear, I fully anticipated this would happen. Which is why I'm on my way to intercept you as we speak. Aureo can take us to a cargo ship once we're off the property. We'll need to stop at the inn we were staying at. Hold strong, Weiss. This nightmare is nearly over.

Until then, Vermillion.

P.S. Look out the window.)

As my eyes begin to dry, I see him standing outside. I don't understand how he snuck around the guards, but I don't care. I grab Myrtenaster and some vials of Dust and I hop out the window. Without hesitation, he catches me. I feel overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude, sadness, and relief.


Vermillion: It's okay, my snow angel. We're together again.

"Wait, how did you-"

Vermillion: Not here. I barely made it around the guards. If we stick around, they'll find us and your father will have my head.

I just nod. I guess that explains a little. He puts me down, draws his gun, and shoots the window shut.

Vermillion: Run.

We both ran and hid someplace that the guards wouldn't check.

Guard 1: Search the area. That Vermillion must be here somewhere.

Guard 2: Roger that.

After a few minutes, they left having found nothing. We proceeded on, dodging their sightlines, before making it out of the gates without being spotted.

"How did you do that?"

Vermillion: Not the time, Weiss. We need to find Aureo, quick.


Vermillion: Both stunts I pulled have drawn too much attention. Once they realized who I was with, I overheard some of the guards saying they were gonna find her. Use her as an informant of my location.

Wow, Father really wants Vermillion dead. We kept running until we made it to the inn. I try to disguise myself so I won't draw any attention.

Male OC x Weiss Schnee: Crimson Snow Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now