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"Wilbur?" I ask, gently shaking him. He finally snapped out of his trance. "Wilbur, you alright? You just kinda-" I stopped mid-sentence, he was holding a sword. I slowly backed away.

"You went supposed to see that N/N." He replied with an ominous tone. I stepped back once more; Wilbur took a step closer aswell. With what little time I had I looked around for a escape, yet it was just the dark forest. With no other choice I ran into the woods next to me. I know Wilbur's faster than me, but I can always try. I don't wanna die yet!


With what felt like hours of running I was starting to lose my breath. Wilbur was still very much behind me, no matter how far he was. He just ran; not saying anything. All you could hear is my heavy breathing and the crunching of the leaves and sticks beneath us. The forest had an opening, which was both good and bad. Good, because maybe I could find Tommy or tubbo, since their the only people I physically know here. Bad, because Wilbur might just catch up, and who knows what he'll do then. Without thinking, I ducked into a bush, maybe I could lose him and find someone? Within seconds I heard his footsteps slowing.

"Y/n~." He called out. Why'd I think this would've work?! I'm so stupid! "Y/n I know your here~." He pauses. "Please come out, I didn't mean to startle you." It went dead silent with only the night sounds were heard. Wilbur was getting angry, the air was tense, but what was I suppose to do? "I don't wanna have to hurt you love..." He stated. "But, your not giving me any other options here." As he said that he begain to swing his sword around, in which had cut my leg. It went silent for a second. "So, you are here." He said. Mt heartbeat gets faster and faster as he checks everywhere. I has to think of something quick.

"Wilbur? What are you doing over there-?" A familiar voice called out.

"Oh, uhm hi Tubbo," Wilbur replied. "I'm just, uhm, looking for you, yeah."

"But why in the forest?"

"It's a shortcut." Wilbur blurts out.

"Then what do you need me for?" Tubbo asks, Wilbur stayed quiet. I wish I could see what was happening. I didn't trust myself to go out right now.

"Just to try out this new potion I've made! Yeah, this one."


"Because, uhm," Wilbur pauses for a moment. "It's a really good healing potion."

"Seems like it's not really one." Wilbur groans, and the sound of glass shattering and some thing falling to the ground.

"Now, Y/n." Wilbur begain. "Come out, and Tubbo here won't get hurt." My heart stopped. Shit, this is all my fault! If I had got out and warned tubbo about all of this this wouldn't have happened. "Y/n, say something and I'll let him go." He pauses. "If not he's gonna get hurt so." By me not knowing what to do I moved by accident causing the bush to make a sound and shake. Well shit. I ran out from the bush and ran to the left of me. Wilbur was calling my name from behind I didn't care. As long as Tubbo is safe I'll be fine. For the time being I had to find somewhere to go that Wilbur wouldn't ever check. If not I'd just be in this damned forest forever. I heard something from above, when I looked up it was an enderpearl. Before I could react it landed and I ran right into Wilbur. I tried to push away, but his grip was to strong.

"Let me go!" I yelled. He shushes me.

"Hey, calm down. Wouldn't want to draw anyone's attention."

"That's the point!"

"You'll end up getting whomever hurt."


"Yep, I have everything I need to do so." He pauses. "So just calm down." With that I stopped. Maybe if he let go of me than maybe I could try to run out of the forest? I don't know any where but here would be fine.

"Why are you doing this?"

"If you hadn't brung up dream," He started. "You would've had the easy way out." He turns me around to see him. "But, you choose the hard way and ran away." He smiles. Without me realizing, he pulled out his sword hiding it behind his back. "Now, let's go home shall we?" As soon as he finished saying that something hard slammed onto of my head making me lose consciousness.

|DISCONTINUED| dimension hopping Yan!Alivebur X Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now