studio / machine gun kelly

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hey i'm ann, i'm 20 years old and i work in a sound studio for about 6 months now. since i'm new my job is mainly to check if the bands have everything or if i should get them something, be it drinks, snacks....

my parents never agreed with me studying music. they always called me unrealistic and a dreamer. my close friends recognized my talent and supported me in my decision to study music. they don't like the fact that i now work in the studio as a girl for everything. they say i deserve more.
i am happy with my job though. there are some famous musicians in the studio. i still have hope that my talent will be recognized someday and that i will have a chance for advancement. so far, at least, i have done my best not to attract negative attention.

it was 8 p.m. when my phone rang. it was my boss.

"ann, we need you here right away!".
"why?" i asked. i had already worked 8 hours today and had only been home for an hour.
"our partner studio is having problems and there are two bands coming over who had booked the other studio" he said frantically.

do not to attract negative attention. i thought to myself

"all right. give me 30 minutes and i'll be there!" i answer quickly.
my boss said nothing more and just hung up.
no thanks. nothing.

i didn't really feel like it. i had an appointment but unfortunately had to cancel it. i really hope that my work will pay off someday and that i will get recognition and can show what i have.

i arrived at the studio and my boss greeted me with "nice that you are finally here". his mood was very down and of course he took it out on me.

the first band arrived. i took them to their studio room and showed them everything.
our studio was set up differently than the other one, so the briefing took a little longer than normal. i apologized several times for the other studio's failure.
luckily, the band treated me nicely. i told them if they needed anything, i would be there for them all night.

i hated it. the other studio was also open at night. we weren't, but now i had to work half the night until 4am after i already had an 8 hour shift, and then i have to start the next shift again at 8am tomorrow morning.

the band thanked me and i left them alone.
i went to my workstation and saw on the monitor that the other band was already there. we had cameras in the individual rooms and could also listen to what the bands were recording in the studio via headphones.
that made my job a lot more interesting. of course, i was obligated to keep quiet about what the bands were working on and everything.

"i'm leaving now and i'll check back later. make sure the bands are happy!" my boss said to me very unkindly and left our studio. i looked at the list to see what other band i was dealing with and read 'machine gun kelly'.
i heard them before by name but couldn't place them. i thought maybe they had been here before.

i took out my book and put on my headphones to listen to what the bands were working on. i kept switching back and forth between the two bands. the hours went by. the one band didn't seem to be making much progress, while the other band was doing incredibly well.

shortly after midnight, the one band, i brought to their room, came out and said goodbye. they had reached their destination. they thanked me profusely and i unlocked the door to let them out.

i sat back down to continue reading my book and listened to the other band. what they kept playing sounded good but they were right there was something missing in it.

i was now very curious and searched for their band on youtube to listen to their songs so far. the name machine gun kelly said something to me, but i had never consciously noticed them. the band and music seemed very sultry/bubbly in a good way .

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