Chapter - 4

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This is where a lot of gross stuff comes in. So be warned!


Esmi POV

Caleb sucks at reading a map. So half way through driving, I had to switch places with him. "Take a left." I said pointing to the road. "Yes ma'am" Caleb responded. Caleb being Caleb, drifted his way on the corner. I fell in the back hitting the floor. "Caleb you mother- " "Esmi shut up" Caleb interrupted, i sighed and got up freezing in my spot. A noise that everyone would run from if you were to hear it. A group of zombies. At least 50 of them covering the road.

"Crap." I whispered. Caleb held 3 then 4 then 2 hands up. I nodded turning around and opening the truck. We had codes in case stuff like this ever happened. I took out two grenades, i handed one to Caleb.

3rd Person POV

Caleb pointed left. "Now Esmi!" He yelled. Esmi pulled the ring off with her teeth and threw it to the left. While Caleb pulled the ring off with his fingers and threw it to the right. The noise would make the zombies move from their spots and to the noise. They both sat down and stared driving. They were running over any zombies that were in their way. Blood, guts, anything getting over them.

"You know, there was an- shit!" Esmi's braid was pulled back. She looked back and saw a zombie grabbing her. She took out a knife from her thigh strap and stabbed the zombie in the face. Caleb used his legs to drive and turned pushing the zombie off.

"God Esmi, we can't take you anywhere." Caleb said turning his attention back to the road. "I literally could have died, shut up." She argued back fixing her braid. "Uh Caleb... we have a bit of a problem." "What Esmi?" Caleb said sending her a side glance. "The map is ripped.."

"Well this is great, perfect, SPLENDID." Caleb yelled entering an abandoned mall. "Caleb stop yelling. There could be zombies lurking" he just rolled his eyes and turned a flash light on. He started looking around all the stores that were left. "Well looks like whoever was here must that destroyed it, no trace of good supplies we can use." Caleb said picking up a broken can that was spilled everywhere.

"Yeah, I wonder who tho... most people would kill for this stuff." Esmi picked up a ripped shirt. She put her arm through it noticing a bunch of different cuts and holes. "Maybe there's a shop around here that.. Caleb?" Esmi turned around when she didn't hear Caleb, "Caleb? This isn't funny." She moved her flash light scanning every part of the room. "Caleb! Come on this isn't funny." she walked up the escalator. She yelped when someone pulled her down. "What the-" "shut up" Caleb said covering her mouth. Esmi sighed in relief knowing Nick wouldn't beat her ass if she came home empty handed. Then it hit her. Why did Caleb leave her? Why was he up here and not down there with her. "Cal-" "Esmi shut up there's zombies, but they are kids, the faster ones." He stared off into the distance, Esmi followed his gaze and saw a group of kids. Zombie kids. Out of all the zombies, kids were the fastest.

"Let's get out of here, we don't need them seeing us." Caleb nodded and they slowly made their way downstairs. "When are you guys coming back?" They both looked down to Esmi radio. "Esmi go!"

They both ran down as fast as they can. The kids heard the radio and ran after the noise. "Shit shit shit." One of the kids grabbed onto Caleb's arm bitting him. He hissed in pain and shot the zombie kid. "Caleb!" Esmi said holding open the door. Unfortunately, the echo of the gun alerted the other zombies. "Get the car Esmi I'm fine!" He took a grenade from his belt and picked the ring with his teeth throwing it, he ran out the door and shut it, placing a stick between the doors.

Esmi made her way over and he jumped in. "Are you okay? Did they get you? What happened?" Esmi asked concerned as she stared through the mirror. "I'm fine, see no bite marks, luckily I have this." He waved his arm around showing off the leather that covered his arm. A faint bite mark but his skin was fine.

"Jesus, Caleb." Esmi sighed..

"Did you guys get anything?" Nick asked as he closed the garage. "Yes, zombie blood, guts and everything you could ask for" Esmi smiled turning to leave the room. "No, we didn't even make it to the school. The map ripped when a zombie found its way on the car. And the mall we found was destroyed, like someone didn't want to share." Nick nodded and turn to leave the room. "Bro clean the car it smells. You too"

"Do you wanna know what I wanna be when I grow up?"

"what, amor?"

"To be a doctor! So when you guys come back from your runs and get hurt. I'll save you!"

"That's so sweet. You would make an amazing doctor. Dr Lily"

"Do you need any help?" Esmi asked walking into the kitchen.

"Nope, I'm also done, but you can set the table." Jacob responded. "Hey,, i know this sounds weird but can you help clean a cut? I got it when Caleb pulled me." Jacob turned and raise his eyebrow, scanning to see a cut. She lifted her arm and on the back of her forearm was a wrapped area that was covered with blood.

"Yeah sure, grab the box."

"Yknow, if it wasn't for you I'm sure we would be dead." Esmi laughed remembering the time Alex twisted his ankle and Jacob helped wrap it.

"Why are you holding a needle?"

"Cause? You need stitches?"


"Nick help! A zombie!"

Nick held his gun behind Esmi and saw Jacob chasing her. "Esmi?" "Esmi! Get your ass back here it will get infect or worse!" "No!"

"What's going on?" Nick asked grabbing Esmi's arm keeping her in place. "Esmi needs stitches, if not the cut on her arm could get bad." Jacob said while rubbing his face. Nick grabbed Esmi and held her tight. "Nick you traitor!"

"Esmi, if you don't get them then you won't be able to go on runs anymore"

"Why is Esmi yelling?" Alex asked walking out of his room. "She needs stitches. Just ignore her." Jacob said rubbing a cloth over the deep cut. "Ew gross. Have fun Esmi" Alex said walking back into his room shutting the door. "Esmi count to 10."

"Why?" Esmi tilted her head "cause." "Um okay, 1-" Jacob entered a needle into her forearm. "You son of a bitch I'm gonna stitch you to a wall!" "Esmi shut up, and calm down. Your tensing your arm too much, it's gonna hurt even more." They all sat down on the couch, Esmi still in Nicks grip.

"Trust.Me." Was the last thing she heard before she blacked out. Esmi might be a tough girl. But when it comes to needles she's terrified. It always worried her something bad could have been in the needles and she wouldn't know.

"Esmi.." Alex said brushing her hair. Her head was placed in his lap and he rubbed her arm and brushed her hair. "What happened?" She asked opening her eyes looking up at him. "Jacob stuck needles into you and you passed out soooo" Alex mocked with his hands in her face. "Haha very funny." she groaned as she felt the pain in her arm. It looked ugly but Jacob was in a medical pathway when they were in school.

"Esmi Esmi Esmi!" Lily jumped up and down. "Yes Lily?" Lily's wide smiled made Esmi smile too. "It's my birthday in a couple of hours! I'm gonna be 8!"

"I don't know Lily I'm still sure it's my birthday tomorrow." Alex said putting his pointer finger under his chin and looked up. "No Alex! It's my birthday! Stop it or I'll tell on you!" Lily said stomping her feet. " oh yeah? Tell who, hm? What will they do to the perfec-"

"Alex I will personally throw you outside." Nick said standing behind Alex, holding a glass of water for Esmi. Alex froze and slowly turned with an awkward smile. "ahaha.. I was just kidding right Lily?" Lily laughed and ran to hug Nick. She hung on his arm as he swung her around. He left the glass and walked off with Lily before yelling for Esmi to drink it.

Chapter 4 done!

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