Chapter 3 ( La Cité des Cloches)

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Normal POV

"Stop her!" Judge Claude Frollo ordered Captain Phoebus as he chased after Esmeralda, only for the gypsy woman to turn around when she approach a dead end and give the two men a bow; causing a cloud of pink smoke to appear around her. When the smoke cleared, the gypsy woman was gone; but unknown to the judge and the soldier, the smoke was just masking her escape to the alley.


Riku's POV

As I walked down a quiet street, a woman ran pass me; as if someone, or something, was chasing her. I continued to watch her disappear around a corner when I heard someone call out to me, "You there! Have you seen a gypsy woman?" I turned to see a soldier in golden armor. I did saw a woman, but I wasn't sure if she was a "gypsy", whatever it meant. "Nope. Sorry." I apologized, "All right. Thanks." The soldier then replied before returning to a tall man in some sort of robe. "I'm terribly sorry, sir. We've lost her." He reported to the man; only for the man to scowl, "Slippery vermin!" he then turned to face the soldier. "I am beginning to question having summoned you back from the wars, Captain Phoebus." He chided before beginning to walk away, with Captain Phoebus shaking his head disapprovingly before reluctantly following the man. I began to walk into the square when I heard a feminine voice behind me, "Thank you. You stood up for me." I turned around to see that woman; she has a thin figure with thick brown hair and emerald green eyes, "I'm Esmeralda." She added. "Riku. And it's not like I know what a "gypsy" is. Why are they chasing you?" I asked, "Judge Frollo has been chasing us for years. We gypsies are guilty of nothing but loving our freedom, yet Frollo hates whatever he can't control. Now he's even brought in fresh blood to torment us." Esmeralda explained before sighing, "I'd hate to know what darkness drives that man." I bowed my head, "I think I can imagine..." I muttered before lifting my head. "Tell me more. Was he always like this?" I asked Esmeralda, she then turned to the side. "I don't give Frollo much thought." She replied before facing me again, "But if you'd like, you could try Notre Dame. They say it's a place for answers." I then turned to see a large building in the square as the sound of bells began to fill the air. I thanked her and began to head for the building.

When I reached the doors, I headed inside. "Is anybody here?" I called out as I walked around the empty cathedral, "Who...Who are you?" a quiet voice asked; I turned to see a man. "I'm Riku." I answered as I approached him, "Oh. M-my name's Quasimodo. I'm very sorry, but the Archdeacon is away." He stuttered before turning for the stairs. "Actually, I'm looking for a man named Frollo. Do you know where he is?" I stopped him, Quasimodo then turned around to face me. "My master? He said he had business on the outskirts of the city later on." He replied, "Do you mean you know him?" I asked out of curiosity. "Oh, yes. He's...he's very kind. Master Frollo saved my life. He protects me from the outside world." Quasimodo explained, "He "protects" you from it?" I asked, "The people out there would be cruel to me. I'm a monster, you know." He continued as he covered his deformed face with his hands. "Is that what Frollo told you?" I asked, causing him to remove his hands. "Trust me, looks can be deceiving. A good friend sees you for who you are, no matter what face you wear." I smiled, "You should go out there, find some friends who understand you." "Oh no..." Quasimodo turned away, "My master forbids it. I'm not to set foot outside." He explained. "Are you sure that's what's stopping you?" I asked him, "Because I think something else is holding you back." Quasimodo then started heading for the stairs again. "Ask your heart, Quasimodo" I added, causing him to stop. "I'll check the edge of town. Thanks." I replied before leaving Quasimodo to think, "Wish I could take my own advice..." I muttered under my breath as I walk towards the door.


Sora's POV

The bells were ringing as I walked down the quiet streets; but as I was walking, I passed a tall man dressed in some unusual clothing who scowled down at me in a way that made me uneasy. I looked down at my feet, hoping that I wouldn't draw his attention. The man then stopped in his tracks, "Stop." He commanded as he turned to face me. "What? Who, me?" I asked as I turned to look at him. "I've never seen you before. Your name?" the man asked as he approached me, looking at me weird. "I'm Sora." I smiled, showing him that I'm not bad of a person. "Such disgusting attire. I know what you are." He glared downed at me; sending a shiver down my spine, in a bad way. "Judge Frollo. Sir!" A male voice ranged up from behind this Frollo guy, I looked aside to see a soldier clad in golden armor approaching him. "What is the matter, Captain Phoebus?" Frollo asked as he turned to face the soldier, looking rather irritated. "Can't you see... I'm interrogating this gypsy?" Captain Phoebus looked at me, "This kid here? But sir, he's just a boy." He defended, causing me to cross my arms. "I shall be the judge of that." Frollo said distastefully, "Now, Captain, did you have something to report to me or did you not?" "Yes, sir. Monsters, they've invaded the square!" Phoebus replied, saying something that caught my attention. "Monsters? I'll take care of it!" I declared as I summoned my Keyblade and ran off in the direction that Captain Phoebus came from, leaving him and Judge Frollo behind. "Hey, wait! It's not safe!" Phoebus called out after me; in the background, I could have sworn that Frollo said something... "This city is overrun! For decades I've worked to purge the city of those wretched gypsies and now the streets teem with even more disgusting vermin that threaten law and order." Once I made it to the square, I was astonished to see confetti flying everywhere. I was also astonished to see a man sitting on an elephant-like Dream Eater, yet he looks happy. "I knew it was Dream Eaters." I said to myself as I ran to approach the man, "What are you doing? You need to run!" I called up to him. "Oh no, I couldn't. Today's the festival. And look, I'm the King of Fools." He protested. "Quasimodo!" a strict voice ranged up from behind, causing the man to gasp and make an attempt to hide his deformed face. "It's my master." Quasimodo said to me in a low voice, as if he was in trouble. But the second those words came out of his mouth, the eyes of the elephant began to glow a bit as it acted up and bucked Quasimodo off. I ran over to him as the Dream Eaters begin to surround him, "No! Oh please, stop!" He pleaded to the Dream Eaters. "Why doesn't anything ever go the way I want it to?" I stood by his side with my Keyblade ready, "Get to safety!" I ordered. "Let me help." A feminine voice offered, causing me to look at the woman who approaches us; she was thin with thick brown hair and green eyes that remind me of a pair of emeralds. "Who are you?" I asked her, "Esmeralda. I'm a gypsy." She answered proudly. "Thank you. I'm Sora." I replied gratefully before returning my focus on the Dream Eaters, Esmeralda then held her hand out Quasimodo and the two of them ran inside a large building to my left. "Gypsy witch." I heard someone muttered in a low voice from behind, probably the same voice that said Quasimodo's name. "Okay. Now you've got my attention." I announced to the Dream Eater parade.

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