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One rule. One simple rule. Do not fall for your best friend.

"Well here we are almost 20 years later still madly in love with my best friend. It doesn't make sense he's just like my brother disgusting but he's so different too, so protective and kind and warm. He's totally gross belching and being a pervert randomly while hanging out with Dakota but when we all hang out I feel so special in his eyes.", Y/N stated into her camera recording her daily video journal.

So much easier than potentially getting carpal tunnel just to continuously write about how her life is being ruined and consumed by her childhood friend. This was something she began doing after she was gifted her first video camera. Growing up there was nothing she didn't want to take pictures of and being able to capture and create her own collection of home videos would give her a lifetime of beautiful memories to look back on as she grew older.

Footsteps sounded from outside her door and from the weight of them she could tell Dakota was charging towards her room. She immediately shut her computer screen and pretended to be busy getting some research done on the newest model of her favorite video camera.

"Y?NNNN!!!!!!!", Dakota shrieked from outside her door. "Y/NN!!", he shouted again barging in without knocking like usual.

"What do you want Dakota, can't you see that I'm busy??", Y/N asked with annoyance in her voice.

"We're starving. What should we get for dinner?", he asked in complete seriousness.

Y/N rolled her eyes and stared at him as if he had grown an extra head. "You came barging in my room full speed to ask me what you and tanner should get to eat? You are grown men, figure it out yourselves", she said scoffing at him.

"We would but we are stuck between two options. We don't know if we should get pizza or McDonalds and I really want McDonalds" he said whining like a kid instead of acting like the 19 year old he is.

"Whatever you want is the opposite of what I want to get. Now get out of my room Kota", Y/N yelled at him.

He threw his hands up in surrender. "Golly, I thought you loved food. I didn't know you'd start acting like this if I brought up a few ideas for dinner", he said a little upset with the way I treated him.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm just busy that's all", I told him so that he wouldn't have that gray cloud looming over his head for the rest of the day. I couldn't quite tell him he interrupted my video diary and almost caught me confessing my undying love for our shared childhood best friend who is downstairs right now waiting to eat now could I.

He gave me a small shrug and a little grin as he turned and ran down the stairs and back to his friend most likely sitting on the couch watching TV or playing video games.

Opening the video journal once again I finished what I needed to get out and saved it making sure to keep in securely secret so that my snoop group of friends would not find the biggest secret of my life. The fact that they've all barged in on me multiple times while I've been filming lets me know they are 1) very aware that this stuff is kept on my computer and 2) would not hesitate to try and crack the code to get blackmail information on me.

"Y/NNN WE'RE LEAVING TO GET FOOD!!!!!", Tanner shouted from the floor below me.

I could hear Dakota complaining about telling me and probably hitting Tanner a few times for telling me. I grabbed my purse and slung is across my body as I made my way down the stairs and down to the rest of them.

"I thought you were busy", Dakota jokingly stated.

I stuck my tongue out at him and Tanner let out a deep chuckle. Since he was standing beside me he slung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. My 5'7" form against his 6'4" frame was perfect in every way. We walked up to the car and he opened the backdoor for me, holding it open as I sat down and got situated. I turned to look at him and gave him a quick smile. He was already looking at me and he had that sparkle in his eyes that I couldn't get enough of. He gave me a smile back and shut the door before opening his own door and getting in. Dakota was in the passenger seat as usual. I trust Tanners driving over Dakota's any day of the year. I love Dakota, don't get me wrong, I've known him my whole life and he's one of my closest friends, but good lord is he a hazard to have on the streets.

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