The next day Izuku wakes to the sound of hushed voices. Well one is hushed the other seems familiar and annoyed.

"My lord I told you queen deku is sleeping, the least you can do is leave him be. I'll let him know you were here when he wakes." That's ochako's voice.

"I don't care I want to speak with him now." And that's Katsuki's.

"Please my lord keep your voice down, you'll wake my lady up."  Ochako tries gently. Bless her for trying. It's no use but gods love a trier.  "Good." Katsuki says louder. "Then I can come in and speak to him."

Izuku sighs softly propping himself up. He has a headache forming and he feel a lingering anger that seeps in from a far corner. Is this the claim's power starting up?

It's going to be a long day he just knows it. "Refrain from shouting, if you're able." Ochako says getting more cross. "I will do as I like. Now let me in."

"Why? So you can wake him? May I remind you he is only resting because someone decided to take their anger out on him, and hurt him!" The brunette whispers harshly.

"For god sake pink cheeks that's why I'm here. Now let. Me. In."

Izuku's interest is peaked. "No I shall not." The blond sighs. "Look, I know he's already awake. Now let me in!" Bakugou tries again. Damn claim powers. Does Izuku have privacy or even secrecy anymore?!

"Even if he's awake without his permission I shall not allow you to enter. As his second I have authority over this that you do not." Izuku giggles to himself. Ochako is a strong woman with a surprisingly fisty side.

Yes this will be a very long day but an entertaining one nonetheless. "Are you laughing at me you nerd?!" Bakugou shouts into the room. "My lord please." Uraraka snaps. "Ugh shut up!" Bakugou snaps back.

Izuku can't keep quiet and burst out laughing. A head pops in from the open door and a smile greats him. "Good morning my lady." Ochako says happily from her place at the door. "Good morning lady Uraraka." Izuku greets rubbing tired eyes. "What was so important Bakugou decided to wake me?"  The girl grins. "I've been asking the same question myself. Ba-ku-gou."

Izuku snickers to himself. "Shut the hell up, you will not call me fucking Bakugou!" The blond yells. "Oh?" Izuku says tilting his head. "Must I address you as my lord?"

"That's it, you two have had your fun now let me in!" Izuku shakes his head. "No manners and so demanding, I don't think I will. You were rude to lady ochako too, Say please." Izuku asks.

"Deku I swear to god." Izuku frowns. That won't do. "Say please."

"For the love of god-" the blond mumbles. "Let me in please." He shouts.

The brunette pops her head back around. "Shall I?" She asks. Izuku shrugs. "Should we?" He asks back ignoring the blonds presence.

"Personally." The girls says. "I would kick him to the street, but this is your choice." Izuku nods. "Not a bad idea, why are you here Katsuki?" Izuku asks out.

"Stop with the names!" The blond screams. "I'm here because it's important now let me in-" then a pause. "Please..."

Izuku sighs at least he's learning, and listening to an extent. "Just tell me why you're here." Izuku says all ready so done. The blond huff. "Like I said it's to speak to you." Izuku rolls his eyes. "About what?" He asks.

The blond is hesitant. Izuku sighs again. "Fine fine, but you don't have all day. Come in, tell me, leave. Understand?" Izuku requests watching the man enter the room. "I do what I like nerd. It's my castle."

Izuku rolls his eyes. "Our castle." He corrects. "You married us remember? Without my consent and with the royal seal, should I add that I'm still technically engaged to another prince?"

Bakugou rolls his eyes this time. "It was part of the deal. Fuck half and half. Anyway I'm here to apologise or whatever." Izuku raises an eyebrow. "Oh?" He was expecting a lot of things but this was not one.

The blond nods sharply. "Yeah, I'm sorry about yesterday. I had no intention to hurt you. I really hate that no good half and half mistake of a man. I am not, nor will I ever be him or the kind of person he is."

Izuku sits slightly shocked. "I suppose you're right. You wouldn't burn my claim." He admits. Bakugou scowls. "I wouldn't burn anything. I don't want to hurt you. Yesterday was a mistake, and I feel like shit over it."

Izuku shakes his head. He may not want to, but he still did hurt Izuku.  "Okay you may leave Katsuki." Izuku says. He's hear what he needs too.

"What? I'm trying to be nice here. I wouldn't hurt you, I need you. You're important. And stop calling me weird names. What happens to Kacchan?" He asks.

Izuku Sota shocked. Did he hear that right? Katsuki needs him? He's important?

It was a bad thing that Katsuki did yesterday but he claims it to be an accident and then says deku is important and needed. It shouldn't but they rule each other out and have the queen falling for the blond again.

"Do... do you want me to call you that?" The blond nods. "Fuck yes!" Izuku smiles sadly, Katsuki hasn never been so happy about the nickname. He used to say it was stupid, that was when they were 6.

Everything thing fell apart after he turned ten. So many mistakes. So many cold lonely nights. So much hate and disgust. Izuku will never be the same. He's seen how cruel people can been. Those kinds of people follow him around and stick to him with glue he can't wash off.

Katsuki is nothing like todoroki, but that doesn't make him a good man. Izuku need to make sure he remembers that. No amount of sweet words will sway him. Maybe he is needed, maybe he's important, but if he's treated with anger and violence he won't stay. He'll disappear a second time and this time he really will vanish.

The thoughts sour Izuku's mood and he sees Katsuki's nose scrunch up.
"Fine leave now Kacchan. You've said your part." The blond shakes his head walking over. "No way, not if you smell like that. Your not satisfied or loving or happy." Izuku frowns. "Kacchan, leave now. We are done talking." The blond scoffs. "No way I'm not-" ochako starts to drag the man away from Izuku. "You heard my lady, he's tired and needs rest. You are no longer permitted here. Have a good day my lord." Ochako sings closing the door and locking it with a smile.

"I love my job." She sighs happily. Izuku laughs quietly. "I'm glad. I hope you grow to like me just as much." Ochako opens her eyes bouncing off of the door. "Of course I do my lad- Izuku. I love you as much as if not more than my job." There's a bang on the door that has both of them frowning.

"And that's not because I have to, it's because I want to." She says eyeing the door. Izuku smiles. "I'm glad. Im so tired ochako I'm going to take a nap. I feel... strange." Uraraka nods smiling. "It's your dragon blood, I can see it in your eyes." Izuku nods settling down. "If Kacchan returns like I know he will, he is not allowed into this room. I have mixed emotions about him, that I need to figure out. I don't want him to sway me somehow."

The brunette nods with a bow. "Of course my queen. I shall make sure he doesn't make his way in. Please rest now, I shall dim the lights." The girl heads to the wall of windows pulling a lever causing rolls of fabric to come falling down. Izuku guessed this is the northern kingdoms version of curtains. Whatever it is it's made the room dark with only one candle lamp near a chair for ochako to rest in herself. "Rest up lady ochako, we can both get in a well deserved break."

"Yes of course my lady, please rest east knowing I'm here." Izuku smiles yawning. "Thank you... is like..." he trails off falling into a quick sleep. Ochako smiles sadly. "I wish lady Momo could be informed you are safe and well. You have so many emotional connections to her, all seem positive." She says to the sleeping figure. "Don't worry I promise I let you see her soon."

Unfortunately Uraraka did not predict how soon that may be, and the problems it would cause that would help make Izuku's mind up once and for all.

Katsuki was tiptoeing a fine line and it's only growing thinner the more days pass.

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