"My queen?" A voice asks spotting the shorter male.

Izuku looks up appearance seeming to change by the hour. His hair almost fully white. A side affect from soaking in the healing spring. "Oh hello," he smiles though it seems tired. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The girl smiles offering an arm for the queen. "Come my lady," she asks standing tall. "You must be tired, we can talk in your chambers." Izuku freezes seeing the bent arm. That takes him back to his fondest memories.

He didn't even know linking arms was a thing in the northern kingdom. They like to carry people around, it's an unusually common sight at least it was when he was younger and last here. Whether it is, or it isn't, he's happy and takes the offered arm, linking it with his own.

"So how are you my queen." The horned girls asks looking down with striking blacked out eyes. Izuku smiles looking up with closed eyes. Was Mina this tall when she came to visit him last? Surely he didn't shrink. Katsuki said he'd grow taller with his new dragon blood being unlocked and all.

"Sir Mina you are always so gentle with me, I used to do this with my sister you know. We'd walk in the gardens for hours just like this. It makes me feel very happy." The queen says. 

Mina smiles to herself. She knew that, it is why she offered it. It's a strange custom to her, she's used to just carrying people that or linking fingers. However apparently it's an affectionate gesture in the alliance capital. And a very common sight in most of the southern kingdoms. Kirishima once told her that they don't carry anyone who is over the age of seven. Apparently it's seen as childish, or lazy. Very strange. The dragons see it as a high form of affection. No matter your age or relationship it's always nice to be carried once and a while.

Kirishima has come back over the years with many stories of the southern kingdoms. Mainly the capital of the ua alliance, or anywhere queen deku was.

Mina, knows a lot about the boy. She's learnt about the south and now feels a sort of bond to the queen. She is appalled at how he was treated by his kin. She would protect this small dragon as if he's her own. That is how she feels. It's the same with her mate but much stronger. Kirishima would do absolutely anything for queen deku if only he asks. She is very excited to see what strain he fits into. She secretly hopes it's hers. And she knows Kirishima hopes for it to be his.

"You are so cute my queen." She smiles as they walk. "A-ah sir Mina!" Izuku stutters flushing. "You can't just blurt that out!" The general laughs. "Why? you are the hight of a baby I find it most strange." She admits. Izuku looks up. "Is my hight a problem?" Izuku whispers starting to feel down. "No, not a problem, but when I think of someone your hight I think of a new born or child yet your power far surpasses my own." 

"Oh," Izuku breaths. "You can tell that?" Mina nods. "Oh yes just by linking arms I can tell you are strong, it's in my strain to know these things." Izuku nods. "Of course as the general, and in a clan that specialises in defence and protecting things I guess you would pick up on these things." Mina smiles down happily. "You have learnt our positions and clans already? I'm am impressed my queen. But yes we have become sensitive to power levels. It helps us plan out moves. You know, your power is greater than the kings." She whispers giggling. Izuku looks shocked. "You jest." He says tho he knows she's right. "Never my queen, it's true and I think Bakugou knows it too."

Izuku's curiosity gets the best of him. "Talking of power... Have you seen the fire oracle sir Mina?"

Mina shakes her head with a smile. "No my lady, never." Then she turns more solemn. "Katsuki hates to show others, it makes him sad. He keeps it covered at all times." Izuku laughs softly. "Of course." The girl nods not hearing the sarcasm. "It's true, I head that's why he moved it so no one would look." Then she looks down to Izuku. "But Eijiro has seen it and has had to comfort the king many a time."

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