Izuku sinks into the warm water, letting it roll over his body and ease his tension. He lets out a content sigh. "This is nice." He breaths out.

Chiyo smiles. "I'm glad I may help you my queen." The tree says. "Me too, I've felt so strange lately, like a thirst I can't ever quench." He admits.

"Really?" Lady Chiyo says, Taking note of the boys body condition, it was an interesting result. And one the tree expected, yet she keeps quiet on her findings for now. "Well actually it's more like a dull ache of hunger but similar all the same." The tree humms in agreement. "I see that my queen."

"Are you able to see my strain clan, lady Chiyo?" Izuku questions eyes closed as he relaxed. The tree laughs. "No, however I already know what you are. You are the spitting image of your father, you have the golden eyes. Your vains. Oh and that lovely hair." She says. "But I'm sure it's frustrating to you." She adds. Izuku nods. "I admit I was... angry that over night I changed from a copy of my mother to the clone of my father. And I understand it was bound to happen, and I fit in much more now. That and I really do look like another person." Izuku sighs shaking his head. "I loved my father with all my heart but it's painful to see him in any reflection, it's almost a curse." Then he smiles guiltily, "I think I may have blamed Katsuki for changing me even though he didn't do it..." he says scratching his cheek.

Chiyo humms. "You would like to go back to how you were before? Katsuki will be happy that you hold no resemblance." Izuku frowns. "Yeah I know." Chiyo laughs. "Not in that way my lady. He'll be happy you aren't in as much danger anymore, if you sever links with Izuku you will have a much safer life."

Izuku never thought of it that way. Maybe that's why Katsuki was so happy. He saw it as a good thing, Izuku will be safe. Izuku shakes his head again. "Maybe... but I don't think I'd go back to the green in a heart beat either. My mother-" he stops huffing. "The queen of the central kingdom has made it clear that she doesn't care for Izuku Midoriya, why would I go back to that. I'm much more loved as deku." Izuku swims over to the springs edge. He rests his head against the ground. "This is your true kingdom my queen." The tree says softly.

Izuku sighs. "I will learn to find the balance, it may take me a while tho. On a different note. Lady Ochako said that how I look will determine my strain clain. And you know what I am?"

Chiyo laughs heartily. And it makes Izuku feel safe and at home. "Yes my queen, I do. I am among the only ones who do. In fact I may be the only one." She says. Izuku peaks one eye open. "That sounds mysterious, could you tell me more?" Izuku asks with a smile.

"Of course my queen, you must know as soon as possible." The tree says. "You have a soul flame." She says. "Like soul embers? The glow that Katsuki's chest gets, or his glowing vains? Oh and his warmth too?" Izuku replies. "Yes exactly, however you do not have embers, you have flames. It's much more powerful." Izuku opens his eyes to stare at the ceiling. "Power?" He echoed.

"Yes. You have a great power that only you and the history books know of. The flame you hold were others have embers is a dream of all dragon kind. You were created as the ultimate one of a kind strain clan." The tree pauses her speech.

"Miss Chiyo?" Izuku asks concerned. "It's nothing my lady. Just people who find out about you will fear your wrath. It will anger them. They will be jealous, cruel and will most likely try to eliminate you. It has happened for generations ever since your strain started to go extinct.

Queen mitsuki had many times come to me seeking a way of protecting your father."

Izuku perks up, bringing his gaze back down. "You knew my father? He was in the same clan as me?" The tree laughs. "Yes my lady, I did. He was a dear friend of the queens. She went to him with things she couldn't even go to the king with. They were practically siblings. He was also know to be quite accident prone, and frequently visited my spring."

Izuku giggles. "Oh my," he laughs. Then hesitates, "Lady Chiyo, if he was so great, like you explained. If he had all this power then why was he taken from us? If he could do what you say I can why didn't he use it that night? It must have been a perfect opportunity."

The tree's branch groans brushing the boys head with a smile. "You speak like the late queen did. She asked me the same questions. Maybe he sought to protect you? Maybe he wanted to die loyal. Maybe he felt it was just his time.

You know queen deku, this kingdom runs on a strong queen. For centuries the kingdom has fallen to the queens rule. The people look to you as their saving grace, because they have trusted you. I know it's hard for you to find out what you are, and hear the kingdom you grew up in throw out cruel words and punishments. And I know you deal with Katsuki and his choice in behaviour.

Misunderstanding are a wound I'm unable to heal, however..." she says looking to the boy.

"I can help you escape if you so desire."

Five words. One sentence. 'I can help you escape.' How deep those words struck. He's been accused of running away his whole life. His mother, sister, fiancée, kingdom and friends all believe him to have run. And he would do it again. He could do it again.

Izuku smiles sadly. "Thank you lady Chiyo but I can't abandon my kingdom."

The tree smiles. "You are this kingdoms queen, my lady. Through and through." She says.

"Oh. There is a place you must see." Chiyo moves her branch to reveal a passageway in the wall. "Queen mitsuki was thrilled when she found out you'd be the next queen. She left your care to me and lady Uraraka when she ascended. My instructions were to show you this and help guide you. I am very fond of you, my lady. Please if you need to escape for a day or two I will be here. And this will always be here, you may find some answers through here." She says looking to the secret room.

Izuku smiles feeling tears prick the corners of his eyes. "Lady Chiyo I'm honoured to be in your care. Thank you for taking care of me." He says stepping out of the water. "I must take my leave. As much as I would love for Katsuki to feel a portion of the hurt I did when he left. I fear he may not even care if I vanished. I will be back to view that room lady Chiyo, thank you." He says placing his new northern kingdom attire on.

"Katsuki would care my lady. I know that much." The tree says firmly. "If in the next month you haven't found the answer I will explain to both of you. I will help you both to realise what's unclear." Izuku tilts his head. "You can be incredibly cryptic, you know." He laughs. "But I'm sure I'll understand it later."

The tree smiles. "You will, and for you my queen, I will be here anytime." The root covering the door pulls back and the hidden cave is concealed once more. "I shall take my leave." Izuku says softly. "Please take care lady Chiyo."

"And you, my queen, please come again." She says as the door closes.

Izuku smiles, he's so tired. "My queen?"

Izuku looks up. "Oh, hello there, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Izuku asks.

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