Chapter 2

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Yeah, 2 chapters in one day! Pls enjoy, and don't kill me. Warning: violence and language.

The crowd got silent as the roar rang through the night. It suddenly ended, just as it started. "Wha...what was that?" KC said, staying close to Zane. "Socks, what in the world was that?" Tommy whispered to him. "I...I don't know." Socks said. What was it? Ssundee went to the window. "Guys! There's something out there!" he said suddenly. Jooice ran to the door, and opened it up. In the distance, a large, black object floated in the distance. Jooice had no idea what it was, when suddenly his head burst in pain. "Ah!" he said, falling to his knees. "Jooice!" Sapnap said, and rushed to his side. "Oh God." Jooice groaned. "Jooice, are you okay? What happened?" Laff asked. "I don't know. My head just...oh God." Jooice tried to explain, but his head burst in pain again. "Hey, take it easy." Sapnap said, and led him to a table. When no one was looking, oof made a little thing of ice, and wrapped it in a cloth. "Here. Use this." oof said. "Thanks." Jooice said. "Uh, guys? I think it's moving over towards us. Is that bad?" Crainer said. He was right, in fact. It was moving, and fast. "Everyone get out of here!" Socks said suddenly. "What about you guys?" Dream asked. "Don't worry about us, just get out of here!" Socks said, but it was too late. A tentacle-like thing shot through the building. "Run!" Meme yelled. They all tried to get out of the falling building. Jooice tried to get up, but his head burst in pain again. "Jooice!" Aphmau said. "Go on ahead, I'll get him!" Zane said, and ran back inside. He dodged the falling debris. "Hold on!" Zane said, and helped him up. "Just try to walk, okay?" Zane said. Jooice nodded, and they both managed to get out the door. "Oh thank God you're both okay!" Aphmau said. Jooice fell to his knees, and Laff came running over. "You guys get out of here." Laff said. Aphmau threw the crystal into the grass, but then, a tentacle smashed down on the crystal, breaking it into small pieces. Aphmau froze. Above her in the air, was a horrifying monster, nothing like she had ever seen before. "La...Laff." she stammered. He looked up and saw what she saw. It then roared so loud, they had to cover their ears. Then it aimed a tentacle, straight for her heart. Paralized with fear, she couldn't move out of the way. Laff knew he had no choice. The tentacle shot out at her, and she braced for it. But she felt nothing. She opened her eyes, and gasped. Laff was next to her, and around them a bright green shield dome. "Laff? What the?" she asked, but the dome faded. "Get inside the building now. Leave this to us." Laff said. "Laff, what the hell was that? And what is that thing?" Aaron asked. "No time to explain! I'll tell you later!" Laff said. They all ran inside, but before they did, Laff stopped Zane. "Take Jooice with you, he's not able to fight." Jooice didn't argue, so Zane helped him inside. "Wait, why are they still here?" TBH asked as he saw them go inside. "Whatever that thing is, it destroyed their crystal before they could get out. It was going to kill her. I had to do something." Laff said. They both got quiet. "Well, let's beat the shit out of this thing." TBH said. A fireball ignited in his hand. "Where are the others?" Laff asked. "They're all over the area, trying to figure out what the hell that thing is. Do you have any idea what it is?" TBH asked. "No. But it feels familiar." Laff said. Suddenly, a shadow wrapped itself around the monster's neck, choking it. It's roar sounded strangled, and then its tentacles reached up to the shadow and grabbed it. It ripped it off, and the roar was no longer strangled. TBH flew into the air, and shot the fireball right at it. It hit, but did nothing to it. "Oh oh." he said. A tentacle hit him in the side, and he went flying into a tree, his ribs on fire. "Okay, that wasn't smart." he groaned. Muffin came over to him. "Are you okay?" he asked. "No, it hit me in the ribs, and then I hit the tree." TBH said. He knew it wasn't broken, but badly bruised. Vines shot at its tentacles, and ripped them off. It shrieked in pain, and swat at whoever summoned the vines. They saw Dino fly into the air. Muffin summoned a wind current, and it caught Dino in the air. He floated for a second, the Muffin put him down. Meanwhile, inside the now destroyed building, Aphmau and the others were trying to help Jooice, and figure out what was going on. "Ugh." Jooice groaned. He felt dizzy and nauseous. "Just rest Jooice. It's going to be okay." Aphmau said. "Aph, what do we do? That thing destroyed our crystal, they have been apparently keeping a secret about having abilities or something, and there is a ginormous monster out there!" Zane said. "Look, maybe they had a good reason to keep it a secret." Noi said. "Really? Don't you think that they'd be like 'Oh yeah, and there is a demon monster thing in this world, so watch out!' Why didn't they tell us?" Ein argued. "Maybe it just appeared!" Aphmau said. "I guess you want the story, huh?" They turned and saw Socks standing at the door. "A few answers would be nice." Pierce said coldly. "Pierce!" Aaron snapped, and he fell quiet. "Listen, we did have a reason to keep it a secret. And I don't know what the hell that thing is. And it's a long story." Socks said. "Better than nothing." Zane said. Suddenly, Meme came crashing through the wall. "Meme!" Socks said, rushing to his side. "That thing is hitting us everywhere, like we're nothing but shit." Meme said, struggling to get up. Socks helped him up. "Socks, we're getting beaten up out there." Meme said. "Yeah, I know, but they need to know." Socks said. Meme sighed. "Tell them fast. We need all the help we can get." Meme said, and ran back outside. "Is he insane?" Ein asked. "I'm starting to think we all are." Socks said. "What about Jooice?" KC said. "Oh God." Socks said. Jooice wasn't doing well. His head felt heavy and on fire. "Jooice, are you okay?" Socks asked. "Uh, I don't know." Jooice mumbled. "I don't understand. Why did his head start to hurt when he looked at that thing?" Zane asked. Socks thought about this long and hard. Suddenly, Jooice sat up, his eyes wide. "No, that can't be connected. It can't be." he whispered. "What? What are you talking about?" Socks asked. "I...had a dream, when I fell asleep. was Chaos." Jooice said. Socks felt all the blood drain from his face, and his skin crawled with fear. "Wait, Chaos? Who is he?" Noi asked. "No, you can't be right." Socks whispered. "Socks, it had to be right! It's not a coincidence! We thought we killed him, but we didn't! He's back, and he now is a killer monster!" Jooice argued. His head pounded even more when he argued. He lay back down, just wanting the pain to stop. Socks didn't want to believe it. Neither did Jooice. Jooice had struggled the past three months, fighting himself, and trying not to put the blame on him, and it wasn't getting any better. And now, Chaos was alive, and probably hunting him down, to use him as a host. "Socks! We really need you right now!" Blaza said from the door. Then he got whipped away by a tentacle. "Oh my God!" Ein yelled. Socks ran to the door, and saw Blaza was over by a tree, holding his chest. Jooice stood up and went to Socks at the door. "Jooice, you can't." Socks said. "Look, I want him dead as much as you do, so just let me help." Jooice argued. "Yes, but what if he is hunting you down? Then what happens?" Socks asked. "Then we go on from there." Jooice said. His hands suddenly sparked with electricity. His head was still heavy, but he ignored it. "I am not going to sit here and watch you guys fight and get hurt." Jooice said. Socks sighed. "Okay, but be careful please." Socks said. "I can't make a promise." Jooice said. He ran outside, and he shot his hand out. The sky roared with thunder, and a lightning bolt struck down on Chaos. He shrieked with pain. When he saw Jooice, a low chuckle came from him. "Well, well, well. Jooice! It's been quite some time." Everyone froze. "What do you want?! We just want to live our lives, and you are really not helping it!" Jooice yelled. "Well, I am Chaos. And I really just want to show the world what real chaos is. They think they cause chaos? I'll show them!" Then before they could react, a tentacle, one that had dark purple on the end, the Madrine, hit Jooice right in the chest. "NO!" Socks cried. He tried to run toward him, but another tentacle swiped him away. Jooice shivered. The darkness poured inside of him. He wanted to run. Run away from this feeling. But he was stuck. Socks tried to get over to him again, but the tentacle grabbed him and wrapped him around a tree. He tried to break free from it, but the tentacle just got tighter. Jooice felt tired. He wanted to sleep. "Jooice, you have to fight!" Laff yelled. That made him snap. He couldn't let Chaos hurt his friends. Lighting filled the sky, and Jooice looked Chaos dead in the eye. "I am done with this." he said. He grabbed the tentacle, and lightning poured from the sky, and hit both Jooice and Chaos. He shrieked with pain, and pulled the tentacle out of Jooice. The darkness stopped flowing into him, and Jooice still sent lighting straight at Chaos. Chaos shrieked one last time, then he dived into the ground, leaving a hole in the ground. Jooice stopped sending lightning. He then felt the darkness in him try to take over. "No, no, no." he whispered. "JOOICE!" Socks yelled, running over to him as fast as he could. "Jooice, it's going to be okay." Socks said hurriedly. "Yeah, it''s fine." Jooice stammered. Socks helped him up. They started heading for the building. They were almost at the door when Jooice cried out in pain. "Jooice, what's happening?" Socks asked. Jooice couldn't answer. He's head felt split in two, him and Chaos. He staggered, holding his head. "Jooice!" Socks said, but now it sounded distant. He felt himself being torn. He didn't know if he was screaming or not. Then, he passed out. "Oh God, Jooice." Socks said. He knew Chaos was back, and now back in Jooice. "No, not again." he whispered, tears slowly falling down his face. They all knew one thing. Chaos was back, and he was ready to kill them.

YALL KILL ME LATER BUT YES CHAOS IS STILL F*CKING ALIVE. Comment down below what you think. ANd in this book, i. made. them. suffer. IDK WHY MY LIFE IS F*CKED UP.

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